Stupid, stupid, stupid

13. Juni 2024

Guys! Guys! I’ve got it! - Here is how we plan the peace con­fe­rence track!

- So first we take Selen­sky­js hate tira­de, which is still coi­ned “Selen­sky­js Peace for­mu­la” to this day. Tho­se are five points. You know the one with “the enemy has to be bea­ten, and be punis­hed, and pay, and lea­ve” at its heart.
- Then we silent­ly remo­ve the parts that are so stu­pid it hurts (we need a world wide action for­ce against all wars guys! Whos with me? Selen­skyj thinks its a gre­at idea!)”
- Then of cour­se we pam­per it up with the utter­most fluff, that “ever­yo­ne will find easy to agree to”. Then we’e got 10 points. (Ok, some of the fil­ler is real­ly thought­ful and easy to agree on.)
- Then we open­ly sta­te - guys, guys, this is the trick - we talk about this, and then when we all agree, we might invi­te rus­sia - but only if it honors our plan!
- Then we coin that “the peace sum­mit”
- Then we start to put out the­re the “Rus­sia is try­ing to sabo­ta­ge the peace”, “Chi­na is try­ing to sabo­ta­ge the peace” pro­pa­gan­da - if anyo­ne else in the world in terms of power bro­kers does anything about it
- Then we tell our part­ners (ger­ma­ny), that hey guys - we do this, so final­ly we dont have to react to other peace con­fe­rence “offers” any­mo­re - becau­se look guys -- we have our own!
- Then we let slip into the open that “qua­li­ty of part­ner­sta­tes” was far less important than “quan­ti­ty”
- Then we rebrand it as the “FIRST PEACE SUMMIT”, event though its the fifth mee­ting, becau­se we real­ly, real­ly nee­ded a restart con­cep­tual­ly - yet we still hold on to the initi­al points of the Selen­skyj for­mu­la
- Then we let our ambassa­dor slip, that we pre­ven­ted rus­sia to come, to get more coun­tries to attend, becau­se we real­ly just wan­ted the public per­cep­ti­on mojo
- Then we sell to the ger­man dele­ga­ti­on, that no - no, lis­ten to us, this is just an open frame­work, so wha­te­ver coun­tries will agree on, we’ll then use to pres­su­re rus­sia into peace talks
- By making sure, this frame­work is the ONLY one thats used in peace talks - ever, so noi­sy chi­ne­se - and bra­si­li­ans, and -- just stop, becau­se we’­ve got a gre­at plan here
- Which alrea­dy mir­rors EXACTLY the same pro­pa­gan­da BS that Kule­ba put out the­re on one of the first press con­fe­ren­ces on the side­li­nes of Davos in the first year, which is “guys - you can mount peace dis­cus­sion efforts, if you fol­low the rules, guys!” With the rules back then being “con­ta­ct lines cant be moved” and “the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne must be preserved”

Excu­ses are get­ting dum­ber by the day

- which every media out­let in ger­ma­ny ate up like effin cake, becau­se “Selen­skyj still loo­king for peace!”
- then you visit the east asi­an coun­tries in a US friend­ly venue and get all sorts of “what the eff you you want us to do here” qus­ti­ons from every repor­ter
- then as Selen­skyj you tell them - guys, guys, this is real­ly only about three very important fluff points, like nuclear safe­ty, and food secu­ri­ty (by now fluff, becau­se exports are flowing, future pro­jec­tion not inclu­ded in that thought), and huma­ni­ta­ri­an things, mucho import­an­to -- its just about that, so come and sup­port us plea­se!
- then you let slip, that you only talk about fluff, becau­se thats the first con­fe­rence after the restart, and you real­ly want quan­ti­ty, not qua­li­ty - so you get “brand reco­gni­ti­on”, and this isnt the Selensnkyj for­mu­al any­mo­re
- then you con­tra­dict this by sel­ling to the public that this is the next new and bet­ter second com­ing of what was pre­vious­ly the UN char­ta which “doesnt work”
- then con­gre­ga­ti­ons around the world are star­ting to act like you’­re insa­ne (about time, plus minus)
- then somehow, you tell to the ger­man dele­ga­ti­on, no - no, thats fine, becau­se even though we insist, that this frame­work (and no other frame­work) is used for all future peace talks, but look --- its real­ly “open ended” in terms of out­co­mes, becau­se we will deba­te the points that sound to ever­yo­ne like “rus­si­an capi­tu­la­ti­on” in the last two ses­si­ons, or may­be never, when we dont have inter­na­tio­nal agree­ment, or the war inter­fe­res.
- And then when we have an inter­na­tio­nal agree­ment amongst part­ners, and rus­sia must accept it, we final­ly can have peace!

Also -- this is the “Peace for­mu­la”, which pre­vents all other peace talks, until we can achie­ve agree­ment under our peace frame­work, amongst 100 sta­tes internationally.

So of cour­se this is a “peace summit”.

- Then you chan­ge the public PR to “this should lead to a peace sum­mit” 15 days befo­re the start.

And this ladies, and gen­tle­men is how you achie­ve just peace.

The ger­man dele­ga­ti­on has bought it - no quar­rels about it.

- Oh, and what this does to the wider public -- well, thats what media is for, right?


Second issue with that DGAP meeting --

Ukrai­ne not at all cor­rupt guys, you should real­ly visit it, then it doesnt feel like, just ano­t­her coun­try at war, it feels like a coun­try thats almost wes­tern and so full of hope!

Yeah gre­at, guys - what about the drop outs from lea­ding posi­ti­ons in the recon­struc­tion con­fe­rence frame­work, right befo­re the con­fe­rence? Whe­re the second per­son lea­ving, made it sound like - may­be cor­rup­ti­on still being an inte­gral part of the rebuil­ding effort, at the sta­te level… (Not my asses­ment, Fran­ce 24 (Video here).)

Also you still know that the­re is eco­no­mic data out the­re from befo­re the war, right? Or that the main asset the Ukrai­ne is for­ced to give out again cur­r­ent­ly as a secu­ri­ty for loans is agri­cul­tu­ral land. Or that the coun­try is at war, or… I guess its not­hing but poten­ti­al, becau­se you’­ve got the NGO peop­le talk to the sta­ke­hol­ders for the first time at the recent recon­struc­tion con­fe­rence in ger­ma­ny, right? Keep the spi­rit up! This is final­ly moving! (In terms of non ener­gy inten­si­ve invest­ments in the very west, I guess? Gre­at ear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ty! Rus­sia will likely never get the­re. Redu­ce your risks! Make REAL money, invest in war recon­struc­tion, during the war!)

The­re also was a third point, which I seem to have for­got­ten, but it was less important…

edit: Pas­send dazu hat sich die NZZ heu­te zu einem “Erklärt” durchgerungen:

Bildschirmfoto 2024 06 13 um 19 22 54
src: click (Archiv)

edit: Had the wrong arti­cle refe­ren­ced in here for the Kule­ba press event. Fixed.

edit2: Die NZZ schreibt sich um die­se Bege­ben­hei­ten her­um noch drei Sze­na­ri­os von denen eines dann doch noch Erfolg ist. Muss man gele­sen haben. (click)

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