Everything is well in the “Political parties in Ukraine” article in the english Wikipedia.
src: click
Because the article only shows data from 2020. Referencing a ukrainian source as the primary source for the article (Footnote number 1) thats gone 404 by now.
The article is not flagged as problematic because of that. By Wikipedia statutes it should be (main source is missing).
But dont you worry, all is well in the Ukraine of 2020 - where you dont see the 27,3 percentage points drop of SN (Sluha narodu (Слуга народу, zu Deutsch Diener des Volkes)), compaired to 2019 you see in current polling:
Oh, and since the war started, the most edited paragraph was “Mergers and bans (2011–present)”.
Because we all know the war started in 2014, so you dont need an extra category for that. Just one paragraph will do…
On 20 March 2022, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a ban on 11 political parties for alleged ties with Russia: Opposition Platform — For Life, Party of Shariy, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, Derzhava, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.[72]
Gut, Propaganda hat wieder niemand entdeckt, was will man machen…
edit: Found it!
If you search for “Opinion polling for the next Ukrainian parliamentary election” you’ll actualy find an up to date entry in the english speaking Wikipedia --
No - no, no joke, thats the actual name of the Wikipedia entry.
So everyone that searches for “parties ukraine” gets the data from 2020, but everyone that searches for “opinion polling for the next Ukrainian parliamentary elections” gets the up to date data!
So how many people would know to search for “opinion polling for the next Ukrainian parliamentary elections” in Ukraine…
edit: Oh wait, I lied, the data in the graph there stopped in April of 2022.