Ukraine’s pitch to new soldiers: ‘Choose your own adventure’

09. Mai 2024

I choo­se germany!

(Pro­pa­gan­da hat wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.)

Faced with modest vol­un­teer num­bers, the defence minis­try chan­ged tack. It star­ted an adver­ti­sing cam­pai­gn making recruit­ment sound more exci­ting, by invi­t­ing men to choo­se their own unit and even their pre­cise role.


The idea is that by giving them a sen­se of con­trol, Ukrai­ni­ans can be per­sua­ded to sign up for more pres­ti­gious and pos­si­b­ly bet­ter equip­ped units. Or that they will take spe­cia­li­sed roles in the rear, in sup­port of the front­li­ne deployments.


This new “pick and choo­se” approach is being rol­led out in par­al­lel to Kyiv’s regu­lar mobi­li­sa­ti­on. The defence minis­try descri­bed it as a “new oppor­tu­ni­ty for units to be fil­led with pro­fes­sio­nal and moti­va­ted peop­le” but it decli­ned to say how many men it has raised.

Accord­ing to socio­lo­gi­cal sur­veys, many citi­zens of Ukrai­ne are rea­dy to join the army, but under cer­tain moti­va­tio­nal con­di­ti­ons,” a minis­try spo­kes­per­son said. “One of the most important con­di­ti­ons is under­stan­ding whe­re, with whom, how and in what posi­ti­on a per­son will serve.”


The minis­try is also using head­hun­ters to fill essen­ti­al roles.

Lob­by X, a non-profit recruit­ment agen­cy, has pro­ces­sed 80,000 app­li­ca­ti­ons for 3,200 vacan­ci­es in 500 units. The roles inclu­de IT spe­cia­lists, dro­ne ope­ra­tors, medi­cs, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on tech­ni­ci­ans, dri­vers and press offi­cers, as well as regu­lar infan­try. It said it is now fil­ling 1,000 army roles a month.

src: click (FT)

Choo­se your own unit now! You’ll get your wish in 1 out of 25 cases (80k/3200=25).


Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen.

Also, what a para­di­se for rus­si­an spies! Choo­se your own unit? I want to beco­me… a logistics officer! 🙂

No, wait, wait! An air­for­ce mechanic!

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