This is not a magic trick

24. Januar 2024

Honest­ly. It isnt.

Timo­thy Sny­der: “The actu­al anci­ent Greece exis­ted in a syn­the­sis with the cyti­ens [sic?] which [are] peop­le around the Black Sea and into the step and into Cen­tral Asia, the cyti­ens - anci­ent Athens, Peri­cles, Aris­tot­le, Pla­to, Socra­tes, the who­le kit and kabood­le were only pos­si­ble becau­se of eco­no­mic rela­ti­ons­hips and cul­tu­re rela­ti­ons­hips with the Black Sea.

Which is reflec­ted in Greek myth, it’s reflec­ted in Greek tra­ge­dy, but we we have cho­sen not to see that, and to take the Greeks away from their own geography.

If you put the geo­gra­phy back in, you see a very inte­res­ting and dif­fe­rent sto­ry. Things that we have cate­go­ri­zed as Greek myth, turn out to be the histo­ry of the Ukrai­ni­an lands.

I’ll give you one dra­ma­tic examp­le and then I’ll be done.

The Ama­zons.

So the Ama­zons figu­re as Greek myth.

The­re could­n’t pos­si­b­ly have been women war­ri­ors. The Greeks must have made that up for some cul­tu­ral rea­son of their own.

But it turns out that on gra­ve sites in Ukrai­ne, the­re is evi­dence of fema­le war­ri­ors for about a hund­red years!

Bei 14min in.

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