Which propaganda?

16. Juni 2024

I dont see any propaganda.

Thats spe­ci­fi­cal­ly what Der Stan­dard will bring you tomorrow.

Gre­at new easy to under­stand infor­ma­ti­on from Anna who works in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, and her pals.

They so great­full, that peop­le dont fall for rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­da, and find it real­ly hope­full, that peop­le sel­fi­den­ti­fy as sibe­ri­ans and non russians.

Sum­mit gre­at suc­cess! Over some­thing some­thing coun­tries signed clo­sing state­ment. Bra­sil, India, South Afri­ca, Colum­bia, Mexi­co, Indo­ne­sia, Thai­land, Arme­nia and Libya did not - but gre­at success!

Pro­pa­gan­da hat aber natür­lich wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

Der Stan­dard berich­tet gera­de eben wie­der pflicht­ge­mäß wie geil erst der nächs­te Selen­skyj For­mel Frie­dens­gip­fel wer­den wird…

Also gre­at news from old pal Gen. Ben Hod­ges, tal­king to polish TVP yesterday!

Rus­sia almost deple­ted, we make Ukrai­ne win now!

Ups, bad News­pa­per NZZ reports some­thing much like what rus­si­ans want you to think, dont know why - bad peop­le at NZZ pro­bab­ly - bet­ter only lis­ten to good peop­le like Anna from Ukraine!

Ein Erfolg für die Schweiz, eine zwie­späl­ti­ge Ange­le­gen­heit für die Ukrai­ne: Das erhoff­te Signal bleibt aus

Das Gip­fel­tref­fen auf dem Bür­gen­stock hat den Frie­den nicht vor­an­ge­bracht. Die Ver­an­stal­ter und Teil­neh­mer ver­su­chen das schön­zu­re­den, aber wich­ti­ger wäre etwas Realismus.

src: click

Gen. Ben Hod­ges also very good Ana­lyst of cour­se. Con­stant­ly wrong for two and a half years now - but surely his moment will come.

edit: Man­gott:

edit2: Just lost 2.2 Bil­li­on peop­le. Any idea whe­re to find them?

Bildschirmfoto 2024 06 17 um 08 26 53

For the peace the world wants! Well, the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the remai­ning 1.3 bil­li­on people.

Bür­gen­stock - whe­re a sixth of the worlds popu­la­ti­ons deci­des how the worlds wars will end tomor­row, still based on Selen­skys 10 Point Peace formula.

Oh, and if you still havent caught on, that points that in the UN char­ter are “shall” regu­la­ti­ons (the attacking par­ty shall) in the Selen­skyj Glo­bal Peace Gre­at Sum­mit pro­cess frame­work, that rus­sia MUST abi­de by, for star­ting of gre­at peace con­fe­rence, which next time cer­tain­ly will be peace con­fe­rence, we pro­mi­se to invi­te rus­sia, but only if rus­sia agrees to our frame­work for peace -- so points that in the UN char­ta are “shall” regu­la­ti­ons, in the Bür­gen­stock end com­mu­ni­que beco­me “must” regu­la­ti­ons, well -- then I hope you can also lis­ten to the aus­tri­an chan­cellor tel­ling you “tho­se coun­tries just didnt like the phra­sing of the final decla­ra­ti­on”.

Just pre­tend, that you dont know any of that - and the world is still behind Selen­skyj - becau­se the ent­i­re­ty of the aus­tri­an media sphe­re does.

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das abso­lut gro­tesk und abar­tigst Allerletzte.

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