TVP PR says that russia, for the moment, is cut off from the Sahel

14. Dezember 2024

by losing the mili­ta­ry base in Syria that is.

edit: Ori­gi­nal­ly, thats a News­week (via ISW) report:

edit2: *cough**cough* via Reuters:

Exclu­si­ve: Rus­sia pul­ling back but not out of Syria, sources say

By Tuvan Gum­ruk­cu, Sulei­man Al-Khalidi and Guy Faulconbridge

TARTOUS, Syria, Dec 14 (Reu­ters) - Rus­sia is pul­ling back its mili­ta­ry from the front lines in nort­hern Syria and from posts in the Ala­wi­te Moun­tains but is not lea­ving its two main bases in the coun­try after the fall of Pre­si­dent Bas­har al-Assad, four Syri­an offi­cials told Reuters.
The ous­ting of Assad, who along with his late father, for­mer Pre­si­dent Hafez al-Assad, had for­ged a clo­se alli­an­ce with Moscow, has thrown the future of Russia’s bases - the Hmeimim air­ba­se in Lata­kia and the Tartous naval faci­li­ty - into question.
Satel­li­te foo­ta­ge from Fri­day shows what appeared to be at least two Anto­nov AN-124s, among the world’s lar­gest car­go pla­nes, at the Hmeimim base with their nose cones open, appar­ent­ly pre­pa­ring to load up.
At least one car­go pla­ne flew out on Satur­day for Libya, a Syri­an secu­ri­ty offi­cial sta­tio­ned out­side the faci­li­ty said.
Syri­an mili­ta­ry and secu­ri­ty sources in con­ta­ct with the Rus­si­ans told Reu­ters that Moscow was pul­ling back its for­ces from the front lines and with­drawing some hea­vy equip­ment and seni­or Syri­an officers.
But the sources, who spo­ke on con­di­ti­on of anony­mi­ty due to the sen­si­ti­vi­ty of the situa­ti­on, said Rus­sia was not pul­ling out of its two main bases and cur­r­ent­ly had no inten­ti­on of doing so.


src: click (Reu­ters)

Trust con­ven­tio­nal media they said - they’ll give you all the news thats fit to print, they said.

Mean­while someo­ne did some­thing they didnt want to tell media anything other but some­thing about, but --

USA laut Blin­ken in direk­tem Kon­takt mit HTS in Syrien

Die USA haben nach den Wor­ten ihres Außen­mi­nis­ters Ant­o­ny Blin­ken „direk­ten Kon­takt“ zur isla­mis­ti­schen HTS-Miliz auf­ge­nom­men, unter deren Füh­rung Kämp­fer den syri­schen Macht­ha­ber Baschar al-Assad gestürzt hatten.

Wir haben Kon­takt zur HTS und zu ande­ren Par­tei­en gehabt“, sag­te Blin­ken heu­te in Jor­da­ni­en. Wie die Kon­takt­auf­nah­me erfolg­te, sag­te er nicht. Die Hai­at Tah­r­ir al-Scham (HTS) wird von der UNO, den USA und der EU als Ter­ror­or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on eingestuft.

Blin­ken nimmt in Jor­da­ni­en an Bera­tun­gen über die Lage in Syri­en teil.

src: click (

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