The future of war is now!

03. April 2024

John­son says House Repu­bli­cans will soon unveil bill on Ukrai­ne funding

By Ryan Cha­te­lain Washing­ton, D.C.
PUBLISHED 11:55 AM ET Apr. 01, 2024

House Spea­ker Mike John­son, R-La., said Sunday night he expects to put a bill on the floor next week that would pro­vi­de new mili­ta­ry aid to Ukraine.

The Sena­te pas­sed a $95.3 bil­li­on bill for for­eign aid in Febru­a­ry, inclu­ding $60 bil­li­on to sup­port Ukrai­ne in its war against Rus­sia. But John­son has not put the mea­su­re up for a vote in the House, whe­re some Repu­bli­cans firm­ly oppo­se addi­tio­nal Ukrai­ne assistance.

src: click

Clin­ton was off by 2 weeks.

Oh, they found a rare­ly used tool in the toolbox!

In other not at all sur­pri­sing news:

Die Nato will zukünf­tig die Koor­di­na­ti­on des Ukrai­ne Krie­ges von der Ram­stein Kon­takt­grup­pe übernehmen.

Stoltenberg’s pro­po­sal would also give the Wes­tern alli­an­ce a more direct role in coor­di­na­ting the sup­ply of arms, ammu­ni­ti­on and equip­ment to Ukrai­ne as it fights Russia’s invasion.

Under the plans, NATO would take over some coor­di­na­ti­on work from a U.S.-led ad-hoc coali­ti­on known as the Ram­stein group - a move desi­gned in part to guard against any cut in U.S. sup­port if Donald Trump returns to the White House, diplo­mats said.

Stol­ten­berg said the aim was for a decisi­on to be taken at a July sum­mit of NATO mem­ber sta­tes’ lea­ders. NATO decisi­ons requi­re con­sen­sus among its 32 members.

Until now, NATO as an orga­ni­sa­ti­on has focu­sed on non-lethal aid for Ukrai­ne out of fears that a more direct role could trig­ger an esca­la­ti­on of ten­si­ons with Rus­sia. Its mem­bers have pro­vi­ded bil­li­ons of dol­lars in arms on a bila­te­ral basis.

src: click (Reu­ters)

Aus­re­den­ka­len­der durch­blät­ter, ah - “Wegen Trump.”

Und das wo die US bis­her doch so toll koor­di­niert haben.

Und sie wer­dens wohl auch wei­ter­hin tun. Nach­dem die Ukrai­ne sowohl Salu­schnyj als auch den Chef ihres Sicher­heits­ap­pa­rats im letz­ten Quar­tal durch Per­so­nen mit “weni­ger Rück­halt in ihren Depart­ments” getauscht hat [The Ukrai­ni­an pre­si­dent dis­mis­sed Olek­siy Dani­l­ov, head of the natio­nal secu­ri­ty and defence coun­cil, and repla­ced him with for­eign intel­li­gence chief Olek­san­dr Lyt­vy­nen­ko [gre­at US con­ta­cts, just the best US con­ta­cts]], fällt es irgend­wie schwer sich vor­zu­stel­len, dass die bei­de jetzt durch die Nato instru­iert wer­den sol­len… Das ist wohl der “some” Teil den die­ser Neben­satz referenziert:

NATO would take over some coor­di­na­ti­on work from a U.S.-led ad-hoc coali­ti­on known as the Ram­stein group


Die Bes­ten der Bes­ten bei 2 Stun­den 30 min in:

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