Sometimes, merely thinking for too long hurts.

25. Januar 2025

[l] Wich­ti­ge Erkennt­nis der EU:
Some finan­cing from the EU’s €5.4 bil­li­on envi­ron­men­tal pro­gram­me LIFE may have been inap­pro­pria­te, a seni­or Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on offi­cial has admit­ted, as right-wing law­ma­kers pro­tes­ted about the use of public funds to help non-governmental orga­ni­sa­ti­ons lob­by MEPs and wit­hin the EU exe­cu­ti­ve itself.
Ja, mei­ne Damen und Her­ren. Rich­tig gele­sen. Die EU-Kommssion hat NGOs dafür bezahlt, Par­la­men­ta­ri­er im Sin­ne der EU-Kommission zu beeinflussen.
Es ging kon­kret um Umwelt­schutz und Kli­ma­wan­del, aber man stel­le sich das mal an ande­rer Stel­le vor. Innen­mi­nis­te­ri­um bezahlt Laden­ge­schäf­te, Abge­ord­ne­te von mehr Video­über­wa­chung zu über­zeu­gen oder so. Oder bald mit AfD und co: EU bezahlt Ausländer-Raus-Propaganda. (Dan­ke, Karim)

src: click (Fefe)

Also via Fefe, and just too good not to be re-posted:

What the glo­bal eli­te reve­al to Davos sex workers: High-class escort spills the beans on what hap­pens behind clo­sed doors - and how wealt­hy ‘know the world is doo­med, so may as well go out with a bang’ (Dai­ly Mail (of course))

She said: ‘They say that in a demo­cra­cy you have to sell it, to lie to peop­le and tell them “we did­n’t know bet­ter and did­n’t think it would get this bad”, not admit­ting that they know.

Then there’s the other group that thinks it might not be so easy, may­be it will also affect us due to unfo­re­see­ab­le chain reactions.

But they say they can’t do anything against the others so they live fol­lowing the man­tra “after us, the deluge”.

They say they will enjoy a few more nice years on earth and know that there’s no future. They are very cyni­cal and somehow deeply sad.’

Salo­me said topics like this come up at a bar, sau­na or hotel lob­by, espe­cial­ly if peop­le alrea­dy had a few drinks.

Also sort of unex­pec­ted, same article:

The public must know that that the enemies of the poor and the lower class are not the migrants but the super rich,’ Salo­me added.


The phi­lo­so­phy and Ger­man lite­ra­tu­re gra­dua­te said she does­n’t do parties, […]

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