WHO confirms health systems being attacked structurally

17. März 2022

The World Health Orga­niz­a­ti­on slam­med the unpre­ce­den­ted num­bers of attacks on glo­bal health care sys­tems Wednesday. 

This issue is more important than bricks and mor­tar. This isn’t just about the dest­ruc­tion of buil­dings,” Dr. Mike Ryan, exe­cu­ti­ve direc­tor of WHO’s health emer­gen­ci­es pro­gram, said while dis­cus­sing Ukraine.

This is about the dest­ruc­tion of hope. This is about taking away the very thing that gives peop­le the rea­son to live. The fact that their fami­lies can be taken care of, that they can be cured if they’re sick, that they can be trea­ted if they’re inju­red. This is the most basic of human rights, and it has been direct­ly denied to peop­le and we are then in a posi­ti­on whe­re we can’t send assi­s­tance to tho­se peop­le, becau­se the very act of attacking tho­se faci­li­ties or not taking care to avoid tho­se faci­li­ties means we can’t send the appro­pria­te help when it’s nee­ded,” he said. 

Ryan said that attacks on health care, encom­pas­sing workers and faci­li­ties, means health sys­tems are “beco­m­ing a target.”

We’re only a very short part into this year, we have never seen, glo­bal­ly, never seen this rate of attacks on health care,” Ryan said. “Health is beco­m­ing a tar­get in the­se situa­tions; it’s beco­m­ing part of the stra­te­gy and tac­tics of war. It is ent­i­re­ly, ent­i­re­ly unac­cep­ta­ble. It is against inter­na­tio­nal huma­ni­ta­ri­an law.”

Of the 89 attacks on health sys­tems around the world this year so far, 43 have been in Ukrai­ne, accord­ing to WHO Director-General Tedros Adha­nom Ghebreyesus.

src: click

Less than a week ago the WHO had con­fir­med 18 attacks. src: click

edit: Thats 43 attacks with 12 peop­le being kil­led in total.

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