Yes you say - but what is propaganda?

23. Juni 2024

Form­er­ly the rulers were the lea­ders. They laid out the cour­se of histo­ry, by the simp­le pro­cess of doing what they wan­ted. And if nowa­days the suc­ces­sors of the rulers, tho­se who­se posi­ti­on or abi­li­ty gives them power, can no lon­ger do what they want without the appro­val of the mas­ses, they find in pro­pa­gan­da a tool which is incre­a­singly power­ful in gai­ning that appro­val. The­re­fo­re, pro­pa­gan­da is here to stay.

It was, of cour­se, the asto­un­ding suc­cess of pro­pa­gan­da during the war that ope­ned the eyes of the intel­li­gent few in all depart­ments of life to the pos­si­bi­li­ties of regi­men­ting the public mind. The Ame­ri­can government and nume­rous patrio­tic agen­ci­es deve­lo­ped a tech­ni­que which, to most per­sons accus­to­med to bidding for public accep­t­ance, was new. They not only appealed to the indi­vi­du­al by means of every approach-visual, gra­phic, and auditory-to sup­port the natio­nal endea­vor, but they also secu­red the coope­ra­ti­on of the key men in every group -per­sons who­se mere word car­ri­ed aut­ho­ri­ty to hund­reds or thousands or hund­reds of thousands of fol­lo­wers. They thus auto­ma­ti­cal­ly gai­ned the sup­port of fra­ter­nal, reli­gious, com­mer­cial, patrio­tic, social and local groups who­se mem­bers took their opi­ni­ons from their accus­to­med lea­ders and spo­kes­men, or from the perio­di­cal publi­ca­ti­ons which they were accus­to­med to read and belie­ve. At the same time, the mani­pu­la­tors of patrio­tic opi­ni­on made use of the men­tal cli­ches and the emo­tio­nal habits of the public to pro­du­ce mass reac­tions against the alle­ged atro­ci­ties, the ter­ror and the tyran­ny of the enemy. It was only natu­ral, after the war ended, that intel­li­gent per­sons should ask them­sel­ves whe­ther it was not pos­si­ble to app­ly a simi­lar tech­ni­que to the pro­blems of peace. 

(Pro­pa­gan­da - Edward Ber­nays, 1928, Liv­er­light, first edi­ti­on, Chap­ter II - The new Propaganda)

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat natür­lich wie­der nie­mand entdeckt.

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