The quality of ukrainian leadership

31. Januar 2025

- is immense. I mean, was immense.

Immense, I tell you.

Almost bor­de­ring on unparalleled.

Also gre­at news for inde­pen­dent Ukrai­ni­an media, which US fun­ding just stop­ped. “It should be fun­ded by ukrai­ni­an sta­te budget.”

Immense, what a qua­li­ty lea­der! Such ukrai­ni­an, such brain! Only Selen­skyj could be more intel­li­gent of all the peop­le in Ukrai­nes lea­ders­hip cadre.

Also five points of what Ukrai­ne can not give up -- promp­t­ing the mode­ra­tor to ask in return “but thats total vic­to­ry” -- very expert­ly recal­led from memo­ry. Much expert. Supre­me memory.

We should all be thank­ful, every day, that NATO fol­lows the­se types of leaders.

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