The transparancy that is Ukraines Wikipedia work

03. Mai 2024

Ever­ything is well in the “Poli­ti­cal par­ties in Ukrai­ne” arti­cle in the eng­lish Wikipedia.

Bildschirmfoto 2024 05 03 um 07 10 57
src: click

Becau­se the arti­cle only shows data from 2020. Refe­ren­cing a ukrai­ni­an source as the pri­ma­ry source for the arti­cle (Foot­no­te num­ber 1) thats gone 404 by now.

The arti­cle is not flag­ged as pro­ble­ma­tic becau­se of that. By Wiki­pe­dia sta­tu­tes it should be (main source is missing).

But dont you worry, all is well in the Ukrai­ne of 2020 - whe­re you dont see the 27,3 per­cen­ta­ge points drop of SN (Sluha naro­du (Слуга народу, zu Deutsch Die­ner des Vol­kes)), com­pai­red to 2019 you see in cur­rent polling:

Oh, and sin­ce the war star­ted, the most edi­ted para­graph was “Mer­gers and bans (2011–present)”.

Becau­se we all know the war star­ted in 2014, so you dont need an extra cate­go­ry for that. Just one para­graph will do…

On 20 March 2022, Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky announ­ced a ban on 11 poli­ti­cal par­ties for alle­ged ties with Rus­sia: Oppo­si­ti­on Plat­form — For Life, Par­ty of Shariy, Nashi, Oppo­si­ti­on Bloc, Left Oppo­si­ti­on, Uni­on of Left For­ces, Derz­ha­va, Pro­gres­si­ve Socia­list Par­ty of Ukrai­ne, Socia­list Par­ty of Ukrai­ne, Socia­lists and Volo­dym­yr Sal­do Bloc.[72]

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen…

edit: Found it!

If you search for “Opi­ni­on pol­ling for the next Ukrai­ni­an par­lia­men­ta­ry elec­tion” you’ll actua­ly find an up to date ent­ry in the eng­lish spea­king Wikipedia --

No - no, no joke, thats the actu­al name of the Wiki­pe­dia entry.

So ever­yo­ne that sear­ches for “par­ties ukrai­ne” gets the data from 2020, but ever­yo­ne that sear­ches for “opi­ni­on pol­ling for the next Ukrai­ni­an par­lia­men­ta­ry elec­tions” gets the up to date data!


So how many peop­le would know to search for “opi­ni­on pol­ling for the next Ukrai­ni­an par­lia­men­ta­ry elec­tions” in Ukraine…

edit: Oh wait, I lied, the data in the graph the­re stop­ped in April of 2022.


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