Was es nicht alles gibt…

20. September 2024

We are a US government com­mis­si­on that pro­mo­tes human rights, mili­ta­ry secu­ri­ty, and eco­no­mic coope­ra­ti­on in 57 coun­tries in Euro­pe, Eura­sia, and North America.

Nine Com­mis­sio­ners are mem­bers of the Sena­te, nine are mem­bers of the House of Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, and three are exe­cu­ti­ve branch officials.

src: click

Here is their favou­rite topic.

Its not healt­hy this.

Its also not heal­ty that.

Its cer­tain­ly not healt­hy that rus­sia thinks, that impe­ria­lism is a means of con­duct in the 21st century.

Well, I think thats a label that the wes­tern world coi­ned after their actions in Ukrai­ne, while in all the years pri­or to that, that wasnt cal­led impe­ria­lism, but more or less “secu­ring their borders”.

What a dif­fe­rence Ukrai­ne makes.

Ah good old times, when the Ger­man “Aus­schuss für aus­wär­ti­ge Ange­le­gen­hei­ten” swit­ched from “Revi­sio­nism” to “Neo­co­lo­nia­lism” to “Impe­ria­lism” in the span of three months.

Wenn du nicht ver­rückt sein willst -

Oh and gree­tings to the Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on and Fio­na Hill as always! (click)

Also, dont miss your pun­dit who was per­so­nal­ly affec­ted, per­so­nal­ly tar­ge­ted, and mana­ged to strugg­le through the impe­ria­list actions of the Wag­ner Group in Afri­ca - who made it his life goal to bring for­ward the atro­ci­ties Wag­ner com­mit­ted in a mas­sa­c­re of 50 - becau­se thats actual­ly the only note­wor­thy part in this hearing.

After that Dr. Bota­koz Kas­sym­be­ko­va, Assi­stant Pro­fes­sor in Modern Histo­ry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Basel talks about the har­sh impact of rus­si­as draf­ting poli­ci­es in its cau­ca­si­on regi­ons and what they do to the popu­la­ti­ons the­re - and about How a Cana­di­an Com­pro­mi­se Per­pe­tua­tes Colo­ni­al Effects, oh no, sor­ry - Dis­ney [was] Slam­med For Can­cel­ling Mee­tings With Vic­tims of China’s Geno­ci­de, oh no - sor­ry about rus­si­as colo­ni­al pro­jects of the recent past, and how they still have not even tried to recon­ci­le with their colo­ni­al past.


I dont know, must be an inte­res­ting set of nar­ra­ti­ves to high­light the­se days, whilst pro­noun­cing that we in the west have high­ly supe­ri­or morals.

Was es nicht alles gibt.

edit: Also dont miss the ukrai­ni­an ser­vice of sin­ging the ame­ri­can anthem in front of said com­mit­tee and tel­ling the sena­tor on the panel who “con­tem­pla­tes” kid­nap­ping Putins “bal­le­ri­na girl­friend” to end this war, if and when the ukrai­ni­an artists dele­ga­ti­on will visit his home sta­te - becau­se his home sta­te real­ly appre­cia­tes music as a part of their high­ly well for­med wes­tern valued culture.

Oh, and of cour­se this ukrai­ni­an dele­ga­ti­on fea­tures Timo­thy Sny­der. Grü­ße an den Rau­scher bitte.

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