And I’m quoting the former prime minister of Ukraine Arsenij Jazenjuk in this video here - the guy who can thank Victoria Nuland for his political life and career - because what else is there? Zero charisma, idiot to the brims, party soldier -- unable to win any public elections… Oh sorry - I was quoting him, right:
“Look, here is the thing, when I participated in NATO public forum, which was held in DC in Washington, I was very clear and open saying, to our western friends, that look guys, you have to change the rules of engagement, you have to lift all those restrictions. This is the easiest and the closest way how to end this war, and not just to end, but to win this war. This is the way how the democracy can win this war against tyrant and dictatorship regime of Vladimir Putin”.
Great news all over, Friendespräsident Selensky finally wants a war.
But let me get this straight first.
So this is a puppet being lied to by liars, lying to liars and the public, about a shift in conditions that would preserve the political position from lying Selenskyj, while Narendra Modi is in Kiev trying to promote peace talks, and is being represented by another liar (from the Presidential Office of Ukraine) as having stated, that territorial integrity of Ukraine has to be upheld, so the war has to continue. Because total war (no limitations) is the quickest way to peace - really.
This is it guys! Great and glorious offensive in Kursk which captured 80% conscripts showed the world, that Ukraine should be able to attack anything in russia - because Kursk invasion CLEARLY was defensive in nature, an not at all entirely against international law (völkerrechtswidrig).
We are so close to winning, the US and western allies just have to lift all the restrictions they placed before (something that to this day is the position of the german CDU btw, bless their souls), and that is our best chance for the survival of democracy!
Says some liar. Victoria Nuland handpicked to be prime minister once. On tape.
Which is of course what shows the world, that Ukraine is ready to become a member of the EU.
How many lies deep are we by now? Thats at least four of five, that I’ve counted…
Also I cant stand that fucking idiot, that sockpuppet, that no good liar, and gladhander - that of course the Queen of US foreign policy, may she prosper at Columbia University, propped up as the previous last hope for a prospering democracy. What a fucking asshole. Him not her. Shes just out of a job for now. For that sadly not at all Oscar worthy performance in this god ridden, fucking mockery of a videointerview with a “journalistic outlet”.
Oh, and “to win” Ukrainians are now striking russian power stations in Kursk. Of course. SAME FUCKING VIDEO.
edit2: Also Kursk now confirmed most population dense area in the world. Ukraine captured only 20*30 km (confirmed by independent military analysts) but alread has confirmed 100 settlements captured within that area. As Oleksandr Syrskyj has announced today. (Same video.) All without having one humanitarian corridor established, of course!
Also - as we dont just believe but actually do the legwork, we take the “not in your wildest dreams” map of the NYT from 5 days ago, we overlay it onto google maps with a 5km resolution and we count.
50. In case you have trouble counting.