What would Eric do?

23. Januar 2025

or Pin­ker?

or Nata­li­ia Gume­nyuk? [edit: Money­quo­te: Bet­ter no deal, than a bad deal. To which the Mode­ra­tor responds: Real­ly?! To which Nata­li­ia says: Yes, becau­se, we are living in a deja vu. We’­ve seen all the­se things befo­re. Stein­mei­er for­mu­lar, some­thing else, … To which Trump says, well the Ukrai­ne is obvious­ly wil­ling to nego­tia­te, but I’m so unsu­re about this Putin guy!]

or the Stal­ker Game Developers?

Hell, the Vic­tor Pin­chuk Foun­da­ti­on is on a roll right now!

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