Selenskyjs Friedensformel

19. Dezember 2022

War­um in den Medi­en berich­ten? Selen­skyj wünscht sich in der FIFA Anspra­che zu ders lei­der nicht gekom­men ist eine Frie­dens­for­mel Konferenz!

Kei­ne Friedenskonferenz!

War­um berich­tet kein Medi­um was das bedeutet?

War­um berich­ten alle er wün­sche sich eine Friedenskonferenz?

Was ist die­se Friedensformel?

Selen­skyj spe­zi­fi­ziert sie bei der Gene­ral Deba­te of the 77th ses­si­on of the UN Gene­ral Assembly.

I am spea­king on behalf of the sta­te, which is for­ced to defend its­elf, but has the for­mu­la for peace. I am spea­king to ever­yo­ne who wants to hear how to achie­ve peace. 

I will pre­sent a for­mu­la that can work not only for us, but for anyo­ne who may find them­sel­ves in simi­lar cir­cum­s­tan­ces as we did. It is a for­mu­la that punis­hes crime, pro­tects life, res­to­res secu­ri­ty and ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty, gua­ran­tees secu­ri­ty, and pro­vi­des determination. 

The­re are five pre­con­di­ti­ons for peace.


But Rus­sia – ins­tead of stop­ping the crime of aggres­si­on, which it star­ted back in 2014 – tur­ned it into a full-scale inva­si­on. And we have no choice but to defend our­sel­ves. We do it. We push the aggres­sor bey­ond the inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed bor­der of the Ukrai­ni­an state.

And this is the first item of our peace for­mu­la. Com­pre­hen­si­ve item. Punishment. 

Punish­ment for the crime of aggres­si­on. Punish­ment for vio­la­ti­on of bor­ders and ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty. Punish­ment that must be in place until the inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed bor­der is res­to­red. Until the aggres­si­on stops. And until the dama­ges and los­ses for the war are ful­ly compensated.

The­re­fo­re, sanc­tions against the aggres­sor are part of the peace for­mu­la. Blo­cking the tra­de and rela­ti­ons with the aggres­sor is part of the peace for­mu­la. All this is a punishment.

So long as the aggres­sor is a par­ty to decision-making in the inter­na­tio­nal orga­niz­a­ti­ons, he must be iso­la­ted from them – at least until aggres­si­on lasts. Reject the right to vote. Depri­ve dele­ga­ti­on rights. Remo­ve the right of veto – if it is a Mem­ber of the UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil. In order to punish the aggres­sor wit­hin the institutions.

We should not turn a blind eye to pro­pa­gan­dists who jus­ti­fy aggres­si­on, but app­ly a full packa­ge of per­so­nal restric­tions against them. That is a punish­ment for lying.

Citi­zens of the aggres­sor sta­te should not be allo­wed to enjoy tou­rism or shop­ping in the ter­ri­to­ry of tho­se who value peace, but should be encou­ra­ged through visa restric­tions to fight against the aggres­si­on of their own sta­te. Punish for abet­ting the evil.

A Spe­cial Tri­bu­nal should be crea­ted to punish Rus­sia for the crime of aggres­si­on against our sta­te. This will beco­me signal to all “would-be” aggres­sors, that they must value peace or be brought to respon­si­bi­li­ty by the world.

We have pre­pa­red pre­cise steps to estab­lish such Tri­bu­nal. They will be pre­sen­ted to all states.

Ukrai­ne will appeal to the UN Gene­ral Assem­bly to sup­port an inter­na­tio­nal com­pen­sa­ti­on mechanism. 

We count on your support. 

Rus­sia should pay for this war with its assets. It is also a punish­ment. This is one of the most ter­ri­ble punish­ments for Rus­si­an offi­cials, who value money abo­ve ever­ything else.

The second item of the peace for­mu­la is the pro­tec­tion of life. The most con­cre­te item.

Now, while the ses­si­ons of the Gene­ral Assem­bly con­ti­nue, in the Ukrai­ni­an town of Izyum, Khar­kiv regi­on, the exhu­ma­ti­on is under way… of bodies from a mass buri­al, which hap­pen­ed when the ter­ri­to­ry was con­trol­led by Rus­si­an tro­ops. The bodies of women and men, child­ren and adults, civi­li­ans and sol­di­ers were found the­re. 445 graves. 

The­re is a fami­ly that died under the rub­ble of a house after a Rus­si­an airstrike – father, mother, 6- and 8-year-old girls, grand­par­ents. The­re is a man who was stran­gled with a rope. The­re is a woman with bro­ken ribs and wounds on her body. The­re is a man who was cas­tra­ted befo­re the mur­der, and this is not the first case.

Ask, plea­se, the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Rus­sia why the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry are so obses­sed with cas­tra­ti­on. What was done to them so that they want to do this to others?

The only thing that dif­fers the mass buri­al in Izyum from what the world saw in Bucha is, in fact, the buri­al. The Rus­si­an army was in Izyum for a lon­ger time, and the­re­fo­re the bodies of the kil­led peop­le were buried, and not scat­te­red on the streets.

So, how can we allow the Rus­si­an army some­whe­re on Ukrai­ni­an soil, knowing that they are com­mit­ting such mass mur­ders ever­y­whe­re? We cannot.

We must pro­tect life. The world must pro­tect life. Every sta­te suf­fe­ring the armed aggres­si­on needs the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­tect its citi­zens and libe­ra­te its territory.

If it requi­res help with wea­pons or shells – they should be pro­vi­ded. If you need finan­cial help for this, it should be given. If for this, it is necessa­ry to help with the intel­li­gence data – just do it. But what is not nee­ded is lies.

We can return the Ukrai­ni­an flag to our ent­i­re ter­ri­to­ry. We can do it with the for­ce of arms. 

But we need time. 

We tried to speed it up. We tried to imple­ment the basic pro­vi­si­ons of the UN Char­ter for Ukrai­ne through negotiations. 

But Rus­sia is afraid of real nego­tia­ti­ons and does not want to ful­fill any fair inter­na­tio­nal obli­ga­ti­ons. It lies to ever­yo­ne. As it is typi­cal for aggres­sors, for terrorists. 

Even now, when Rus­sia talks about nego­tia­ti­ons, it only wants to slow down its retre­at. Rus­sia wants to spend the win­ter on the occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ry of Ukrai­ne and pre­pa­re for­ces to attempt a new offen­si­ve. New Buchas, new Izyums… Or at least it wants to pre­pa­re for­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons on occu­p­ied land and car­ry out mili­ta­ry mobi­liz­a­ti­on at home.

We can­not agree to a delay­ed war. Becau­se it will be even hot­ter than the war now.

For us, this is a war for life. That is why we need defen­se sup­port – wea­pons, mili­ta­ry equip­ment and shells. Offen­si­ve wea­pons, a long-range one is enough to libe­ra­te our land, and defen­si­ve sys­tems, abo­ve all, air defen­se. And we need finan­cial sup­port – to keep inter­nal sta­bi­li­ty and ful­fill social obli­ga­ti­ons to our people. 

Phy­si­cal and social pro­tec­tion are two ele­ments of any nation’s life. So, the second item of our peace for­mu­la is the pro­tec­tion of life. By all avail­ab­le means – allo­wed by the UN Charter.

The third item of our peace for­mu­la is res­to­ring secu­ri­ty and ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity. 

Look at how many ele­ments of glo­bal secu­ri­ty Rus­sia has under­mi­ned with its war – mari­ti­me safe­ty, food safe­ty, radia­ti­on safe­ty, ener­gy safe­ty and safe­ty from wea­pons of mass destruction.

We are alrea­dy res­to­ring mari­ti­me safe­ty and food secu­ri­ty. And I thank Mr. Antó­nio Guter­res for his per­so­nal invol­ve­ment. Alge­ria, Ethio­pia, Egypt, Libya, Kenya, Soma­lia, Sudan, Tuni­sia, Ban­gla­desh, Isra­el, India, Iran, Yemen, Cyprus, Chi­na, Korea, Leba­non, Tür­ki­ye, Bel­gi­um, Bul­ga­ria, Greece, Ire­land, Spain, Ita­ly, Nether­lands, Ger­ma­ny, Roma­nia and Fran­ce have alrea­dy recei­ved Ukrai­ni­an agri­cul­tu­ral products. 

And we have to incre­a­se the sup­ply by sea. Both under mar­ket con­di­ti­ons and wit­hin the UN Food Pro­gram, for which Ukrai­ne is always a reli­able partner. 

By the way, des­pi­te all the dif­fi­cul­ties cau­sed by the war, we deci­ded to pro­vi­de huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid to Ethio­pia and Soma­lia, so we will send them an addi­tio­nal amount of our wheat.

But it is more dif­fi­cult with other secu­ri­ty elements. 

On the eve of the Gene­ral Assem­bly mee­ting, Rus­sia fired mis­si­les at the South Ukrai­ne Nuclear Power Plant. The explo­si­on hit the sta­ti­on buil­dings – win­dows were bro­ken, walls were dama­ged. The rockets explo­ded only three hund­red meters from the walls of the reactors! 

And this is after the IAEA’s clear appeal to Rus­sia to stop any hos­ti­le acti­vi­ty against any nuclear faci­li­ties of Ukrai­ne and, in par­ti­cu­lar, against the Zapo­rizhzhia Nuclear Power Sta­ti­on – the lar­gest one in Euro­pe, which Rus­sia has tur­ned into a target. 

And that makes all of you a target.

Rus­si­an radia­ti­on black­mai­ling is some­thing that should con­cern each and every one of you, becau­se none of you will find a vac­ci­ne against radia­ti­on sickness.

The cost of living cri­sis con­ti­nues in dozens of coun­tries, it roots in the desta­bi­liz­a­ti­on of the ener­gy mar­ket. It is necessa­ry to remo­ve the main fac­tor of glo­bal pri­ce tur­bu­lence, name­ly: Rus­si­an ener­gy blackmailing. 

It is necessa­ry to cap the pri­ces at which Rus­sia exports its ener­gy resour­ces. It is necessa­ry to make Rus­si­an oil and gas – just ordi­na­ry goods again. Cur­r­ent­ly, oil and gas are Russia’s ener­gy wea­pons. And that is why it mani­pu­la­tes the mar­kets so that electri­ci­ty, gas, petrol and die­sel beco­me the pri­vi­le­ge of few ins­tead of being a com­mon good avail­ab­le to all.

Limi­t­ing pri­ces is safe­guar­ding the world. This is the way to res­to­re ener­gy and pri­ce security. 

But will the world go for it? Or will it be sca­red? Will it be sca­red of Rus­si­an threats?

It is necessa­ry to take only one strong step, after which ever­ything will beco­me clear. The time has come for this.

This step will put ever­ything in place. After the Rus­si­an mis­si­le ter­ror. After the mas­sa­c­res. After Mariu­pol. After the bur­ning of Ukrai­ni­an pri­so­ners in Ole­ni­vka by the Rus­si­an mili­ta­ry. After blo­cking the ports. After the strikes of Rus­si­an tanks and mis­si­les on nuclear power plants. And after thre­ats to use nuclear wea­pons, which have beco­me the rule, not the excep­ti­on, for Rus­si­an propagandists…

We must final­ly reco­gni­ze Rus­sia as a sta­te spon­sor of ter­ro­rism. At all levels. In all coun­tries that con­fess the values of peace and pro­tec­tion of human life. Legal­ly. Politically. 

If you don’t have a legal mecha­nism, you can make a poli­ti­cal decisi­on – in the par­lia­ments. This is the foun­da­ti­on for res­to­ring glo­bal secu­ri­ty. If this strong step is taken, doubts will disap­pe­ar – whe­ther to take other important steps.

And what is very sen­si­ti­ve – is the bor­der, the ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity.

When one coun­try tri­es to ste­al the ter­ri­to­ry of ano­t­her sta­te, it puts all world nati­ons under attack. 

Glo­bal secu­ri­ty can­not be res­to­red without res­to­ring the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of the nati­on which suf­fe­red the armed aggression.

So, the third item of the Ukrai­ni­an peace for­mu­la is the res­to­ra­ti­on of secu­ri­ty and ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity.

The fourth item is secu­ri­ty guarantees.

Every nati­on has the right to secu­ri­ty gua­ran­tees. Not only the lar­gest nati­ons. Not only the most for­tu­n­a­te ones.

We have pro­po­sals to upgrade the secu­ri­ty archi­tec­tu­re for Ukrai­ne, and for Euro­pe and the world, which will not allow any more aggres­si­on against us. We are alrea­dy pre­sen­ting them to partners. 

Pro­po­sals for legal­ly bin­ding mul­ti­la­te­ral and bila­te­ral trea­ties. The­se are the con­di­ti­ons for the gua­ran­tors to act, and the time­li­ne for their actions to bring results – results on land, at sea and in the air; in diplo­ma­cy and poli­tics, in eco­no­my and finan­ce, in pro­vi­ding wea­pons and intel­li­gence. Each of you, who will recei­ve the text of our peace for­mu­la will also see the details of what we offer as secu­ri­ty guarantees.

I do not want to com­pa­re our offers with the gua­ran­tees of any alli­an­ces that exist on the pla­net now. I want to stress that it is always much bet­ter to gua­ran­tee the secu­ri­ty of a nati­on, pre­ven­tively, rather than to stop a war after it has alrea­dy begun.

And the fifth item of the Ukrai­ni­an peace for­mu­la is deter­mi­na­ti­on. Some­thing without which the other four items will not work.

This is our deter­mi­na­ti­on to fight. This is the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the part­ners to help us, and also them­sel­ves. And this is the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the world to unite around the one who fights against armed aggres­si­on and to call to order the one who threa­tens all.

So, all five items of our formula: 

punish­ment for aggression;
pro­tec­tion of life;
res­to­ra­ti­on of secu­ri­ty and ter­ri­to­ri­al integrity;
secu­ri­ty guarantees;
and deter­mi­na­ti­on to defend oneself.
This is the for­mu­la of crime and punish­ment, which is alrea­dy well known to Rus­sia. And this is the for­mu­la of jus­ti­ce and law and order that Rus­sia has yet to learn. As well as any other poten­ti­al aggressors.

What is not in our for­mu­la? Neutrality.

Tho­se who speak of neu­tra­li­ty, when human values and peace are under attack, mean some­thing else. They talk about indif­fe­rence – ever­yo­ne for them­sel­ves. Here’s what they say. They pre­tend to be inte­res­ted in each other’s pro­blems. They take care of each other for­mal­ly. They sym­pa­thi­ze only for pro­to­col. And that is why they pre­tend to pro­tect someo­ne, but in rea­li­ty they pro­tect only their ves­ted inte­rests. This is what crea­tes the con­di­ti­ons for war. This is what needs to be cor­rec­ted in order to crea­te con­di­ti­ons for peace.

All you need is determination.

Oh es geht noch weiter!

The­re was a lot of tal­king about reforming the UN. How did it all end? No result.

If you look care­ful­ly at our peace for­mu­la, you will see that its imple­men­ta­ti­on is alrea­dy beco­m­ing a de-facto reform of the United Nati­ons. Our for­mu­la is uni­ver­sal, and unites the North and the South of the world. It calls for the world’s majo­ri­ty, and encou­ra­ges to expand the repre­sen­ta­ti­on of tho­se who remai­ned unheard. 

This is an imba­lan­ce when Afri­ca, Latin Ame­ri­ca, most of Asia, Cen­tral and Eas­tern Euro­pe com­ply with the right of veto, that they them­sel­ves never had.

And this is what Ukrai­ne is tal­king about. And have you ever heard such words from Rus­sia? But it is a per­ma­nent mem­ber of the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil. For some rea­son. For what rea­son, not Japan or Bra­zil, not Tür­ki­ye or India, not Ger­ma­ny or Ukrai­ne. The day will come when this will be resolved.

As for the talks bet­ween Ukrai­ne and Russia. 

Pro­bab­ly you have hap­pen­ed to hear dif­fe­rent words from Rus­sia about the talks – as if they were rea­dy for them. But. They talk about the talks but announ­ce mili­ta­ry mobi­liz­a­ti­on. They talk about the talks but announ­ce pseu­do refe­ren­dums in the occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries of Ukraine.

What is true then? The mili­ta­ry mobi­liz­a­ti­on in Rus­sia is true. Sham refe­ren­dums are also true. Rus­sia wants war. It’s true. But Rus­sia will not be able to stop the cour­se of histo­ry. Man­kind and the inter­na­tio­nal law are stron­ger than one ter­ro­rist sta­te. Rus­sia will be for­ced to end this war. The war it has started.

I rule out that the sett­le­ment can hap­pen on a dif­fe­rent basis than the Ukrai­ni­an peace for­mu­la. The fur­ther the Rus­si­an ter­ror reaches, the less likely it is that anyo­ne in the world will agree to sit at one table with them.

src: click


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