Victoria Amelina!

13. Juni 2024

Dan­ke Robert Bosch Stiftung!

I remem­ber!


I have to won­der though which of her books Timo­thy Sny­der Remem­bers most favourably…

1. The Fall Syn­dro­me, or Homo Compatiens


Kost­ya is an ordi­na­ry Ukrai­ni­an, a pro­duct of our time. Poli­tics and Mai­dan pro­tests are of litt­le inte­rest to him. But the sub­tit­le of the novel “Homo Com­pa­ti­ens” - the man who sym­pa­thi­zes sug­gests: the main cha­rac­ter will not be able to stay in his com­fort zone.

2. Someo­ne or a Water Heart


The prot­ago­nist of this book is Someo­ne. And to find out who he real­ly is, he will have to try: learn to read, find a team of like-minded peop­le and rea­li­ze dreams tog­e­ther. A fun and very beau­ti­ful sto­ry for the litt­le ones about the pro­blem that they them­sel­ves will soon have to sol­ve: who am I and what is my dream? And this sto­ry hap­pen­ed in a big aqua­ri­um, big and round, like our planet.

3. Dom’s Dream Kingdom


A fun­ny pood­le named Dom tells us the sto­ry of a fami­ly - an old colo­nel and several genera­ti­ons of women. The dog and the peop­le feel awk­ward in the small Lviv apart­ment whe­re he lived befo­re… What dif­fe­rence does it make? The stones will not tell. Or they will tell you if you have a dog’s sen­se. Are the­re any sto­ries that will help a colo­nel from the east of Ukrai­ne or his dog final­ly feel at home in Lviv in the 90s?

It seems that you will never find a key to someo­ne else’s chest. Never let go of the fighter’s helm again. Neit­her the dog nor the walls will ever accept new owners. But some­ti­mes someo­ne else’s secret turns out to be yours too. And may­be the heroes of this sto­ry will mana­ge to find a home.


4. Sto­ries of Eka the Excavator


Eka is a small exca­va­tor. But his adven­tures are big, some­ti­mes even on a glo­bal sca­le! Eka, like a real super­he­ro, has the power to save the world… may­be. Eka likes to talk about his ama­zing adven­tures: on how he scoo­ped up half the sea with a bucket, or how he plu­cked a star from the sky… or even of when he almost sto­le an ice­berg in Ant­arc­ti­ca. Eka real­ly wants to be important! Perhaps he can help St. Nicho­las, or bring a dino­saur ske­le­ton to a muse­um, or sim­ply save his beloved park from dest­ruc­tion… May­be, just may­be, like the famous Baron Mun­chau­sen, Eka exa­g­ge­ra­tes a litt­le in his storie-e-es? The­re is only a way to find out!

Storie-e-es of Eka the Exca­va­tor is a collec­tion of the fun­nies sto­ries from the most tal­ka­ti­ve exca­va­tor in the world!

War­ti­me work

After the Rus­si­an inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne star­ted, she worked as a war cri­mes rese­ar­cher for Truth Hounds, a Ukrai­ni­an organization.[18][19][17] She used her trai­ning as a nove­list to inter­view witnesses.[17]

In Sep­tem­ber 2022, while doing rese­arch in the Izi­um regi­on, she unco­ve­r­ed the war dia­ry of fel­low Ukrai­ni­an wri­ter Volo­dym­yr Vaku­len­ko, who had been kil­led by the occu­p­y­ing for­ces in March 2022.[17][20] In May 2023, Vaku­len­ko recei­ved a post­hu­mous award from the Inter­na­tio­nal Publis­hers Asso­cia­ti­on, which Ame­li­na accep­ted on his behalf.[17]

Ame­li­na also hos­ted intern­al­ly dis­pla­ced Ukrai­ni­ans and hel­ped to deli­ver huma­ni­ta­ri­an aid in Lviv.[17]

Per­so­nal life and death
Ame­li­na had a son in the ear­ly 2010s.

As of 2022, Ame­li­na lived in Kyiv.[18] In June 2023, after recei­ving a resi­den­cy in Paris, Ame­li­na con­si­de­red moving the­re with her 12-year-old son.[17]

On 27 June 2023, she was inju­red during the Rus­si­an attack on Kra­ma­tor­sk while she was dining at RIA Piz­za tog­e­ther with Héc­tor Abad, Ser­gio Jara­mil­lo and Cata­li­na Gómez. The restau­rant was hit by an Iskan­der missile.[21][22] Ame­li­na died due to her inju­ries on 1 July at the Mech­ni­kov Hos­pi­tal in Dnipro at the age of 37.[23][24] She was buried in Lviv.[17]

In 2023, a tri­bu­te to Ame­li­na, Not­hing Bad Has Ever Hap­pen­ed, was publis­hed by Arrows­mith Press. It inclu­ded inter­na­tio­nal con­tri­bu­ti­ons and pre­vious­ly publis­hed work by Ame­li­na in Eng­lish translation.[25]

src: click

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