Wie kann man die Öffentlichkeit noch verarschen?

09. Dezember 2022

Was soll man machen, Putin glaubt schon wie­der er sei ein Zar.

Ein­mal mehr zog Putin auch eine Par­al­le­le zwi­schen sich selbst und dem rus­si­schen Zaren Peter I.: „Das Asow­sche Meer ist zu einem inner­rus­si­schen Meer gewor­den. Das sind ernst­haf­te Din­ge. Peter der Gro­ße hat noch um einen Zugang zum Asow­schen Meer gekämpft.“ Bereits im Som­mer hat­te Putin den Krieg gegen die Ukrai­ne auf eine Ebe­ne mit dem Gro­ßen Nor­di­schen Krieg unter Peter Anfang des 18. Jahr­hun­derts gestellt.

src: click

Kon­text - Pro­pa­gan­da­stun­de pur im Kreml:

(Yev­ge­ny Mys­lovs­ky, Hono­ur­a­ry Pre­si­dent of the Anti-Mafia Regio­nal Public Foun­da­ti­on to Com­bat Orga­nis­ed Crime and Cor­rup­ti­on, began his remarks with the state­ment that “peop­le are expec­ting results.” He drew atten­ti­on to the fol­lowing aspect of the spe­cial mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on: the inves­ti­ga­ti­on of war cri­mes by the enemy and the poli­ti­cal signi­fi­can­ce of this inves­ti­ga­ti­on. He noted than over 10,000 peace­ful civi­li­ans had been kil­led in Donetsk alo­ne. Mr Mys­lovs­ky sug­gested estab­li­shing a sta­te com­mis­si­on to inves­ti­ga­te the­se cri­mes. He also dis­cus­sed the deploy­ment of law enfor­ce­ment offi­cers in the new­ly incor­po­ra­ted ter­ri­to­ries. For examp­le, he sug­gested invol­ving expe­ri­en­ced veterans.)

Vla­di­mir Putin: Mr Mys­lovs­ky, did you mean the results of the spe­cial mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on when you said that ever­yo­ne is expec­ting results?

Yev­ge­ny Mys­lovs­ky: No, I did not mean the spe­cial mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on becau­se this is a leng­thy pro­cess. I meant spe­ci­fic results fol­lowing the inves­ti­ga­ti­on of cri­mi­nal cases. Peop­le say that we are inves­ti­ga­ting, but that only one ver­dict has been passed.

Vla­di­mir Putin: I see.

Regar­ding the leng­thy pro­cess and the results of the spe­cial mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on, this pro­cess could be drawn out. You also noted that new­ly incor­po­ra­ted ter­ri­to­ries have appeared. Inde­ed, this is a signi­fi­cant result for Rus­sia, and this is a serious issue. To be honest, the Sea of Azov has beco­me an inland sea in the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on, and the­se are serious things.

Yev­ge­ny Mys­lovs­ky: This is all cor­rect, but we need to deve­lop this.

Vla­di­mir Putin: Yes, but this is a dif­fe­rent issue. In his time, Peter the Gre­at fought to reach the Sea of Azov.

The peop­le living on the­se ter­ri­to­ries are the most important thing. The results of the refe­ren­dum show that peop­le want to live in Rus­sia, and that they con­si­der them­sel­ves part of this world, this space, our com­mon cul­tu­re, tra­di­ti­ons and lan­guage. This is the most important result, and the­se mil­li­ons of peop­le have re-joined us. This is the most important thing.

Regar­ding cri­mi­nal inves­ti­ga­ti­ons, you are right, of cour­se, but to be frank, all of us under­stand the rea­li­ties of cur­rent deve­lo­p­ments. It is important to inves­ti­ga­te, to record the­se cri­mes, espe­cial­ly strikes against civi­li­an and resi­den­ti­al are­as. You are pro­bab­ly right: perhaps it would be appro­pria­te to set up some joint agen­cy that would address this issue and a sta­te commission.

Let us think about this. I will also ask the Prosecutor-General’s Office and the Inves­ti­ga­ti­ve Com­mit­tee to think about this issue. They should con­si­der recrui­t­ing vete­ran law enfor­ce­ment offi­cers who would like to deal with this issue as men­tors or as offi­cials who can look into the avail­ab­le mate­ri­als. I will inst­ruct the Prosecutor-General’s Office to do this, and we will cer­tain­ly think about this issue. I com­ple­te­ly agree with you that it is necessa­ry to record all this in a pro­fes­sio­nal manner.

src: click

Die Brei­ten­me­di­en haben ein­fach wie­der nicht erkannt, dass das Pro­pa­gan­da ist - obwohl es hier in der Wir­kung der Aus­sa­ge dazu her­an­ge­zo­gen wird eine grö­ße­re his­to­ri­sche Bedeu­tung zu sti­li­sie­ren, um der Bevöl­ke­rung zu ver­deut­li­chen um was für epo­cha­le Ereig­nis­se es gehe, und dass man in die­sen Grö­ßen­ord­nun­gen die Fra­ge nach “schnel­le­ren Resul­ta­ten” nicht stel­len kön­ne - dann haben die Brei­ten­me­di­en den kom­plet­ten Lead in Teil der Aus­sa­ge weg­ge­schnit­ten, den kom­plet­ten lead out Teil der Aus­sa­ge weg­ge­schnit­ten (sie hät­ten ihn kon­tek­tua­li­sie­ren müs­sen, wenn sie ihn berich­tet hät­ten, da pure Pro­pa­gan­da) und berich­tet Putin glau­be mal wie­der er sei ein Zar.

Ers­tens stimmts nicht - und zwei­tens, wer die Pro­pa­gan­da in der Text­pas­sa­ge in einer Fern­seh­an­spra­che zum “Coun­cil for Civil Socie­ty and Human Rights mee­ting” in Russ­land nicht sieht, der hat einen an der Waf­fel - und schaut aktiv weg.

Haupt­sa­che “Putin ist ver­rückt und hält sich für einen Zaren” bleibt hängen.

Ansons­ten berich­tet der Rau­scher wie­der mal das Gegen­teil von dem was der Deutsch­land­funk berich­tet - aber sonst ist alles ok.

Pro­pa­gan­da hat immer noch nie­mand entdeckt.

Das hier war die Ori­gi­nal­mel­dung der AP - die hat noch neu­tral formuliert.

edit: Ach­ja, und auch das kann man schon mal unter den Tisch fal­len las­sen… Nicht dass die Öffent­lich­keit zu genau weiß, was hier gesagt wur­de -- lasst uns lie­ber berich­ten wie die US dar­auf reagiert haben!

Excu­se me, Vale­ry Alex­and­ro­vich, excu­se me, Vla­di­mir Vla­di­mi­ro­vich. I have a very small last pie­ce that I did not warn about. But I can­not but men­ti­on the pro­blem that, I think, worries a signi­fi­cant num­ber of peop­le in our coun­try, is that the thre­at of a world nuclear war now seems real. The pre­ven­ti­on of such a thre­at, it seems to me, is overvalued.

It seems to me that your per­so­nal state­ment, Vla­di­mir Vla­di­mi­ro­vich, that Rus­sia would not under any cir­cum­s­tan­ces be the first to use nuclear wea­pons could beco­me a true ges­tu­re of good­will. And, perhaps, a cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on in con­nec­tion with this of the Fun­da­men­tals of Sta­te Poli­cy on Nuclear Deterrence.

Sor­ry if my last sec­tion is off-topic, but it is abso­lute­ly impos­si­ble to remain silent about what the­re are so many fears about.

Thank you.

Vla­di­mir Putin: I understand.

About the thre­at of nuclear war. Svet­la­na Gen­na­diev­na, you are right, such a thre­at is gro­wing, that it is a sin to hide here.

Regar­ding the fact that Rus­sia under no cir­cum­s­tan­ces will app­ly the first. But if he does not use the first one under any cir­cum­s­tan­ces, then the second one will not be used eit­her, becau­se the pos­si­bi­li­ties of using it in the event of a nuclear strike on our ter­ri­to­ry are very limited.

Nevertheless, our stra­te­gy for the use of means of defen­se, name­ly, as a defen­se, we con­si­der wea­pons of mass dest­ruc­tion, nuclear wea­pons, it is all tun­ed around the so-called reta­lia­to­ry strike, that is, when we are struck, we strike back.

The­re is also what ever­yo­ne is now dis­cus­sing, the so-called tac­ti­cal nuclear wea­pons. It, Ame­ri­can nuclear wea­pons, is loca­ted in lar­ge num­bers on Euro­pean ter­ri­to­ry. We have not, and are not, trans­fer­ring our nuclear wea­pons to anyo­ne, but, of cour­se, we will pro­tect our allies with all the means at our dis­po­sal, if necessary.

But what’s the point here? The fact is that, just as in the pre­vious case, when they tal­ked about Russo­pho­bia, no one noti­ces and does not want to noti­ce and see what is being done and said in neigh­bo­ring coun­tries, in Wes­tern coun­tries. I have alrea­dy said: we do not main­tain our own nuclear wea­pons, inclu­ding tac­ti­cal ones, on the ter­ri­to­ry of other coun­tries, we do not have them, but the Ame­ri­cans have them both in Tur­key and in a num­ber of other Euro­pean sta­tes. They are trai­ning on the pos­si­bi­li­ty of using the car­ri­ers of the­se coun­tries for the use of Ame­ri­can nuclear wea­pons. We haven’t done any of this yet. This is the second.

Third. Did we talk about the pos­si­bi­li­ty of app­li­ca­ti­on? No. Here’s the for­mer Prime Minis­ter of Gre­at Bri­tain, don’t for­get tonight, she said publicly that she was rea­dy to do it. In respon­se to this, I had to empha­si­ze some things too. Immedia­te­ly, no one noti­ced her state­ment, and what we say immedia­te­ly sticks out, and with the­se state­ments the who­le world begins to frighten.

The­re­fo­re, we have not gone mad, we are ful­ly awa­re of what nuclear wea­pons are. We have the­se means, and they are in a more advan­ced and more modern form than any other nuclear coun­try. This is obvious, today it is an obvious fact. But we’re not going to run around the world bran­dis­hing this wea­pon like a razor. But, of cour­se, we pro­ceed from the fact that it is. This is a natu­ral deter­rent, not pro­vo­king to the expan­si­on of con­flicts, but a deter­rent. And I hope ever­yo­ne under­stands this.

src: click

US Reak­ti­on, von der dann nur der ers­te Satz ziziert wird:

US slams ‘loo­se talk’ on nuclear wea­pons after Putin comments
The US has denoun­ced “loo­se talk” on nuclear wea­pons after Putin mused on rising risks of nuclear war but said Moscow would not strike first.

Sta­te Depart­ment Spo­kes­man Ned Pri­ce said: “We think any loo­se talk of nuclear wea­pons is abso­lute­ly irresponsible.”

Pri­ce said nuclear powers around the world sin­ce the Cold War, inclu­ding Chi­na, India, the United Sta­tes and Rus­sia its­elf, have been clear that “a nuclear war is some­thing that must never be fought and can never be won”.

We think any other rhe­to­ric – whe­ther it is nuclear sabre-rattling or even rai­sing the spect­re of the use of tac­ti­cal nuclear wea­pons – is some­thing that is irre­spon­si­ble,” Pri­ce said.

It is dan­ge­rous and it goes against the spi­rit of that state­ment that has been at the core of the nuclear non-proliferation regime sin­ce the Cold War,” he said.

src: click

Die­se Gesell­schaft ist das Aller­letz­te sterbt ihr ver­fick­ten Schweine.

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