If Kurt Volker is in the know, I’m about 75% sure.
The fucking smirks at the end of the interview are just too much.
Essentially the US government wants to fuck Russia, and lie to western populations a bit more.
Ukraine will be “pressured” to agree to peace negotiations, but actually they dont have to be pressured (Kurt Volker correctly mentions), because the US will include Ukraines maximalist goal in their demands.
Namely their FAKE “we are always open to negotiations” position from 2022 is back. Where the Ukraine agrees, that it doesnt have to get Crimea back militarily, but it will automatically be handed back to them (administration of Crimea will be) in 20 years time.
Thats the Putin can die in peace, and then russia goes to hell (looses the harbor it has 40% of its exports run through, an the strategic asset Putin went to war over.) offer that leaves everyone in Kiew and Washington in ecstasy over how very clever they were. And after 20 years, kills russia economically. (No “colonies” in africa anymore. Russian power projection broken in to the black sea and the mediterranean. As soon as Ukraine joins Nato, and gets Crimea back.)
Which is what the US aimed for from day one.
Which is what Selenskyj framed “a just peace”.
By now half of western media is putting up the lie, that Selenskyjs position has changed, which it hasnt.
It was always - negotiations can be possible at an earlier point, and then “I will sit down with Putin and tell him how we will get crimea back in 20 years -- through me very, very clever politics”.
Here are two instances of Ukraine holding that position in 2022:
29th of June 2022:
20th of March 2022:
Selenskyj erklärt noch mal was er unter Friedensverhandlungen versteht
edit: Future me: Here is a bonus third (with a France 24 Moderator interpretation): click
Russia will not agree, Trump will then deliver more weapons.
So essentially Trump was “convinced” by offers made by Ukraine. The “this is a new position for Selenskjy” narrative is just in play so Trump can keep face.
Scholz did his 180 not as a pre election tactic, but because he had to. Russia will of course not agree to this, then Trump will deliver more weapons. Then the war will continue.
Harsher US sanctions on russian banks a few days ago also fall in line with this.
Next step on the escalation spiral, here we come.
We dont know the Trump administrations position on NATO yet.
All according to Kurt Volker, although he states, that he cant say for sure. But for that the positions exchanged are too detailed and too nuanced and the “we’ve got it, we fucked the public over one more time smirk of the TVP anchor” is too sickening.
So I’m 75% sure by now that this is how it will play out.
edit: Turns out Kurt Volker wasnt.
Trump deutet Kehrtwende in künftiger US-Ukraine-Politik an
Der bevorstehende Amtsantritt von Donald Trump als US-Präsident wirft in der Ukraine-Politik seine Schatten voraus: Trump kritisierte in einem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Time-Interview den Einsatz von US-Raketen für ukrainische Angriffe auf militärische Ziele tief in Russland. Er stellte damit die von US-Präsident Joe Biden gegebene Erlaubnis infrage und verstärkte Sorgen in der Ukraine und Europa, dass er die Unterstützung der Ukraine nach Amtsantritt beenden könnte.
In Warschau berieten der polnische Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk und Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron über die Ukraine-Politik. In Berlin warnte Kanzler Olaf Scholz davor, dass Entscheidungen über den Kopf der Ukrainer hinweg getroffen werden könnten.
“Ich lehne es vehement ab, Raketen Hunderte von Kilometern nach Russland zu schicken”, erklärte Trump in dem Interview. “Warum tun wir das? Wir eskalieren diesen Krieg nur und machen ihn noch schlimmer.
src: click