umichWCEE via Atlantic Council

11. Dezember 2024

A win­ning stra­te­gy to end Russia’s war against Ukraine

As with West Ger­ma­ny, which joi­ned NATO in 1955, NATO’s defen­se gua­ran­tee would app­ly only to that part of Ukrai­ni­an ter­ri­to­ry under con­trol of the Ukrai­ni­an government. The United Sta­tes should reject Russia’s demand for for­ced neu­tra­li­ty and de fac­to dis­ar­ma­ment for Ukraine.

Same sta­tus for anne­xed ter­ri­to­ries pos­si­ble as with crimea.

As a NATO mem­ber, Ukrai­ne would com­mit to res­to­re its ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty wit­hin its inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed bor­ders through peace­ful and diplo­ma­tic means. Befo­re its acces­si­on, allies would take addi­tio­nal steps to inte­gra­te Ukrai­ne into the Alli­an­ce, in par­ti­cu­lar by offe­ring Ukrai­ne a per­ma­nent seat at the North Atlan­tic Coun­cil and a Ukrai­ni­an gene­ral a seat at the Mili­ta­ry Committee.

The rest is all fuck the EU, and US will do the bare minumum.

The United Sta­tes and its allies need a new poli­cy of con­tain­ment of Rus­sia. This also inclu­des main­tai­ning hold on the immo­bi­li­zed Rus­si­an sov­er­eign assets and restric­tions on tech­no­lo­gy, and cau­ti­on in lif­ting sanc­tions. The­re should be no return to reli­an­ce on Rus­si­an ener­gy or other resour­ces. Allies should be pre­pa­red to inten­si­fy eco­no­mic pres­su­re and make Rus­sia pay the pri­ce should it vio­la­te cease­fire terms. 

This lea­ves it open to Ukrai­ne to try to attain advan­ta­ges mili­ta­ri­ly (oh but its not us, its the local rebel groups, with their hate towards the rus­si­an inva­ders…) until it has gai­ned full Nato mem­bers­hip, at which point all Nato coun­tries would com­mit to res­to­re its ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty “through peace­ful means”.

So its par­ti­san war­fa­re until the point whe­re euro­pe per­ma­nent­ly is wil­ling to fuck its­elf as part of its per­ma­nent poli­ti­cal NATO com­mit­ment to res­to­re the ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne. A THING WHICH IS NOT MILITARILY ATTAINABLE FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE. (30 years, then I dont care anymore.)

Some­thing that only the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan could come up with.… 8006kms away.

edit: No, wait, wait - this gets bet­ter! Hey Japan, and the Phil­ip­pi­nes, can I inte­rest you in a NATO mem­bers­hip? We are the trans­at­lan­tic uni­on, that poli­ti­cal­ly fights for the full ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne! Hey, whe­re are you run­ning? No, no - wait, Ukrai­ne is not a full mem­ber yet, they can still attack rus­sia trough covert means and, … Hel­loo!? Stop! Stop!

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