Scheiss Huren Dreckssäue der deutschsprachigen Huren-Drecksmedien.

20. August 2024

Die Pres­se, wer sonst…

Die rus­si­sche Armee schickt bewusst jun­ge Wehr­dienst­leis­ten­de ins Kampf­ge­biet bei Kursk. Die­se sei­en „ver­pflich­tet, das Vater­land zu ver­tei­di­gen“, heißt es im Ver­tei­di­gungs­mi­nis­te­ri­um. Müt­ter der Rekru­ten schla­gen Alarm.

src: click

Com­pa­re and con­trast to:

CNN: Die Ukrai­ner haben Grund­wehr­die­ner angegriffen:

Putin pro­mi­sed poor­ly trai­ned con­scripts wouldn’t be sent to war. Now the front line has come to them


Messages shared in Rus­si­an Tele­gram chan­nels and other social media over the past few days have reve­a­led how unpre­pa­red Moscow was for this kind of attack, inclu­ding the fact that its mili­ta­ry had left poor­ly trai­ned con­scripts in char­ge of defen­ding the bor­der with Ukrai­ne – the coun­try Rus­sia has been waging war on for more than 10 years.

When the bor­der was atta­cked at 3 a.m. by tanks, the­re were only con­scripts defen­ding them­sel­ves,” said one such mes­sa­ge shared on Tele­gram by a woman who said she was a mother of a con­script sol­dier in Kursk, the bor­der regi­on that Ukrai­ni­an tro­ops cros­sed into last week.

They didn’t see a sin­gle sol­dier, not a sin­gle con­tract sol­dier — they didn’t see anyo­ne at all. My son cal­led later and said, ‘Mom, we’re in shock;,” the woman, iden­ti­fied only as Olga, said.

CNN has asked Russia’s defen­se minis­try for com­ment, but has not recei­ved an answer.

The deploy­ment of con­scripts is a thor­ny issue in Russia.

src: click

Washing­ton Post: Die Ukrai­ne hat Grund­wehr­die­ner angegriffen.

Most, though, have been sta­tio­ned along Russia’s expan­si­ve Wes­tern bor­der to patch up per­son­nel shor­ta­ges and with the expec­ta­ti­on they would never face an attack. Insi­de Ukrai­ne, Rus­sia has reli­ed on a hapha­zard for­ce made up of con­victs, mer­ce­n­a­ries, mobi­li­zed and con­tract sol­di­ers to bear the brunt of the war, with the sta­te con­ti­nuous­ly incre­a­sing their salaries.

But when Ukrai­ne laun­ched a sur­pri­se incur­si­on into Kursk last week, the­se young, untrai­ned con­scripts from cities, towns and vil­la­ges across Rus­sia found them­sel­ves on the new front line — and unpre­pa­red to defend it. The men in the Ukrai­ni­an pri­son came from as far away as the nor­thwes­tern port city of St. Peters­burg and a rural vil­la­ge in Pen­za, sou­the­ast of Moscow.

We did not want to fight in any way,” said Niko­lai, 22, who is from the city of Chelya­binsk, some 1,200 miles east of Moscow. “We were pro­mi­sed that we would not take part in hos­ti­li­ties at all. But some­thing went wrong.”


Niko­lai and fel­low pri­so­ner Ser­gey, 19, said Ukrai­ne atta­cked their mili­ta­ry head­quar­ters on Aug. 6 and their com­man­ders left without giving inst­ruc­tions on what to do next. Fea­ring they would be kil­led if they stay­ed, the young men wal­ked for three days through forests and swamps and “slept on the cold ground,” Niko­lai said. While sear­ching for safe­ty, they came across a group of vehi­cles deco­ra­ted with tri­an­gles — a sym­bol Ukrai­ne has pain­ted or taped on all its vehi­cles cros­sing into Rus­sia in recent days. “I was try­ing to remem­ber whe­ther the tri­ang­le was our iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on sign or not,” Niko­lai said. Soon they were surrounded.

Ukrai­ni­an sol­di­ers grab­bed them by the scruff of the neck, he said, che­cked them for wea­pons and then gave them food, water and ciga­ret­tes. “They came, chat­ted, told their sto­ries, lis­tened to ours,” he said. Then they tied their hands and cove­r­ed their eyes and sent them over the bor­der into Ukraine.

Kirill, 20, who was wea­ring a Star Wars T-shirt, said his radio was swit­ched off when the Ukrai­ni­an incur­si­on began and he mis­sed messages cal­ling for tro­ops to evacua­te. He hid at his trench posi­ti­on but was soon sur­roun­ded by Ukrai­ni­an forces.

At first, I was sca­red, I was very much sur­pri­sed. Then they told me, ‘Sur­ren­der and you will live,’” he recal­led. He sur­ren­de­red immedia­te­ly, and they tied his hands and cove­r­ed his eyes, then put him in an armo­red vehi­cle and dro­ve away. When they stop­ped dri­ving, a Ukrai­ni­an sol­dier offe­red to let him call his mom, who works at a gro­ce­ry store in Rus­sia, he said.

src: click

Media­zo­na: Die Ukrai­ne hat Grund­wehr­die­ner angegriffen:

Rus­si­an con­scripts are guar­ding the bor­der in the Kursk regi­on and other lesser-known sec­tors of the Russian-Ukrainian bor­der. When Ukrai­ni­an for­ces laun­ched an offen­si­ve, the­se young draf­tees sud­den­ly found them­sel­ves in the heat of battle.

src: click


Vla­di­mir Putin claims con­scripts aren’t figh­t­ing in the war, but they go mis­sing in Kursk regi­on in dro­ves. Media­zo­na inter­views their relatives

src: click

Aber eben, Die Presse:

Putin schickt Rekru­ten als Nach­schub in den Krieg in Kursk! Das Minis­te­ri­um sagt, das sei ok. Der ver­heizt die! Ups, ja - und den Teil, dass die Ukrai­ner die ange­grif­fen haben, als sie glor­reich ihre Moral geboos­tet haben haben wir in den Öster­rei­chi­schen Medi­en sich­her­heits­hal­ber gleich weggelassen?

Die rus­si­sche Armee schickt bewusst jun­ge Wehr­dienst­leis­ten­de ins Kampf­ge­biet bei Kursk. Die­se sei­en „ver­pflich­tet, das Vater­land zu ver­tei­di­gen“, heißt es im Ver­tei­di­gungs­mi­nis­te­ri­um. Müt­ter der Rekru­ten schla­gen Alarm.

src: click

Quel­le? Dei­ne Mut­ter? Ver­linkt ist kei­ne. Was nicht bedeu­tet, dass es nicht auch pas­siert ist -- aber ich fin­de weder Regi­ments­be­zeich­ng­nun­gen, noch einen Report, der besagt, dass der Nach­schub (der spät ein­ge­trof­fen ist) eben­falls aus Grund­wehr­die­nern bestand nur wage assert­ments, die US Diens­te wür­den das promoten.

Und man weiss ja, wenn DIE US DIENSTE mal wie­der die Ukrai­ne sau­ber schrei­ben, dann ist dar­an alles Sauber.

Also wenn die PR bis jetzt nicht EINEN Rekru­ten inter­viewt hat der erst als Nach­schub, nach dem ukrai­ni­schen Angriff auf Russ­land in die Regi­on geschickt wur­de, dann hakts wohl gewaltig.

SCHEISS VERFICKTE DRECKSPRESSE (öster­rei­chi­sches Qualitätszeitungsformat).


edit: Quel­le gefun­den auf die sich bezieht:

Par­ents told about the forth­co­m­ing trans­fer of con­scripts to Kursk regi­on immedia­te­ly after their oath of office

The con­scripts of the 80th Moto­ri­sed Rif­le Divi­si­on, who took the oath on 3 August, are being pre­pa­red for trans­fer from the Mur­mansk Regi­on to the Kursk Regi­on, whe­re hos­ti­li­ties have been going on sin­ce 6 August. Their rela­ti­ves began to spread appeals in social net­works deman­ding not to send their child­ren to the bor­der. Several mothers of con­scripts infor­med ‘Agen­cy’ about it at once.

Details. Par­ents publish posts in their accounts deman­ding not to send their child­ren to Kursk regi­on. They report that con­scripts got to the ser­vice only on 6-7 July, on 3 August they took the oath - then they were infor­med about the dis­patch. ‘Now in the mili­ta­ry unit is pre­pa­ring con­scripts to go on a trip to the Kursk regi­on. Kursk bat­tali­ons have been crea­ted. This infor­ma­ti­on was con­fir­med to us by the com­mand at the swearing-in on 3 August. The­re are hos­ti­li­ties in Kursk regi­on and the­re is a thre­at to the lives of our sons. The com­mand does not adhe­re to Vla­di­mir Putin’s state­ment of 13 June 2023 - not to send con­script sol­di­ers to the com­bat zone,’ the mes­sa­ge reads.

▪️‘Agen­cy’ con­ta­c­ted two mothers of con­scripts who con­fir­med the rele­van­ce of this infor­ma­ti­on. One of them told ‘Agen­cy’ that she was at her son’s swearing-in on 3 August, when it beca­me known that they had been sent to Kursk regi­on. Jud­ging by her page in social net­works, her son ended up in the army right after school.

▪️Другая mum told ‘Agen­cy’ that rela­ti­ves of con­scripts have alrea­dy united in one chat room to pre­vent them from being sent to Kursk regi­on - it has several dozen mem­bers and is con­stant­ly gro­wing. ‘We are all worried that child­ren are going to be sent to Kursk,’ she said.

▪️Издание ‘Bewa­re the News’ notes that the par­ents have also crea­ted a peti­ti­on to the pre­si­dent and writ­ten a state­ment to the mili­ta­ry prosecutor’s office.

▪️‘The Agen­cy’ was con­fir­med the fact of par­ents’ appeal and in one of the orga­ni­sa­ti­ons dealing with legal assi­s­tance to Rus­si­an sol­di­ers (for secu­ri­ty rea­sons “The Agen­cy” does not name the inter­lo­cu­tor). Accord­ing to the organisation’s infor­ma­ti­on, con­scripts ‘from dif­fe­rent regi­ons’ are being pre­pa­red to be sent to the Kursk region.

Context.Conscripts have been at the bor­der in Kursk regi­on sin­ce the begin­ning of the Ukrai­ni­an offensive.‘Now in the mili­ta­ry unit is pre­pa­ring con­scripts to go on a trip to the Kursk region.

▪️Несмотря the offen­si­ve, Rus­si­an aut­ho­ri­ties did not trans­fer the con­scripts remai­ning in the regi­on to the rear, decla­ring them a com­bat unit, several mothers told ‘Agen­cy’.

Trans­la­ted with (free version)

src: click
via: click

Kei­ner von denen ist bis jetzt noch dort, kei­ner von denen wur­de bis jetzt von den Ukrai­nern fest­ge­nom­men, aber über die die seit Beginn dort waren, und die die Ukrai­ne ange­grif­fen hat, über die muss man ja als nicht berich­ten. Die deutsch­spra­chi­ge Medi­en­land­schaft ist soet­was von das gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte…

edit: Ver­fick­te, ver­wichs­te Drecksschweine.

Das Twit­ter pos­ting ver­linkt auf ein Tele­gramm­pos­ting, das bezieht sich auf ein Pos­ting eines Eltern­teils das nur als Bild ver­linkt wird.

Hab den Inhalt mal OCRed und von über­set­zen lassen:



We are par­ents and wives of con­scripts ser­ving in 80 Moto­ri­sed Rif­le Divi­si­on (infan­try), mili­ta­ry unit 34 667.

- н

Our child­ren have been in the unit sin­ce 6-7 July 2024.

Now the mili­ta­ry unit is pre­pa­ring con­scripts for a trip to the Kursk regi­on Kursk bat­tali­ons have been crea­ted. This infor­ma­ti­on was con­fir­med to us by the com­mand at the swearing-in on 03 August 2024g To talk to the hig­her com­mand of the unit was not pos­si­ble, they refu­se to com­mu­ni­ca­te with par­ents. Pho­nes are hid­den and par­ents are not given.

In order to send ser­vice­men per­forming mili­ta­ry ser­vice under con­scrip­ti­on (inclu­ding as part of a mili­ta­ry unit) to ful­fil tasks in armed con­flicts (to par­ti­ci­pa­te in com­bat ope­ra­ti­ons), several con­di­ti­ons must be met, which are spe­ci­fied in Arti­cle 2 of the Regu­la­ti­ons on the Pro­ce­du­re of Mili­ta­ry Service:

- com­ple­ti­on of their mili­ta­ry ser­vice for at least four months

- after trai­ning in mili­ta­ry specialities.

None of the con­di­ti­ons are ful­fil­led by the com­mand of mili­ta­ry unit 34667-n Con­scripts will be sent in August-September 2024t, which is less than four months

And this mili­ta­ry unit is not a trai­ning unit, so con­scripts can­not get a mili­ta­ry spe­cia­li­ty in it.

In the Kursk regi­on the­re are hos­ti­li­ties and the­re is a thre­at to the lives of our sons The com­mand does not adhe­re to the state­ment of V. Putin from 13 06.2023 - not to send con­script sol­di­ers to the com­bat zone.

We ask not to allow sen­ding our child­ren to the Kursk regi­on The­se are not bor­der guards, the­se are infan­try They should not be on the bor­der Espe­cial­ly not having ser­ved 4 mon­ths and not having recei­ved a mili­ta­ry speciality.

src: click

OH, dass die nach Kurk gehen, wur­de den Eltern und Rus­si­an inde­pen­dent media out­let Agenstvo(re-launched Proekt) bei der Ange­lo­bungs­ze­re­mo­nie am 03. August mitgeteilt?


On 6 August 2024, during the ongo­ing Russo-Ukrainian War, the Ukrai­ni­an Armed For­ces laun­ched an incur­si­on into Russia’s Kursk Oblast and clas­hed with the Rus­si­an Armed For­ces and Rus­si­an bor­der guard.[34][35][36] [AND A FUCKING SHITTON OF CONSCRIPTS!]

src: click

Klar dreht das jetzt so hin als ob Russ­land die jetzt als Ver­stär­kung an die Front schi­cken würde!

Nein, die wur­den in den Regio­nen sta­tio­niert in denen Russ­land garan­tiert nie­mals ange­grif­fen hät­te. Aber die Ukrai­ner hat ein­fach Grund­wehr­die­ner sehr ger­ne ein­kas­siert. Und ist des­we­gen mit Lie­be und Freu­de und zur Stär­kung der Ukrai­ni­schen Moral in Russ­land einmarschiert.

Das blen­den wir aus, und aus ner Mel­dung dass die noch am 03. August nach Kursk soll­ten machen wir “Putin schickt Rekrui­ten an die Front gegen die Ukraine!”.

Das ist deutsch­spra­chi­ger Jour­na­lis­mus. HURENWICHSER.


Ein herz­li­ches FUCK YOU auch an die US Diens­te die das jetzt anders hindrehen.

Die Quel­le auf die sich bezieht wür­de von mir über eine Goog­le­su­che nach den Begrif­fen Mut­ter von Grund­wehr­die­ner in Mur­mansk aus­fin­dig gemacht. Ist ja nicht so als ob die ver­fick­te scheiss ver­hur­te ihre Quel­len ver­lin­ken würde.

Das braucht sie ja nicht - auch wenn sie wie heu­te dadurch lügt, dass wie­der NIEMAND, auch nur nen FUCKING DRECK, nach­re­cher­hiert hät­te. Brau­chen wir ja nicht. hat ja in Öster­reich die Deutungshohheit!

Hinterlasse eine Antwort