The best of the best

03. Juli 2023

Tref­fen sich ein Ver­tre­ter des Ger­man Mar­shall Funds of the United Sta­tes, drei (!?) von einer Soros Pri­vat­stif­tung unter­stütz­te pro ukrai­ni­sche NGOs und ein Board Mem­ber einer ukrai­ni­schen Stif­tung -- der aber gleich­zei­tig natür­lich auch Co-founder and Pre­si­dent der Ukrainian-Austrian Asso­cia­ti­on ist - vor einem wohl­wol­len­den Moderator -

nein - Moment der wohl­wol­len­de Mode­ra­tor ist ja auch der Co-founder and Pre­si­dent, Ukrainian-Austrian Asso­cia­ti­on selbst -- also alles ande­re wäre ja auch Freun­derl­wirt­schaft und so gar­nicht sexy/koscher…

Also tref­fen sich die in der diplo­ma­ti­schen Aka­de­mie Wien, um einen Hit nach dem ande­ren rauszuhauen.

Co-founder and Pre­si­dent, Ukrainian-Austrian Asso­cia­ti­on: “Thank you very much Yana may­be I should men­ti­on, that the ERSTE foun­da­ti­on is so clear­ly pro Ukrai­ne -- eehh ahhh, that, eh, you have done, uuuuh, qui­te a few important pro­jects in the past and I do hope that you will con­ti­nue that…” addres­sed at Yana Bari­no­va (Euro­pean Poli­ci­es and Ukrai­ni­an Rela­ti­ons, ERSTE Foun­da­ti­on; for­mer Kyiv City Coun­cil­lor for Culture)

Ideologie-Check BESTANDEN!

Was er uns dar­über hin­aus mit der Aus­sa­ge mit­tei­len woll­te? Ich hab kei­ne Ahnung.

Co-founder and Pre­si­dent, Ukrainian-Austrian Asso­cia­ti­on: “I may just tell you and the audi­ence, that the­re is a pro­ject, even in Aus­tria, in Vien­na - by the pre­si­den­ti­al office of Ukrai­ne, to show the exhi­bi­ti­on [of] Rus­si­an war cri­mes in Ukrai­ne, at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na. I [mys­elf] have [had (die Bes­ten der Bes­ten)] the pri­vi­le­ge to have inn­itia­ted such a pro­ject in aus­tria, but the pre­si­den­ti­al office [of Ukrai­ne] had to deci­de to prio­ri­ti­ze this exhi­bi­ti­on to go to New York, becau­se they are figh­t­ing for every vote at the gene­ral assem­bly of the United Nations.”

Des ist jetzt aber kei­ne Pro­pa­gan­da, oder? Des ist jetzt ein­fach eine infor­ma­ti­ve Kunst­aus­stel­lung mit doku­men­ta­ri­schem Cha­rak­ter, die da auf Anlei­tung des pre­si­den­ti­al office of the Ukrai­ne mal ein­fach ganz schnell von Wien nach New York muss­te, oder?

Des ist ja fast so toll wie die Kunst­aus­stel­lun­gen die sonst nur die Vik­tor Pin­chuck Foun­da­ti­on zustan­de bringt!

Embed­ded Repor­ting == Front­li­ne Journalism

Yana Bari­no­va (Euro­pean Poli­ci­es and Ukrai­ni­an Rela­ti­ons, ERSTE Foun­da­ti­on; for­mer Kyiv City Coun­cil­lor for Cul­tu­re): “NGOs insi­de of them­sel­ves [sic!] they can shift their prio­ri­ties, if they can be fle­xi­ble, they can switch in bet­ween being a MEDIA [out­let], into [sic! to] lear­ning how to docu­ment war cri­mes.” [Very fle­xi­ble of tho­se NGOs, I might add, of cour­se all guar­ded and dri­ven around by the ukrai­ni­an patrol poli­ce, I recon.]

WAIT! NGOs can both be media out­lets and sta­te accredi­ted organs that docu­ment warcri­mes? Thats ama­zing! Just dont for­get to enter on you next job form, the usu­al ngo­jour­na­list­sta­tea­c­credi­ted­warcri­me­ex­per­tand­ana­lyst and if ever - someo­ne asks you what that means, just tell them you were flexible.

Co-founder and Pre­si­dent, Ukrainian-Austrian Asso­cia­ti­on: “The media are play­ing a pivo­tal role in coun­te­ring the rus­si­an nar­ra­ti­ve - which is ever­y­whe­re. And thats not only a ques­ti­on of money, which is plug­gend into the sys­tem sub­ver­si­ve­ly. This is the result of a stra­te­gy over may­be 10, 15, 20 years, when Putin came to power. So - some cri­ti­cism, Ukrai­ne in many aspects until some years ago was slee­ping and did not coun­ter the rus­si­an things, tal­king about cul­tu­re! [Wait for it, waaaaiiiit for it!] Yeah? That rus­sia is doing a cul­tu­ral initia­ti­ve, in order to spread the nar­ra­ti­ve, etc - so cul­tu­ral ambassa­dors of rus­sia, this was not coun­te­red by Ukrai­ne for many years, they were just silent, its not only a ques­ti­on of money. And only with the Ukrai­ni­an Insti­tu­te it star­ted (TELL ME MORE!1!). And that has been may­be five, six, seven years ago, befo­re that the­re was nothing.”

Not­hing? Well thats pro­bab­ly becau­se media is so important, but not near­ly as important as the Ukrai­ni­an Insti­tu­te, right? (*cough cough*)

Yana Bari­no­va (Euro­pean Poli­ci­es and Ukrai­ni­an Rela­ti­ons, ERSTE Foun­da­ti­on; for­mer Kyiv City Coun­cil­lor for Cul­tu­re): “Befo­re that (The Ukrai­ni­an Insti­tu­te I recon?) it was actual­ly more fashion­ab­le to be a Rus­si­an plu­ra­listic wri­ter, than actual­ly ack­now­ledge that you are com­ing from a vil­la­ge in the nort­hern part of Ukrai­ne. [WRONG NARRATIVE, WRONG NARRATIVE!]

Iry­na Kho­mi­ak Pro­gram­me Mana­ger, Ger­man Mar­shall Fund, Ber­lin): I obser­ved this uh also tal­king with col­leagues from other Euro­pean foun­da­ti­ons. First year it was the year of direct aid, urgent needs a direct aid on the bor­ders but now we see that I hope the war will end rather soo­ner than later, but still it con­ti­nues so what the stra­te­gy of Euro­pean phil­an­thro­py should be -- what uh what we can Under­ta­ke and I think that the main thing it’s not to do for Ukrai­ne but to do with Ukrai­ne becau­se defi­ni­te­ly we don’t want to be pas­si­ve reci­pi­ent of of funds we want to be co-creator of uh important impact­ful uh pro­grams so I iden­ti­fy a capa­ci­ty buil­ding initia­ti­ves as the top prio­ri­ty uh for the next several years - why becau­se we say restart Ukrai­ne rebuild Ukrai­ne brin­ging Ukrai­ne Euro­pean inte­gra­ti­on, but this is just words behind each of tho­se words the­re are peop­le and their capa­ci­ties and their know­ledge and their exper­ti­se what they can and well they can’t so I think the best thing what we can do to pre­pa­re peop­le for such enor­mous under­ta­king as rebuild Ukrai­ne to equip with know­ledge to equip with net­works to to equip with the best prac­ti­ces and this in a way means deco­lo­niz­a­ti­on of Euro­pean phil­an­thro­py what they mean it means that you help in order to lea­ve at a cer­tain point you help to grow the Ukrai­ni­an third sec­tor you help Ukrai­ni­an ngos to streng­t­hen its own capa­ci­ty, becau­se many big Inter­na­tio­nal foun­da­ti­ons mis­si­ons come to Ukrai­ne and what hap­pens they head hunt best minds of cour­se uh many peop­le choo­se working for inter­na­tio­nal orga­niz­a­ti­ons, it’s pres­ti­gious it’s it’s secu­ri­ty it’s good sala­ry and then when mis­si­on of this orga­niz­a­ti­on finis­hed and this orga­niz­a­ti­on lea­ve the Ukrai­ne it’s again tabu­la­ra­sa becau­se the­re is no inter­nal infra­st­ruc­tu­re that can con­ti­nue to work so uh I would call all tho­se part­ners who are open and keen to to help Ukrai­ne to to do with Ukrai­ne and to help to strengh­ten its own capa­ci­ty and for each pro­ject to find imple­men­ting part­ners in Ukrai­ne it’s abso­lute­ly ano­t­her tac­tic how you coope­ra­te with Ukrai­ne from other side it’s a big home­work for Ukrai­ni­an ngos becau­se you should be trans­pa­rent you should be accoun­ta­ble and you should know how to accom­pa­ny inter­na­tio­nal orga­niz­a­ti­on in their mis­si­on in Ukrai­ne becau­se to recei­ve the grant it’s one thing but to report on this grant to mea­su­re deli­ver­a­bles and then to build long-term sus­tainab­le stra­te­gy it’s also dif­fe­rent type of skill that requi­re stra­te­gic plan­ning visio­ning com­pli­an­ce with lots of inter­na­tio­nal pro­grams docu­ments stra­te­gies and agendas.

Wait, this is not a grass root move­ment at all? This is all astro­tur­fed by what “Inter­na­tio­nal foundations”?

Who do what “Phil­an­tro­py”?

Becau­se Phil­an­tro­py is so hard, becau­se - and I quo­te: “Becau­se to recei­ve the grant it’s one thing but to report on this grant to mea­su­re deli­ver­a­bles and then to build long-term sus­tainab­le stra­te­gy it’s also dif­fe­rent type of skill that requi­re stra­te­gic plan­ning visio­ning com­pli­an­ce with lots of inter­na­tio­nal pro­grams docu­ments stra­te­gies and agendas.”?

You know, for all the PHILANTROPY grants you recei­ved, right? [WRONG NARRATIVE, WRONG NARRATIVE!]

Iry­na Kho­mi­ak Pro­gram­me Mana­ger, Ger­man Mar­shall Fund, Ber­lin): “Fol­lowing the the needs of of the Civil Socie­ty on the ground we deci­ded to empha­si­ze and sort of rein­for­ce the sup­port um the um full-scale Inva­si­on um to a cer­tain extent um shifted the the Para­digm of uh of donor Civil Socie­ty rela­ti­ons so to say becau­se at some point the donors com­mu­ni­ty star­ted respon­ding to the needs of the Civil Socie­ty on the ground ins­tead of dic­ta­ting or shaping the Nar­ra­ti­ve per se, sin­ce the last late last March begin­ning of April last year we alrea­dy sup­por­ted around 200 pro­jects insi­de of the coun­try as I said on as local levels as pos­si­ble becau­se that’s whe­re the resi­li­en­ce is taking place that’s whe­re the reco­very is taking place I’m not under­mi­ning or neglec­ting the role of the sta­te level ngos and um and initia­ti­ves I’m just try­ing to focus on what I’ve been working with and also to sort of bring up this perspective.”

Oh, not­hing, I - Iry­na Kho­mi­ak Pro­gram­me Mana­ger, Ger­man Mar­shall Fund, Ber­lin, am just sta­ting that the inter­na­tio­nal donor com­mu­ni­ty is shaping the nar­ra­ti­ve of ukrai­ni­an sta­te level NGOs - which arent repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the ukrai­ni­an peop­le - thats all.

You know, becau­se like the Ers­te Foun­da­ti­on repre­sen­ta­ti­ve befo­re was say­ing, we dont have any ground level initia­ti­ves right now - at all, its all inter­na­tio­nal NGOs working in the Ukrai­ne, then lea­ving the coun­try and lea­ving back, what was it again?! Ah, yes - tabu­la­ra­sa. Not­hing. Abso­lute­ly not­hing at all.

Let me get this strai­ght, but when Jef­frey Sachs sta­tes the following:

It was a coup, of cour­se. It was an uncon­sti­tu­tio­nal sei­zu­re of power when very vio­lent groups, well armed, stor­med the government buil­dings in Febru­a­ry, 2014. [Pro­tes­ters, ange­red by Yanukovych’s rejec­tion of a tra­de agree­ment with the Euro­pean Uni­on, were kil­led by secu­ri­ty for­ces after try­ing to occu­py parts of Kyiv; after­ward, Yanu­ko­vych was iso­la­ted poli­ti­cal­ly and fled to Rus­sia with the assi­s­tance of the Krem­lin. I asked Sachs over e-mail for a source for his claim about the role play­ed by the U.S. He respon­ded, “It is public know­ledge that the Natio­nal Endow­ment for Demo­cra­cy and US NGOs spent hea­vi­ly in Ukrai­ne to sup­port the Mai­dan. I have first-hand know­ledge of that spen­ding.” The N.E.D. told The New Yor­ker that it pro­vi­des fun­ding to civil-society groups but “does not pro­vi­de fun­ding to sup­port protests.”]

src: click

Fol­lo­wed up by quo­te: “dont tell me that stuff!”.

He beco­mes per­so­na non gra­ta. Right? Right.

Its just the best demo­cra­tic socie­ties could mus­ter up, but not befo­re Sachs is actual­ly fired from Pro­ject Syn­di­ca­te of cour­se, whe­re he was the most publis­hed aut­hor befo­re the rus­si­an Inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne.


Kur­ze Mit­tei­lung an das Huren­wichs­er­schwein von mei­ner ehe­ma­li­gen Psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tin: Wenn ich vor etwas über einem Jahr irri­tiert bin, dass Soros in dem Umfeld gera­de wie­der drei Stif­tun­gen agie­ren hat und der Stan­dard außer­dem wie­der unkon­tex­tua­li­siert State­ments vom ECFR (its just a think tank) von Pro­ject Syn­di­ca­te als “so muss die öster­rei­chi­sche Poli­tik die Bevöl­ke­rung auf einen Lan­gen Krieg vor­be­rei­ten” abschreibt (Pro­ject Syn­di­ca­te has also recei­ved grants from Geor­ge Soros’s Open Socie­ty Foun­da­ti­ons, The Poli­ti­ken Foun­da­ti­on in Den­mark, Die Zeit, ZEIT-Stiftung, and the Bill & Melin­da Gates Foundation.[6]) und dass mich das dann irgend­wie ver­rückt macht - trotz bes­se­ren Wis­sens an der Stel­le nicht in die Ver­schwö­rungs­ecke weg­zu­kip­pen -- das nächs­te Mal viel­leicht was Bes­se­res aus­den­ken als “ja und Elon Musk?” - ok? Supi.

Und kur­ze Mit­tei­lung an das Arsch­loch­wichs­er­schwein von mei­ner ehe­ma­li­gen Psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tin, wenn ich ihr in Monat drei des Krie­ges erzäh­le, WIE der Ger­man Mar­shall­fund of the United Sta­tes, die deut­sche Hal­tung gegen­über dem Krieg kri­ti­siert, und der gleich­zei­tig die ein­zi­ge Quel­le ist, von der ich Hin­ter­grund­in­for­ma­tio­nen über die “Zei­ten­wen­de­re­de” bekom­me (so unwich­ti­ge Details wie, die Rän­ge wur­den voll besetzt, damit das Klat­schen bes­ser wirkt, und vor der Rede kann­ten den Inhalt weni­ger als ein dut­zend Per­so­nen), weil der ger­man Mar­shall Fund of the United Sta­tes dar­über debrieft wird, aber die euro­päi­sche Öffent­lich­keit halt nicht -- dann das nächs­te Mal viel­leicht mehr als ein­fach nur eine abwer­ten­de Hand­ges­te von sich geben.

Nur so ein Gedanke.

Ach­ja, und mir zuerst sagen, dass ich ihr erklä­ren sol­le wie öster­rei­chi­sche Aus­sen­po­li­tik läuft - wegen dem Moti­va­ti­ons­fak­tor - und mich dafür dann aus der Betreu­ung tre­ten, wenn ich es nicht mehr ertrage?

Ja, ja? Jederzeit!

Applau­se - for a job well done. Mögest du auch dei­ne ande­ren 120 Pati­en­ten so per­fekt betreu­en, wie mich.

Schei­ße, noch kein Dopa­min­push, weil man wie­der einem gehol­fen hat - und schon ein hal­bes Jahr vor­bei?! Na dann ab zum nächs­ten Kandidaten!

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk Allerletzte.

Pro­pa­gan­da, hat aber wie immer noch nie­mand entdeckt.

edit: Plea­se dou­bleck­eck, may­be I’ve mixed up Yana and Iry­na when attri­bu­ting the quo­tes abo­ve. The mode­ra­tor clear­ly cal­led one per­son Yana, but their online pho­tos look qui­te dif­fe­rent. I’ve kept the names the mode­ra­tor uses when refer­ring to them.

edit2: Hilf­rei­cher Kon­text via fefe:

[l] Angst vor der Soros Foun­da­ti­on? Weil die immer Revo­lu­tio­nen anzet­telt? Kei­ne Sor­ge!
Der alte Mann hat die Stif­tung sei­nem Sohn Alex über­ge­ben, und der will erst­mal 40% des Per­so­nals feu­ern. Außerdem:

>Alex­an­der Soros also said that under his lea­ders­hip, he plan­ned to focus the foun­da­ti­on more on US domestic politics.

Soviel dazu.

src: click

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