Statistical uptick of russians “about to attack”, and russian airplanes “about to fire” very likely in the upcoming days…

21. Juni 2024

Ukrai­ne may fire US-provided mis­si­les into Rus­sia whe­re­ver it is com­ing under attack, Pen­ta­gon says

src: click (ABC)

This is not about geo­gra­phy. It’s about com­mon sen­se,” said spo­kes­man Army Maj. Char­lie Dietz. “If Rus­sia is attacking or about to attack from its ter­ri­to­ry into Ukrai­ne, it only makes sen­se to allow Ukrai­ne to hit back [on the attacking par­ty that was only “about to attack them” so - I think we call that first stri­ke­ab­le, right?] against the for­ces that are hit­ting it from across the border.”

Addi­tio­nal­ly, they can use air defen­se sys­tems sup­plied by the United Sta­tes to take Rus­si­an pla­nes out of the sky, even if tho­se Rus­si­an pla­nes are in Rus­si­an air­space, if they’re about to fire into Ukrai­ni­an air­space,” Dietz said in a statement.

I’m tel­ling you, that rus­si­an was about to fire! Good thing I saw him, befo­re he did!

So - ukrai­ni­an attacks on rus­sia are now limi­ted by “wait a minu­te, do you think we might need tho­se rockets to attack sup­ply rou­tes in Crimea”?

Ah, good were the days - when a Car­lo Masa­la would tell ger­man audi­en­ces, that the batt­le over Lyman was “very” important, becau­se from the­re - Ukrai­nes liter­al­ly could reach all train hubs, they alrea­dy could attack befo­re, becau­se they alrea­dy were wit­hin ran­ge before…

Now new in the port­fo­lio of “This by no means is sala­mi sli­ce tac­tics, this is a “Lear­ning Cur­ve”” regar­ding what Ger­ma­ny needs to green­light for the Ukrai­ni­ans to use at any given moment: They can now use ever­ything, to fire at anything - if they think - it was about to fire at Ukraine.

Eska­la­ti­ons­spi­ra­le? I wo -- “Lern­kur­ve”, hat uns Clau­dia Major von der Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft und Poli­tik doch bei­gebracht!

edit: Wait -- lets not for­get the “This is not about geo­gra­phy. It’s about com­mon sen­se,…” part! So -- what was the pro­vo­ca­ti­on that lead to the US esca­la­ting in that fashion? You know, from only allowing mis­si­les to attack rus­si­an for­ces in rus­sia, near Char­kiev? Oh, right… The­re was none. The esca­la­ti­on real­ly was just “about com­mon sen­se” and did not need any “geo­gra­phic restric­tions” becau­se they were soooo two weeks ago.

edit: Es gibt aber auch wie­der gute Nach­rich­ten. Der Stan­dard wider­spricht gera­de Forbes…

Don’t Fear Russia’s 3.3-Ton Glide-Bomb. It’s Mas­si­ve Over­kill When A 1.1-Ton Glide-Bomb Will Kill You Just Fine. (For­bes)

Russ­land setz­te neue ton­nen­schwe­re Bom­be im Krieg ein (Der Standard)

Auch des­we­gen hat Kiew neben einer ver­stärk­ten Flug­ab­wehr auch immer wie­der gefor­dert, mit west­li­chen Waf­fen auch mili­tä­ri­sche Zie­le über rus­si­schem Gebiet angrei­fen zu können.

Aso - wegen der Bom­be die eh kei­nen Unter­schied macht.

Klar, war­um bin ich nicht drauf gekommen…

But as a glide-bomb, the FAB-3000 also would be unwie­l­dy and likely lacking in ran­ge [30km]. Don’t worry about the 3.3-ton FAB-3000. Ins­tead, worry about the Rus­si­an glide-bombs that aren’t imp­rac­ti­cal for ever­y­day use: the FAB-500, FAB-1000 and FAB-1500.

src: click

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