Selenskyj bullshitting Bessent, Vance and Rubio

21. Februar 2025

via Axi­os:

What they’­re say­ing: “Scott Bes­sent actual­ly went the­re and was trea­ted rather rude­ly becau­se essen­ti­al­ly they told him ’no,’ ” Trump told repor­ters on Wed­nes­day. “He came back empty. They would­n’t sign the document.”

- Several days later, when Zelen­sky met Vice Pre­si­dent Van­ce and Secreta­ry of Sta­te Mar­co Rubio in Munich, they pre­sen­ted him with a less bin­ding draft memo­ran­dum of under­stan­ding about the mining of mine­rals, a Ukrai­ni­an offi­cial said.
- Zelen­sky told Van­ce and Rubio he could­n’t sign becau­se such an agree­ment must be appro­ved by par­lia­ment, per the Ukrai­ni­an constitution.
- “That was news to us that Zelensky’s team never told us befo­re that mee­ting,” a Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­on offi­cial said. “It did­n’t seem like it was in good faith.”
- The White House and Zelensky’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

src: click


A few Moments later:

Sta­te of play: Trump said on Wed­nes­day night that he was try­ing to “resur­rect” the mine­rals deal.

- A Ukrai­ni­an offi­cial, a U.S. offi­cial and two sources with know­ledge told Axi­os that in recent days nego­tia­ti­ons con­ti­nued, with the U.S. pre­sen­ting Ukrai­ne with an updated ver­si­on that addres­sed some of Zelensky’s concerns.
- Ano­t­her source said some arti­cles that had con­cer­ned the Ukrai­ni­ans — inclu­ding that the deal was under the juris­dic­tion of the New York court — were removed.

The latest: Zelen­sky met on Thurs­day in Kyiv with U.S. envoy Keith Kel­logg and dis­cus­sed the mine­rals agree­ment, the battle­field situa­ti­on, the return of pri­so­ners of war and secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees for Ukrai­ne as part of a future peace agree­ment.

- After the mee­ting, Zelen­sky issued a state­ment thanking the U.S. for its assi­s­tance and bipar­ti­san support.
- “Ukrai­ne is rea­dy for a strong, effec­ti­ve invest­ment and secu­ri­ty agree­ment with the Pre­si­dent of the United Sta­tes. We have pro­po­sed the fas­test and most con­struc­ti­ve way to achie­ve results. Our team is rea­dy to work 24/7,” he said.
- Waltz clai­med Kel­logg had hel­ped Zelen­sky rea­li­ze the war nee­ded to end.

Gut, sowas braucht man in deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en nie zu berich­ten. Schla­gen sie sich ein­fach die Idee aus dem Kopf.

Wenn sie das in deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en berich­ten, hat sich das gefäl­ligst so anzu­hö­ren:

Ukrai­ne kurz vorm End­sieg, Bewe­gung in den Verhandlungen!”

edit: Dan­ke an Eric Gujer - fürs Stel­lung beziehen

Bildschirmfoto 2025 02 21 um 09 19 55
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