Yeah baby!

14. Oktober 2024

Oxfam: ‘Int’l com­mu­ni­ty com­pli­cit’, fai­ling to ‘hold Isra­el accoun­ta­ble’ in Gaza under int’l law


edit: Oh, David Petrae­us tried to “look, fema­le jour­na­list” an Al Ara­bi­ya Repor­ter and got a “Poli­ti­co released a report that Brett McGurk and Amos Hoch­stein OK-ed an inva­si­on of Liba­non - while Biden keeps lying to the public” back.


edit2: Die Pres­se ver­arscht heu­te mal wie­der die Bevölkerung:

Bildschirmfoto 2024 10 15 um 18 27 57
src: click

Ein­mal so dumm sein, wie deren Chefredakteure…

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