The magical story of the red blob in Sumy

10. Dezember 2024

Bildschirmfoto 2024 12 10 um 22 34 54

So yes­ter­day, the­re appeared a red blob in Sumy on is an open source intel­li­gence pro­ject, run by two ukrainians.

The map and other mili­ta­ry ana­ly­sis collec­ted or made by Deep Sta­te UA has been cited by Ukrai­ni­an and inter­na­tio­nal media out­lets such as the BBC and Ukrain­s­ka Prav­da. By Febru­a­ry 2024, the map has been view­ed more than 1 bil­li­on times, and has beco­me the most popu­lar digi­tal map of the Rus­si­an inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne in Ukrai­ne, and one of the most popu­lar digi­tal maps of Ukrai­ne globally.

src: click

Then today - this happens:

OVA and bor­der guards deny infor­ma­ti­on about Rus­sia breaching the bor­der in Sumy regi­on Officially

Short­ly befo­re this happens:

Rus­lan Miku­la, co-founder of the Deep­Sta­te ana­ly­ti­cal pro­ject, said on Sus­pil­ne Stu­dio that infor­ma­ti­on about the advan­ce­ment of Rus­si­an tro­ops in that area or about the occup­a­ti­on of Alex­an­dria is fake.

src: click

Rea­son given is trust­worthy as can be:

The­re has­n’t been a sin­gle resi­dent in Alex­an­dria for over 20 years. No one has lived the­re for a long time. Not­hing has hap­pen­ed, the shel­ling is neit­her inten­si­fy­ing nor decre­a­sing. Yes­ter­day, the KAB arri­ve­d­wi­t­hin the com­mu­ni­ty, but ever­ything worked out. The situa­ti­on is dif­fi­cult, but it is what it is — without chan­ge, thank God.” 

src: click

Short­ly befo­re this not get­ting cor­rec­ted on the live map for 12 hours so far - and the pro­ject not pushing any updates today.

Which breaks a.… year­long (?) streak of pushing at least one update a day.

edit: Two days later, after the next update came a day late - the blob still exists.

It’s magic!

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