So the SOHO forum is partisan

09. Februar 2025

I com­pel you to never read Scho­pen­hau­ers “Die Kunst Recht zu behal­ten”, becau­se after you do, you will hence­forth fol­low argu­ments, deco­n­struc­ting pure­ly emo­tio­nal enga­ge­ment fluff lines for the audi­ence into what they are, ins­tead of let­ting them beco­me the most hard hit­ting applau­se lines for that audi­ence, each and every time.

You’ll see the direct impact, and the “argu­men­ta­ti­ve value” of tho­se in deba­tes so often, you’ll sim­py beco­me outra­ged, over how well they work.

As in - put “Rea­son” and “Logic” on your deba­te socie­ties ban­ner -- then see an audi­ence fill your events, that will eat every emo­tio­nal gam­bit thats in the book, hook­li­ne and sinker.

So if you see that hap­pe­ning in moti­on, the cor­rect thing to do is not to attack the per­son that is liter­al­ly fin­ger­pup­pe­ting the audi­ence into an emo­tio­nal release ad homi­nem, becau­se the audi­ence enjoys that just too much - to be told at that moment that that is whats hap­pe­ning, it is to do what Scott Hor­ton does here:

Of cour­se then you’ll still be fucked over by the orga­ni­zers of the events nar­ra­ti­ve struc­tu­re, on who gets the last argu­ment, and a “mode­ra­tor” that dis­tinct­ly embedds in his hour long ques­ti­ons that the Mon­roe doc­tri­ne in the US would be basi­cal­ly a thing of the past.

Now to the lies of the pro government debater:

- You dont count on “we are at war” spee­ches fil­led to the brim with pro­pa­gan­da tar­ge­ting domesti­cal­ly as your most important his­to­ri­cal mar­vels of your main argu­ments. Thank you. (“But Bush said, he inva­ded Irak for God!”)
- You dont know how Putin thinks.
- Your “impe­ria­listic take­over of Ukrai­ne” was plan­ned with 200.000 sol­de­res, as a Shock and awe stra­te­gy, with a con­tin­gen­cy plan to cap­tu­re and hold the east. Till this day you have no fuck­ing gene­ral mobi­liz­a­ti­on in russia
- This coup in Ukrai­ne coin­ci­dent­al­ly was orga­ni­zed by CIA enab­lers USAID, and the Natio­nal endow­ment for demo­cra­cy - even though you tried to wea­sel your way to an argu­ment, by arguing that other oran­ge revo­lu­ti­ons werent.
- Selen­skyj and his 60IQ pos­se of “coun­try mana­gers” are no fuck­ing Vaclav Havel or Lech Wałę­sa. They are the pro­duct of this initiative:
- Rus­si­as attempts at “proac­tively mana­ging its bor­ders” befo­re a MASSIVE demo­gra­phic con­trac­tion, was seen as that in all of Euro­pean media with rus­si­an mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­ons in 

- Dage­stan,
- Chechnya,
- Georgia
- and Belarus, 

its just, that when Cri­mea was cap­tu­red - WHICH COINCIDENTALY HELD A HARBOR THAT RUSSIA REQUIRED TO USE FOR (see: Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne ) 40% OF ITS EXPORTS, AND ALL ITS POWER PROJECTION INTO THE BLACK SEA, THE MEDITERRANEAN, AND ALL OF AFRICA - under the noses of the ONE coun­try, that was in that “cover war of the US” (see deba­te, to get a source for the quo­te) alrea­dy, while get­ting its revo­lu­ti­on payed for by the “Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy”, that sud­den­ly, this was “read” as IMPERIALISTIC and NEOCOLONIAL, and a thre­at for the coun­tries of the bal­kan, the bal­tics, poland, and why not - then EU -- becau­se no gene­ral mili­ta­ry mobi­liz­a­ti­on, and 200.000 sol­di­ers in Ukrai­ne, was just too much of a thre­at for the EU not to cry out “rus­si­an Hit­ler” I guess. So of cour­se euro­pe had to do, what euro­pe had to do, becau­se Rus­sia couldnt esca­la­te, and then Rus­sia esca­la­ted, and laun­ched vol­un­ta­ry recruit­ment dri­ves, so tho­se 200.000 beca­me 700.000. But that would be gre­at, you told each oder - becau­se it would ruin rus­si­as eco­no­my fas­ter - so it real­ly could dis­in­te­gra­te, which never was the goal of the US, as it turns out. Tough luck? Not to a moron like you.
- No the US did not do oh so MUCH to help rus­sia in the 90s, like a fuck­ing “IMF credit”, to enlar­ge depen­den­cy on the US, in fact -- the record of the US con­gres­sio­nal mee­ting whe­re the decisi­on Jef­frey Sachs was on the recei­ving end on shows that they “wan­ted to do the least pos­si­ble to help rus­sia - so the Gor­bat­schow government wouldnt col­lap­se” - and thats on fuck­ing record - which it then sub­se­quent­ly did (col­lap­se), which the US found just gre­at, becau­se they could final­ly nego­tia­te with someo­ne they always wan­ted in that posi­ti­on ins­tead of Gor­bat­schow, a FUCKING DRUNKARD.
- No, Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin - isnt an argu­ment. Its just repea­ting the pro­pa­gan­da line, so your audi­ence starts to recollect it from memo­ry, and ther­eby, by the fuck­ing pro­cess of repeat recollec­tion starts belie­ving it. I mean, the idi­ot peo­p­les syn­ap­ses fire fas­ter after five acti­va­tions, so it must be true! Right idi­ot peop­le? (The more cor­rect equi­va­lent would always read: “The ent­i­re rus­si­an poli­ti­cal eli­te, the ent­i­re rus­si­an poli­ti­cal eli­te, the ent­i­re rus­si­an poli­ti­cal eli­te, the ent­i­re rus­si­an poli­ti­cal eli­te.” But I have to admit “Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin” is catchier.)

Fickt euch ihr fuck­ing Schweine.

Also fuck Nuland, fuck McCain, and fuck ame­ri­can demo­cra­cy right now.

But also fuck the embed­ded government shills that put for­ward pure­ly emo­tio­nal­ly acting arguing at intel­lec­tu­al events like the SoHo forum. Take your fuck­ing 40k sala­ries and fuck your­sel­ves. Mode­ra­tor (alt­hough che­a­per) included.

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