So Trump switched sides

05. Dezember 2024

If Kurt Vol­ker is in the know, I’m about 75% sure.

The fuck­ing smirks at the end of the inter­view are just too much.

Essen­ti­al­ly the US government wants to fuck Rus­sia, and lie to wes­tern popu­la­ti­ons a bit more.

Ukrai­ne will be “pres­su­red” to agree to peace nego­tia­ti­ons, but actual­ly they dont have to be pres­su­red (Kurt Vol­ker cor­rect­ly men­ti­ons), becau­se the US will inclu­de Ukrai­nes maxi­ma­list goal in their demands.

Name­ly their FAKE “we are always open to nego­tia­ti­ons” posi­ti­on from 2022 is back. Whe­re the Ukrai­ne agrees, that it doesnt have to get Cri­mea back mili­ta­ri­ly, but it will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be han­ded back to them (admi­nis­tra­ti­on of Cri­mea will be) in 20 years time.

Thats the Putin can die in peace, and then rus­sia goes to hell (loo­ses the har­bor it has 40% of its exports run through, an the stra­te­gic asset Putin went to war over.) offer that lea­ves ever­yo­ne in Kiew and Washing­ton in ecsta­sy over how very cle­ver they were. And after 20 years, kills rus­sia eco­no­mi­c­al­ly. (No “colo­nies” in afri­ca any­mo­re. Rus­si­an power pro­jec­tion bro­ken in to the black sea and the medi­ter­ra­ne­an. As soon as Ukrai­ne joins Nato, and gets Cri­mea back.)

Which is what the US aimed for from day one.

Which is what Selen­skyj framed “a just peace”.

By now half of wes­tern media is put­ting up the lie, that Selen­sky­js posi­ti­on has chan­ged, which it hasnt.

It was always - nego­tia­ti­ons can be pos­si­ble at an ear­lier point, and then “I will sit down with Putin and tell him how we will get cri­mea back in 20 years -- through me very, very cle­ver politics”.

Here are two instan­ces of Ukrai­ne hol­ding that posi­ti­on in 2022:

29th of June 2022:

20th of March 2022:

Selen­skyj erklärt noch mal was er unter Frie­dens­ver­hand­lun­gen versteht

edit: Future me: Here is a bonus third (with a Fran­ce 24 Mode­ra­tor inter­pre­ta­ti­on): click

Rus­sia will not agree, Trump will then deli­ver more weapons.

So essen­ti­al­ly Trump was “con­vin­ced” by offers made by Ukrai­ne. The “this is a new posi­ti­on for Selenskjy” nar­ra­ti­ve is just in play so Trump can keep face.

Scholz did his 180 not as a pre elec­tion tac­tic, but becau­se he had to. Rus­sia will of cour­se not agree to this, then Trump will deli­ver more wea­pons. Then the war will continue.

Har­s­her US sanc­tions on rus­si­an banks a few days ago also fall in line with this.

Next step on the esca­la­ti­on spi­ral, here we come.

We dont know the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­ons posi­ti­on on NATO yet.

All accord­ing to Kurt Vol­ker, alt­hough he sta­tes, that he cant say for sure. But for that the posi­ti­ons exch­an­ged are too detail­ed and too nuan­ced and the “we’­ve got it, we fucked the public over one more time smirk of the TVP anchor” is too sickening.

So I’m 75% sure by now that this is how it will play out.

edit: Turns out Kurt Vol­ker wasnt.

Trump deu­tet Kehrt­wen­de in künf­ti­ger US-Ukraine-Politik an

Der bevor­ste­hen­de Amts­an­tritt von Donald Trump als US-Präsident wirft in der Ukraine-Politik sei­ne Schat­ten vor­aus: Trump kri­ti­sier­te in einem am Don­ners­tag ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Time-Interview den Ein­satz von US-Raketen für ukrai­ni­sche Angrif­fe auf mili­tä­ri­sche Zie­le tief in Russ­land. Er stell­te damit die von US-Präsident Joe Biden gege­be­ne Erlaub­nis infra­ge und ver­stärk­te Sor­gen in der Ukrai­ne und Euro­pa, dass er die Unter­stüt­zung der Ukrai­ne nach Amts­an­tritt been­den könnte.

In War­schau berie­ten der pol­ni­sche Minis­ter­prä­si­dent Donald Tusk und Frank­reichs Prä­si­dent Emma­nu­el Macron über die Ukraine-Politik. In Ber­lin warn­te Kanz­ler Olaf Scholz davor, dass Ent­schei­dun­gen über den Kopf der Ukrai­ner hin­weg getrof­fen wer­den könnten.

Ich leh­ne es vehe­ment ab, Rake­ten Hun­der­te von Kilo­me­tern nach Russ­land zu schi­cken”, erklär­te Trump in dem Inter­view. “War­um tun wir das? Wir eska­lie­ren die­sen Krieg nur und machen ihn noch schlimmer.

src: click

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