This mans ladys husband lives in Lala-lulu-land

13. Juli 2024

Radek Sikor­ski: “Gre­at cheap deal! Hol­ding Rus­sia back cos­ts euro­pean coun­tries only less than 1% of their GDP!”

Did he mean annu­al GDP growth by any chan­ce? So 1% (cumu­la­ti­ve) per year?

Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 13 um 22 56 11
src: (1|2)

(Just did the com­pound GDP incre­a­se cal­cu­la­ti­on for the 10 years in that pro­jec­tion inter­val, thats a 17 %-points dif­fe­rence in GDP in 2029, star­ting from a base­li­ne of 100 in 2019 for both Aus­tria and the US.)

see also:

Commerzbank-Chef Knof: “Deutsch­land hat ein Wachstumsproblem”

Der Stand­ort Deutsch­land sei bes­ser als sein Ruf, sagt Commerzbank-Chef Man­fred Knof. Die struk­tu­rel­len Schwä­chen müss­ten aber drin­gend ange­packt werden

src: click

Radek Sikor­ski: “Rus­sia be like run­ning out of res­sour­ces in a year or two.”

(They be not.

Money (lasts for ano­t­her 4-10 years without rus­sia get­ting into “public upri­sing” ter­ri­to­ry - at the tra­jec­to­ry that was in place in Octo­ber 2023):

Tanks/Attack vehi­cles (last for ano­t­her 4-5 years at the cur­rent tra­jec­to­ry (see: click)):

Radek Sikor­ski: “Ukrai­ne can win!” (Get all of cri­mea back.)

Radek Sikor­ski: “You no say they dont, you no play Chamberlain!”

Radek Sikor­ski: “You know, we had to make sure Ukrai­ne is allo­wed to hit any place in rus­sia, as long as from the­re an attack is imma­nent - with ALL US wea­pons, becau­se of tho­se big bombs (twice the size of their nor­mal smart bombs they were using all along), rus­sia has, that have a reach of 30km! -- This is not an esca­la­ti­on spi­ral, this is them doing some­thing so outra­ge­ous, HE FORCED US to show ukrai­ni­ans ano­t­her PIECE OF SYMPATHY!”


Bildschirmfoto 2024 07 13 um 22 38 51
src: click

Why stop now? Pri­va­te inves­tors love our country!

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