What heavenly bliss -

19. April 2022

this fee­ling of get­ting to know, that the US was so proac­ti­ve and pro­duc­ti­ve at this years munich secu­ri­ty conference.

Also the fee­ling of eter­nal gra­ti­tu­de, that stems from knowing that the EU cur­r­ent­ly has a com­ple­te depen­den­cy on the US in mili­ta­ry defen­se sup­port mat­ters (via NATO), real­ly is unparalleled.

On a sideno­te - it is such a joy to final­ly see the open socie­ty foun­da­ti­on (has Pro­ject Syn­di­ca­te yet ano­t­her arti­cle rea­dy - for der Stan­dard to copy and repu­blish in full, without any edi­to­ri­al con­text - as it does?) the for­mer head of the munich secu­ri­ty con­fe­rence and Joseph S. Nye united in videoconference.

Cant wait for the deba­te amongst them. I’ll defi­ni­te­ly set asi­de five minu­tes for them to sol­ve all the dis­pu­tes that might arise.

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