UvdL math

16. November 2024

UvdL math:

We still get a lot of LNG from Rus­sia and why not replace it by Ame­ri­can LNG, which is che­a­per for us and brings down our ener­gy pri­ces,” said von der Leyen.
She said the EU approach to tra­de poli­ci­es imple­men­ted when Donald Trump takes power again as U.S. pre­si­dent in Janu­a­ry will be to enga­ge, look at com­mon inte­rests and negotiate.

The EU esti­ma­tes that about 4 bil­li­on to 6 bil­li­on cubic meters (141 bil­li­on to 212 bil­li­on cubic feet) of Rus­si­an LNG was ship­ped to third coun­tries via EU ports last year.

src: click

4 bcm/y more LNG from the US = 8% incre­a­se year over year.
6 bcm/y more LNG from the US = 12% incre­a­se year over year.

Rus­si­an LNG exports, howe­ver, have remai­ned rela­tively sta­ble, hovering bet­ween 41 and 45 bcm/y bet­ween 2021 and 2023, with hea­vy main­ten­an­ce at the Sakhalin-2 and Yamal LNG lique­fac­tion plants last year.[viii] Around half of this LNG is expor­ted to EU coun­tries, a trend that has been incre­a­sing sin­ce 2021.

src: click (Columbia/SIPA)
42/2 = 21

21 bcm/y more LNG from the US = 42% incre­a­se year over year.

UvdL math.

We still get a lot of LNG from Rus­sia and why not replace it by Ame­ri­can LNG, which is che­a­per for us and brings down our ener­gy prices

EU LNG pri­ces hit fresh year high as Asi­an equi­va­lents stall

vor 1 Tag — The lan­ding pri­ce for LNG deli­ve­r­ed ex-ship to nor­thwest Euro­pe in Decem­ber rose USD 0.79 to sett­le late on Thurs­day at USD 14.11/MMbtu

src: click

USD 14.11/MMbtu = 45.493 EUR/MWh

Date of the UvdL state­ment: Novem­ber 08th 2024.

EU Natu­ral Gas TTF on Novem­ber 08th 2024 = 42 EUR/MWh
EU Natu­ral Gas TTF mean 2024 = 34 EUR/MWh

UvdL math.

The main alter­na­ti­ve mone­tiz­a­ti­on opti­on for Rus­si­an gas from YaNAO is LNG: even without tax allo­wan­ces, the full cost of LNG from the Yamal pen­in­su­la in Chi­na is $6 to $7 per mmbtu, depen­ding on the ship­ping rou­te (the Nort­hern Sea Rou­te is cheaper).

src: click (McK­in­sey 2018)

Rus­si­an LNG would be com­pe­ti­ti­ve at $3.7-$7 per 1 mln BTU (Reu­ters 2021)

UvdL math.

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