Also great news for independent Ukrainian media, which US funding just stopped. “It should be funded by ukrainian state budget.”
Immense, what a quality leader! Such ukrainian, such brain! Only Selenskyj could be more intelligent of all the people in Ukraines leadership cadre.
Also five points of what Ukraine can not give up -- prompting the moderator to ask in return “but thats total victory” -- very expertly recalled from memory. Much expert. Supreme memory.
We should all be thankful, every day, that NATO follows these types of leaders.
Which is great, because he will relay all his conversational findings with world leaders, and their political aides to Joe Rogan within the month - ensuring that the Trump administration will not stray from their election promises to end this war.
Ah - the good old full capture of your opponents narratives… 😉
So - is the Trump Administration still convincing Trump, that neogotiations with Putin sadly failed, because Putin wanted too much, and so he has to continue this war, or.…
Cant wait for those interviews. 🙂
Yes you say - but what impact can Joe Rogan have on Trumps decision making? Boy have I got news for you… 😉
Background: Alexander Stubb was the stupidest of stupid Ukraine hawks in the past two and a half years. As in -- never strayed from the public european line.
What changed?
The weather?
edit: This does reflect what Michael Kofman has reported in december, that currently it looks like that the west has just posponed the risk of ukrainian frontline desintegration by six months. But his stick was -- “if we dont do something to change that”.
Budanovs reported quote four days ago proclaimed -- in general. Which is why negotiations would be needed.
edit: Also - the The Independent news article in between the two others is factually wrong of course: see: click (Look for a Putin quote questioned by a russian reporter on that subject specifically.)
edit2: Die Welt is somewhat on the ball:
edit3: Das ZDF bringts einfach im Ticker der unter der Auslandskorrespondentin durchs Bild scrollt… Auch ne Möglichkeit… edit: Amazing, sie sprechens bei 28 min in sogar an.
I give you atomic weapons > You give me worthless security guarantees
Phase two:
Give us more weapon, so we can push russia out of Donbas, and retake crimea. > Its working! [Merkel: Minsk 2 was just conceptualized, so we gained more time to arm up Ukraine.] Steinmeier Formula is so unfair!
Phase three:
28 years later: Realisation phase:
28 years ago, the ill-fated Budapest Memorandum was signed.
Ukraine gave up the third nuclear arsenal in the world for supposed security guarantees. But they turned out to be worthless as one of the guarantors was actually a terrorist.
Guarantees were worthless > Argumentation: because Russia [henceforth known in Andry Yermak Tweets as “the terrorist”] attacked us even more. (Full scale attack against Ukraine.)
Not our fault.
Phase four:
Establishing the reasoning:
Worthless security guarantees are the reason we are now at war.
Not our fault.
Phase five:
Give us security guarantees, it will much help us win the war.
Ukraine’s invitation to NATO will strengthen us diplomatically and bring us closer to a real and just peace. Ukraine deserves to become the 33rd member of NATO, and we will do everything to make that happen.
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) October 17, 2024
Phase six:
Realisation Phase after looking at self generated reasoning:
We gifted Atombombs for war.
Phase seven:
“We gifted Atombombs for war!
You give us NATO now, for atombombs we traded in 1994 (before the Putin speech in 2008), because it would have been a more just trade.”
“Trump can make this deal faster!”
„Trump kann das beschleunigen“
Rückblickend wäre es besser gewesen, hätte die Ukraine damals die Sicherheitsgarantien von der Nato erhalten. „Wenn ich also Atomwaffen eintauschen würde, würde ich sie gegen etwas sehr Starkes eintauschen, etwas, das wirklich jeden Angreifer aufhalten kann, trotz seiner Größe, seines Territoriums, seiner Armee und so weiter - und das ist eine starke Armee und der Sicherheitsblock Nato“, sagte Selenskij.
Risikobild Österreich 2025:
(Different colored dots indicate, that they have nothing in common… Our schematics rule.)
Says the salesman: Trump by now has recognized, that Ukraine must be in a strong position to end this conflict. So this conflict will continue in some form or another.
Says the journalist: There is no open debate anymore, I dont know what will happen.
Says the other idiot: It is horrible, that I have to charter a Ukrainian or so cargo plane, when I want to move austrian aid to wherever. [Background: Part of the US deal to send weapons to Ukraine includes, that the US can do that with their own cargo infrastructure and the Ukraine has to pay for it, so the Ukrainian planes have to stay dormant.] Give me money. I want austrian cargo plane! For austrian humanitarian aid!
[Gut, die 500 Packungen Knabanossi verschicken sich nicht von allein. Und das ist so scheisse nicht öffentlichkeitswirksam, wenn wir immer mit ner ukrainischen Frachtmaschine ankommen. Ich mein, wie sieht denn das aus…]
Says the Joker: We’ve asked 100 people what they think about your graph and the results were very mixed.
Says the idiot: Propaganda is horrible, we have to put more Propaganda into people to safeguard against it.
Says the Joker: People dont think that they themselves can be influenced by propaganda, I asked 100 people, and the results were the same they were historically -- so much to do here on the propaganda front [Its not that we’d teach people sociology or polling 101.]
Says the idot, we at the austrian military are valuable contributers to the enlightenment, we show many recruits every year two powerpoint presentations.
[Btw., I’ve screened the ones used by the german Bundeswehr - they have no details, no source links, no argumentative structure and are are partly counterfactual:
But if you want to be primed against russian disinformation, I guess you watch that? “Many people ask me Vladimir Putin. How bout them apples?”]
Says the joker: *nothing*
Says the salesman: Russia could be Hitler.
Then a third of the audience claps.
Der Standard hat das mitverfolgt und war wieder enorm beeindruckt:
Wesentlicher Hintergrund. Der Joker (Politologe Peter Filzmaier) war nur bei der Veranstaltung um sie vom caché her aufzuwerten. Er hat in der Runde nichts beigetragen (“Den Scheck nehm ich trotzdem gerne.”). Die “wir haben 100 Leute zu ihren Findings (Austrian Risk Report 2025) befragt” inputs waren komplett nutzlos. Bei den meisten ist einfach herausgekommen, dass die Bevölkerung das nicht so ganz versteht.
Was dir jeder Demoskop bei den Themengebieten fünf Jahre im voraus schriftlich verbrieft hätte geben können. Null Risiko, dass bei den Umfragen was Anderes als nur Schwachsinn rauskommt. Jetzt war aber der Joker die bekannteste Person im Panel --
also was bleibt bei der Presse hängen? Die Bevölkerung zu informieren is so schwer.
Soll das Digitalministerium ne neue Cyber Cyber Broschüre rausbringen? Man weiß es nicht… Soll die Helmut-Schmidt-Universität der deutschen Bundeswehr endlich ordentliches Lehrpersonal bekommen? Das würde nur die Ausbilung von 2000 Hanseln betreffen. Soll der Standard das europäische “was ist russische Desinformation” Narrativ (mit seinen fünf Spins und generellen Unzulänglichkeiten) auswendig lernen und täglich in die Bevölkerung dreschen? Das machen sie so und so seit drei Jahren.
Plakatkampagne des Innenministeriums? Was machen wir?
Sitzt der Joker im Publikum und denkt sich -- eintausend Euro Gage für zwei Umfragen, zweitausend Euro Gage für zwei Umfragen, dreitausend Euro Gage für zwei Umfragen, siebzehntausend Euro Gage für zwei Umfragen und eine Diskussionsrunde…
Denken sich die Organisatoren - das hat gewirkt, jetzt bekommen wir alle für unsere Anliegen mehr Budget. Hurra.
Der Graph aus dem das Snippet oben stammt ist trotzdem so halb interessant. Den kann man sich ansehen (Video).
Oh du mein Österreich. Tanner davor. Pumucklshow danach. Demoskop, der auf der Bühne in Gedanken einfach nur seine Gage zählt. Und ein Standard der davon sehr beeindruckt ist. Wie kommst du aus dieser Substandard-Existenz jemals heraus…
Ich habs! Das Bundesheer zeigt seinen Rekruten drei Powerpoint Präsentationen.
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