The journey of the talking circuit expert

10. Januar 2025

It begins whe­re it all begins.


And the­re it begins whe­re it always begins. With Kasparov.

And then a third of a year befo­re the Trump/Putin nego­tia­ti­ons - it ends, whe­re it ends - of cour­se with Kasparov.

This time not fea­tured by PBS any­mo­re, but I’m sure the Kyiv Inde­pen­dent also is, ehm very prestigious.

The mes­sa­ge of Kas­parov of cour­se never chan­ges, becau­se its Kasparov.

So most­ly its important, that it begins with Kas­parov, and that you book him as the first expert that talks about Ukrai­ne on Amanpour.

How it ends real­ly isnt that important.


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