The moment when -

11. Juni 2023

- you start a coun­ter offen­si­ve to regain con­trol over the tem­pora­ri­ly occu­p­ied regi­ons of your coun­try, so the peop­le in Odes­sa will be able to sleep well again in the future, not having to fear the rus­si­an mili­ta­ry pre­sence in Sevas­to­pol - then con­quer one (edit: now 3) village(s) so far, but have to evacua­te 80 vil­la­ges pre­do­mi­nant­ly to Odes­sa after the Nowa Kachow­ka blast.

Die Trä­nen nach der Flut

I file that one under thoughts that occur to no one else but me.

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