US Salami is the biggest Salami!

13. September 2024

Biden will allow Bri­tish Storm shadow and French Scalp to strike any­whe­re in rus­sia, using US tar­ge­ting data.

Experts” sel­ling this as “restraint on part of the US”.


Not likely, that Biden would offer up a “Ame­ri­ca is now striking rus­sia folks!” as a pre­sent to the repu­bli­cans befo­re the end of the pre­si­den­ti­al election.

Much restraint, wow. So much restraint! So much wow!

Also not likely that this “restraint” will be worth the breath the “experts” are was­ting right now in a years time.

Becau­se US Sala­mi, big­gest Sala­mi. So much Sala­mi tac­tics. Much Salami!

Oder wies Clau­dia Major Stif­tung Wis­sen­schaft und Poli­tik nen­nen wür­de “Lern­kur­ve”.

Wie kann man die Bevöl­ke­rung noch verarschen?

Viel­leicht kann uns auch Car­lo Masa­la, den die CDU auf Lan­des­ebe­ne aus­be­zahlt hat um wie­der­holt bei Par­tei­ver­an­stal­tun­gen zu reüs­sie­ren noch ein wenig mehr anlü­gen, und uns erklä­ren, dass die Ukrai­ne Lyman hält befä­higt sie end­lich rus­si­sche Stel­lun­gen zu errei­chen die sie auch ohne Lyman mit ihren dama­li­gen Waf­fen bereits erreicht hät­te - damals gings um 10km plus/minus, also vor allem jetzt, wo sie ja bald über Waf­fen mit knapp 600km Reich­wei­te ver­fügt. Wo sich doch soviel geän­dert hat, da Russ­land ja eska­liert habe, in dem es ira­ni­sche Rake­ten gekauft hat. Vor nem Jahr wahr­schein­lich, aber was will man machen der Bri­ti­sche Geheim­dienst hat sich gedacht, ver­öf­fent­licht ers die­se Woche…

The Wes­tern allies have accu­sed Iran of giving Rus­sia some 200 bal­listic mis­si­les of the Fath-360 model poten­ti­al­ly sla­ted to be used in Ukrai­ne wit­hin weeks. Rus­sia has been figh­t­ing a war with Ukrai­ne, which has been backed by the West, sin­ce 2022.


The ran­ge is only up to 120km (75 miles) and it can car­ry an explo­si­ve payload weig­hing up to 150kg (330lb), with maxi­mum speeds reaching Mach 4 – four times the speed of sound, or about 4,900 kilo­me­tres per hour (3,050mph). The mis­si­le is belie­ved to have an accu­ra­cy of below 30 metres (98 feet).

The wea­pon by its­elf is unli­kely to turn the tide of any war, but could poten­ti­al­ly help Rus­sia bet­ter mana­ge its offen­si­ve on Ukrai­ni­an soil.


As the US has also poin­ted out, the Ira­ni­an mis­si­les could be deploy­ed to hit tar­gets nea­rer to the front lines, allowing Rus­sia to reser­ve its own precision-guided muni­ti­ons for tar­gets deeper insi­de Ukrai­ni­an borders


It [Iran] has also empha­ti­cal­ly denied sen­ding the mis­si­les on mul­ti­ple occa­si­ons sin­ce the claim was first made by Wes­tern offi­cials in late 2022, with the for­eign minis­try on Wed­nes­day pro­mi­sing to respond to the sanctions.

src: click

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat jetzt wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen.

Ich freu mich ja schon auf die Ata­cams Sala­mi Schei­be aus den US in sechs Mona­ten dann…

Wenn wie Clau­dia Major sagen wür­de, die US wie­der reeva­lu­ie­ren und auf einer neu­en Spit­ze der von ihr selbst erfun­de­nen Lern­kuve ankommen.

Gott, die Frau gehört ein­fach nur gefeuert…

edit: Oh, sor­ry of cour­se this is about the sur­vi­val and pro­spe­ring of the stron­gest uni­po­lar power, oh sor­ry, not about that, about the sur­vi­val of the rule of law, so the stron­ger power can not just uni­la­te­ral­ly chan­ge the rule­set, and bomb like - wha­te­ver they like… Wha­te­ver Ukrai­ni­ans like, of cour­se. You know, defen­si­ve­ly of cour­se. 240 tar­gets 500kms insi­de russia.

Ques­ti­on, is it a good sign, when ger­ma­ny still puts up peop­le for inter­na­tio­nal deba­tes who have no clue what they are saying?

Like “this is about inter­na­tio­nal rule of law, so we know its not the stron­gest par­ty who can just make up the rules on the fly” [wie starb noch­mal Hani­ja, völ­ker­rechts­kon­form, oder?] and “of cour­se Ukrai­ne must deci­de how a peace should look like and ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty is important”?

I mean, if you sell ger­ma­nys future eco­no­my down the drain, shouldnt you at least bring peop­le that have a clue whats going on - when picking public representatives?

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