#winning (now with more winning)

13. Oktober 2024

Gre­at new Ukrai­ni­an index insti­tu­te (Insti­tu­te for Docu­men­ta­ti­on and Exchan­ge) launch and ope­ning ceremony!

Bildschirmfoto 2024 10 13 um 17 01 01

With gre­at new speech on deve­lo­ping inter­na­tio­nal net­work for gre­at new inte­res­ted part­ners, that real­ly, real­ly will sup­port Ukrai­ne, no mat­ter what!

With gre­at inde­pen­dent ger­man book­pri­ce win­ner and Pauls­kir­che lau­da­tor Ser­hiy Zha­dan, and excep­tio­nal­ly not insa­ne and even more impar­ti­al his­to­ri­an Timo­thy Snyder!

All thats mis­sing is HANS RAUSCHER from the Aus­tri­an der Stan­dard to tell the aus­tri­an public ONCE AGAIN, for three weeks in a row, that its government is lis­tening to the wrong experts - and that they and the aus­tri­an oppo­si­ti­on (SPÖ) should lis­ten to gre­at Ukrai­ni­an net­work propagandist 

- the impar­ti­al Timo­thy Snyder,

and gre­at impar­ti­al Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on expert

- “we in our job often have to tell sto­ries to frame the public nar­ra­ti­ve, so its not the rus­si­an nar­ra­ti­ve that gains trac­tion, and we need to do more of it” Fio­na Hill!


- Ivan Kras­t­ev (but not­hing against Kras­t­ev (I’m serious, for once))


Like HANS RAUSCHER did in the first year of the war! For three weeks! Week after week! In a row!

Gre­at impar­ti­al histo­ry expert and dis­co­ve­rer of the Ama­zons from Homers Ili­as in Ukrai­ne and Art-Price WINNER and Pauls­kir­che lau­da­tor event from gre­at new foun­ded Ukrai­ni­an Net­work (INDEX INSTITUTE), for bet­ter sup­por­ting Ukrai­ne with ever­ything you got -- brought to you by gre­at new and impar­ti­al ukrai­ni­an INDEX institute!

Dont miss it! Alrea­dy has 513 views!

This is so much win­ning, I dont even know, whe­re win­ning stops!

Pro­pa­gan­da hat natür­lich in den deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en wie­der nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen…

edit: With a name­drop of the aus­tri­an insti­tu­te IWM­Vi­en­na at minu­te four! Gre­at! The same insti­tu­te that ram­med Lachs­bröt­chen down HANS RAUSCHERS throat (invi­ted and name­drop­ped him on sta­ge) THE DAY BEFORE HE FIRST TOLD THE AUSTRIAN PUBLIC that they should lis­ten to Timo­thy Sny­der, Fio­na Hill, and Kras­t­ev (but not­hing against Krastev).

Zufäl­le gibts.…

edit2: Holy SHIT, they have steady cams for that launch event pro­duc­tion! (At 58:20 in.) Na gut, ich mei­ne, wenn die schon gekauft sind, war­um nicht nutzen?

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