If you want to hear another liar on the topic -

06. Dezember 2024

why not Mar­tin Sklenár who ser­ved as minis­ter of defence of Slo­va­kia from May until Octo­ber 2023:

Just to get a sen­se of whats hap­pe­ning here.

Our posi­ti­on: Gre­at, good! Bes­test in the world!

Law­row: Always a fil­thy liar, of course.

OSCE: Somehow not able to ful­fill their role as a nego­tia­ti­on platt­form! Bad OSCE! Bad. Dont do diplo­ma­cy like you nor­ma­ly would do! Wertewesten.

Lies, upon lies, upon lies but the nuan­ces matter.

Like Mar­tin Sklenár men­tio­ning, that “this is so dif­fi­cult” becau­se the­re are two tracks wit­hin the diplo­ma­tic com­mu­ni­ty as well - on how to sol­ve the issue.


1. sol­ve it

2. beat rus­sia, phiew, that sol­ved it! )

edit: In that con­text - also always lovely to hear the Alp­bach expert tell the public, that he doesnt agree with us not tel­ling the public the real sti­cking points of euro­pe in regards to the euro­pean secu­ri­ty architechture.

What? Exact­ly.

(Rus­sia must be bea­ten, bleh…)

So Trump switched sides

05. Dezember 2024

If Kurt Vol­ker is in the know, I’m about 75% sure.

The fuck­ing smirks at the end of the inter­view are just too much.

Essen­ti­al­ly the US government wants to fuck Rus­sia, and lie to wes­tern popu­la­ti­ons a bit more.

Ukrai­ne will be “pres­su­red” to agree to peace nego­tia­ti­ons, but actual­ly they dont have to be pres­su­red (Kurt Vol­ker cor­rect­ly men­ti­ons), becau­se the US will inclu­de Ukrai­nes maxi­ma­list goal in their demands.

Name­ly their FAKE “we are always open to nego­tia­ti­ons” posi­ti­on from 2022 is back. Whe­re the Ukrai­ne agrees, that it doesnt have to get Cri­mea back mili­ta­ri­ly, but it will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly be han­ded back to them (admi­nis­tra­ti­on of Cri­mea will be) in 20 years time.

Thats the Putin can die in peace, and then rus­sia goes to hell (loo­ses the har­bor it has 40% of its exports run through, an the stra­te­gic asset Putin went to war over.) offer that lea­ves ever­yo­ne in Kiew and Washing­ton in ecsta­sy over how very cle­ver they were. And after 20 years, kills rus­sia eco­no­mi­c­al­ly. (No “colo­nies” in afri­ca any­mo­re. Rus­si­an power pro­jec­tion bro­ken in to the black sea and the medi­ter­ra­ne­an. As soon as Ukrai­ne joins Nato, and gets Cri­mea back.)

Which is what the US aimed for from day one.

Which is what Selen­skyj framed “a just peace”.

By now half of wes­tern media is put­ting up the lie, that Selen­sky­js posi­ti­on has chan­ged, which it hasnt.

It was always - nego­tia­ti­ons can be pos­si­ble at an ear­lier point, and then “I will sit down with Putin and tell him how we will get cri­mea back in 20 years -- through me very, very cle­ver politics”.

Here are two instan­ces of Ukrai­ne hol­ding that posi­ti­on in 2022:

29th of June 2022:

20th of March 2022:

Selen­skyj erklärt noch mal was er unter Frie­dens­ver­hand­lun­gen versteht

Rus­sia will not agree, Trump will then deli­ver more weapons.

So essen­ti­al­ly Trump was “con­vin­ced” by offers made by Ukrai­ne. The “this is a new posi­ti­on for Selenskjy” nar­ra­ti­ve is just in play so Trump can keep face.

Scholz did his 180 not as a pre elec­tion tac­tic, but becau­se he had to. Rus­sia will of cour­se not agree to this, then Trump will deli­ver more wea­pons. Then the war will continue.

Har­s­her US sanc­tions on rus­si­an banks a few days ago also fall in line with this.

Next step on the esca­la­ti­on spi­ral, here we come.

We dont know the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­ons posi­ti­on on NATO yet.

All accord­ing to Kurt Vol­ker, alt­hough he sta­tes, that he cant say for sure. But for that the posi­ti­ons exch­an­ged are too detail­ed and too nuan­ced and the “we’­ve got it, we fucked the public over one more time smirk of the TVP anchor” is too sickening.

So I’m 75% sure by now that this is how it will play out.

edit: Turns out Kurt Vol­ker wasnt.

Trump deu­tet Kehrt­wen­de in künf­ti­ger US-Ukraine-Politik an

Der bevor­ste­hen­de Amts­an­tritt von Donald Trump als US-Präsident wirft in der Ukraine-Politik sei­ne Schat­ten vor­aus: Trump kri­ti­sier­te in einem am Don­ners­tag ver­öf­fent­lich­ten Time-Interview den Ein­satz von US-Raketen für ukrai­ni­sche Angrif­fe auf mili­tä­ri­sche Zie­le tief in Russ­land. Er stell­te damit die von US-Präsident Joe Biden gege­be­ne Erlaub­nis infra­ge und ver­stärk­te Sor­gen in der Ukrai­ne und Euro­pa, dass er die Unter­stüt­zung der Ukrai­ne nach Amts­an­tritt been­den könnte.

In War­schau berie­ten der pol­ni­sche Minis­ter­prä­si­dent Donald Tusk und Frank­reichs Prä­si­dent Emma­nu­el Macron über die Ukraine-Politik. In Ber­lin warn­te Kanz­ler Olaf Scholz davor, dass Ent­schei­dun­gen über den Kopf der Ukrai­ner hin­weg getrof­fen wer­den könnten.

Ich leh­ne es vehe­ment ab, Rake­ten Hun­der­te von Kilo­me­tern nach Russ­land zu schi­cken”, erklär­te Trump in dem Inter­view. “War­um tun wir das? Wir eska­lie­ren die­sen Krieg nur und machen ihn noch schlimmer.

src: click

Die europäischen Recherchenetzwerke schlagen zurück - Teil 2

04. Dezember 2024

Deut­lich besser.

Die Recher­chenetz­wer­ke haben es bis zu den Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Abtei­lun­gen ihrer jewei­li­gen Län­der geschafft. Die haben sie weitervermittelt.

Die europäischen Recherchenetzwerke schlagen zurück

04. Dezember 2024

Teil 1:

Jan Mar­sa­lek soll Ent­füh­rung oder Tötung von Jour­na­list Gro­zev über­legt haben

Ein Pro­zess gegen Mar­sa­leks mut­maß­li­che Hand­lan­ger lie­fert tie­fe Ein­bli­cke, wie der öster­rei­chi­sche Ex-Spitzenmanager als rus­si­scher Spi­on agiert haben soll

src: click

Nach der Über­le­gung wur­de die­se ver­wor­fen. Gut, brau­chen wir ja weder im Titel, noch im Untertitel.

Absatz 11 reicht.

Chats zei­gen, wie gefähr­lich die Situa­ti­on für Gro­zev war: So sol­len Mar­sa­lek und Rous­sev, der Anfüh­rer der Grup­pe, nicht nur die Über­wa­chung von Gro­zev bespro­chen haben, son­dern sogar Plä­ne gehegt haben, ihn zu ent­füh­ren und nach Russ­land zu ver­brin­gen – oder ihn zu töten. Das sei dann aber ver­wor­fen wor­den, heißt es in der Anklageschrift.

Im Som­mer 2022 nahm die Akti­on wie­der an Fahrt auf: Die­ses Mal wur­de ein Ein­bruch in Gro­zevs Apart­ment geplant.

Quel­le: Eine Ankla­ge­schrift (!), die sich auf Chat­pro­to­kol­le bezieht. Die nicht ver­öf­fent­licht wer­den. In denen ersicht­lich sei, dass die Plä­ne ver­wor­fen wur­den. Ver­schär­fend käme jedoch hin­zu, dass ein Ein­bruch geplant wor­den sei.

Unfass­bar! Dazu auch ger­ne Spie­gel: Jagt die CIA Ass­an­ges Unter­stüt­zer? - “Ein­brü­che, Obser­va­tio­nen, Abhör­ak­tio­nen: In der Unter­stüt­zer­sze­ne des WikiLeaks-Gründers Juli­an Assan­ge häu­fen sich seit Jah­ren Merk­wür­dig­kei­ten. Wer dahin­ter­steckt, ist unklar – aber die Betrof­fe­nen haben Vermutungen.”

Der Haus­meis­ter! Das war sicher der Hausmeister.

Teil 2

Als Kata­lo­ni­en sei­ne Unab­hän­gig­keits­be­stre­bun­gen ver­folgt, nimmt die kata­lo­ni­sche Sei­te Kon­takt mit Russ­land auf. So auf dem Level “wir wären dann für die Unab­hän­gig­keit der Krim, tut was für uns”. Der Kreml lotet aus was geht. Es exis­tiert ein Tele­fon­mit­schnitt auf dem die rus­si­sche Kon­takt­per­son dar­über spricht, nach­ge­hakt zu haben, ob sie denn den Sepa­ra­tis­ten 10.000 Sol­da­ten schi­cken soll­ten - die Kon­takt­per­son um das poli­tisch zu ermög­li­chen wäre wohl in der Flug­ha­fen­lo­gis­tik zu suchen - sowas kön­ne man pla­nen. Die Sepe­ra­tis­ten­füh­rung bekommts mit der Angst zu tun (Was Unab­hän­gig­keits­be­stre­bun­gen mit Ein­hei­ten des Mili­tärs eines ande­ren Staa­tes? Wo gibts denn sowas! (Gut, war Euro­pa, ist jetzt ein biss­chen hei­kel, weil Wer­te­wes­ten.)) und bricht den Kon­takt ab.

Teil 3

Die Recher­chenetz­wer­ke ver­ges­sen die Ver­ein­ba­rung von Mer­kel, dass sobald Nord­stream 2 für poli­ti­sche Zwe­cke miss­braucht wer­den wür­de, Deutsch­land ihre Nut­zung ein­stel­len wür­de zu erwähnen.

Machen aber einen 30 Minü­ter aus - Putin hat nach den Sank­tio­nen der Unter­neh­men die Nord­stream 2 fer­tig­stel­len soll­ten, den Lei­ter des Nord­stream 2 Pro­jekts ins zustän­di­ge Lan­des­par­la­ment geschickt! (Ein ehe­ma­li­ger Sta­si Agent.) Nein! Und der Land­tag hät­te dann beschlos­sen, dass eine Initia­ti­ve des deut­schen Staa­tes die Pipe­line­an­bin­dung fer­tig­stel­len wür­de (Kli­ma­stif­tung). Unter dem Schirm eine Natur­schutz­in­itia­ti­ve zu sein, was sie zu einer Ver­ei­ni­gung mit Ver­bin­dung zu einer EU Insti­tu­ti­on gemacht hät­te, die laut US Gesetz­ge­bung nicht sank­tio­nier­bar war.

ARTE spricht mit einer Umwelt­ak­ti­vis­tin die den Methan­fuss­ab­druck von Flüs­sig­gas Tan­kern nicht kennt, und mit einem Grü­nen Abge­ord­ne­ten, der mit dem Kame­ra­team durch die Hei­de geht, und dann den Zuse­hern öffent­lich mit­teilt, dass die Roh­re im Boden eine Schan­de wären, weil sie ja nach Russ­land füh­ren soll­ten. Der sich für die Auf­klä­rung der Ange­le­gen­heit ein­setzt und immer geschwärz­te Doku­men­te bekommt.

Dann noch mit einem Anwalt der Jour­na­lis­ten gegen das Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ver­tritt (Infor­ma­ti­ons­frei­heits­ge­setz).

Die Steue­rung der Ope­ra­ti­on durch Gas­prom, um die US Sank­tio­nen durch eine deut­sche Stif­tung zu umge­hen ist wahrscheinlich.

Der Kli­ma­schutz sei hier nur vor­ge­scho­ben wor­den! Mit der Fer­tig­stel­lung der Pipe­line wäre mehr Geld her­ein­ge­kom­men, als die Kli­ma­stif­tung, ehm durch ande­re Akti­vi­tä­ten, ehm, …


Die­ser Rus­se schon wie­der. Nie hält er sich an US Dro­hun­gen an Deutsch­land! Um am Ende die Ukrai­ne zu schwächen.

Trotz der poli­ti­schen Ver­ein­ba­rung von Mer­kel Nord­stream 2 nicht mehr zu nut­zen, sobald Russ­land sie poli­tisch nut­zen wür­de. Die nicht erwähnt wird.

Aber die Sicher­heits­in­ter­es­sen der Ukrai­ne sei­en unter­gra­ben wor­den, da die Ukrai­ne für die Gas­lie­fe­rung nicht mehr not­wen­dig gewe­sen wäre. Stimmt. Aber da gabs dann ande­re Ver­trä­ge die der Ukrai­ne eine Aus­las­tung in einem bestimm­ten Bereich zuge­sagt haben (über NS2 wäre mehr Gas nach Deutsch­land gekom­men). Die auch mal aus­lau­fen kön­nen. Da hat­te die Ukrai­ne nicht viel Zeit sich was zu überlegen.

Nix ist pas­siert, aber Russ­land hat schon mal ange­fragt, ob sie Kata­lo­ni­en 10.000 Sol­da­ten schi­cken sol­len. Russ­land hat­te ein Inter­es­se Nord­stream 2 fer­tig zu stel­len. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hat dafür eine Stif­tung gegrün­det. Und man habe über eine mög­li­che Ermor­dung eines Jour­na­lis­ten gespro­chen, sich aber dage­gen ent­schie­den, zei­gen Chat­pro­to­kol­le, die Teil einer Ankla­ge­schrift sind.

Bit­te mehr von sol­chen umwer­fen­den inves­ti­ga­ti­ven Enthüllungen.

Ich kann Teil 2 der ARTE Repor­ta­ge kaum abwarten.

Die­se Rus­se schon wie­der, nie macht der ein­fach geheim­dienst­lich mal nichts! Und die Netz­wer­ke Putins erst!

Die Nord­stream 2 Gesellschaft.

Und der Kata­la­ne der in Spa­ni­en nach Rus­sen gefragt hat die Putin kennen!

Und, und dem Jan Mar­sa­lek sei­ne Chats!

Mor­gen hat Russ­land kei­nen FSB mehr, wenn das so wei­ter­geht… Und das nur dank unse­ren Recherchenetzwerken.

edit: Es gibt aber natür­lich auch wie­der gute Nach­rich­ten - Münch­ner Sicher­heits­un­ter­neh­men stellt pri­vat tau­sen­de Lan­cet Equi­va­lent Droh­nen (12kg Nutz­last) mit auto­no­mem Ter­rain map­ping her, die dop­pelt so schnell wie Lan­cets flie­gen und zwei­ein­halb mal so viel Reich­wei­te haben, um sie dem­nächst an die Ukrai­ne zu verkaufen:


Was für ein Glück, dass sowas in Deutsch­land ohne staat­li­ches Mit­wis­sen mög­lich ist.

Denn die hel­fen der Ukrai­ne aktu­ell sehr wahr­schein­lich mehr als Tau­rus ihnen gehol­fen hätte.

Fiona cares to interject

04. Dezember 2024

Panel Inter­view of the his­to­ri­ans that have eaten the con­text by the spoon­fulls society.

Luci­an Kim, Kennan Insti­tu­te pres­ents his new book.

Fio­na Hill, intro­du­ces him to the public, as one of her main sources, then wat­ches over his statements.

Luci­an Kim, then starts to give a his­to­ri­cal rundown, of how the war came to be.

Here is the struc­tu­re of his argument:

I remind you, not my words, his.

- Ever­ything was swell the bor­der was open, peop­le went back and forth bet­ween rus­sia and ukrai­ne, peop­le had a jol­ly good time.
- Then Selen­skyj was voted into power. At first, he was seen as a rus­si­an tool, becau­se he wan­ted to make a deal with rus­sia, but then his views chan­ged. [No rea­son named, why his views chan­ged, well some ULTRANATIONALIST pro­tests out­si­des of some government buil­dings may­be - I’ve heard tho­se can, on occa­si­on, ruin your day! On Fran­ce 24. By a docu­men­ta­ry filmma­ker. *cough* (link not at hand, but it was one of tho­se 4 pun­dits and a mode­ra­tor deba­te panels they do, with the only intel­li­gent mode­ra­tor, go and find it for me, plea­se - it was this year, only a few weeks, may­be mon­ths ago)]
- Then of cour­se Selen­skyj HAD to reneg on Misnk II he sim­ply had to ren­ego­tia­te the agreement.
- But Putin didnt want to ren­ego­tia­te Minsk II, part­ly becau­se of Sevas­to­pol whe­re the rus­si­an fleet was sta­tio­ned, which was of stra­te­gi­cal impor­t­ance in his thinking.
- So Ukrai­ne didnt want to fol­low the Minsk II agree­ments, while rus­sia was in vio­la­ti­on [chan­ge of argu­ment, pre­vious­ly Selen­skyj wan­ted to reneg Minsk II], the­re was no rea­son for Ukrai­ne to ful­fill Minsk II.
- Then Putin used the troop move­ments as a pres­su­re tactic
- Then Selen­skyj put Wik­tor Med­wedt­schuk under House arrest, so rus­sia lost all of its remai­ning soft power.
- Also about 5 minu­tes ear­lier: Putins decisi­on to attack was made at some point in 2021, Putin didnt want this war to go on for over 3 years, thats why he cal­led it a spe­cial mili­ta­ry ope­ra­ti­on [again not my words, Luci­an Kim]


Yes, you see - the­re are many things peop­le see as rea­sons for why various deve­lo­p­ments hap­pen­ed sin­ce 2014 [we were in the years 2021-2022 in the retel­ling of the sto­ry, mind you], and Putins rea­so­ning shifted [names them, then dis­re­gards them as not important], but the­re also is some­thing evo­lu­tio­na­ry, not devo­lu­tio­na­ry about Putin, becau­se look at what Putin said about the histo­ry, how do you think his idea of histo­ry was shifted!?!=?!?! Are the­re peop­le who shaped that?

And now quote:

Luci­an Kim: “Thats a gre­at ques­ti­on! Of cour­se ever­yo­ne is always try­ing to get into Putins mind. [no, not ever­yo­ne - just Fio­na], but if you think about whe­re Putin was when he star­ted his term in office and whe­re his mind was in 2022, when he star­ted, Putin was thought of as a prag­ma­tic lea­der, insi­de of rus­sia, but also, cer­tain­ly in Ukrai­ne, he was actual­ly a very popu­lar poli­ti­ci­an in Ukrai­ne, and cer­tain­ly in the West peop­le thought of him as someo­ne you could make deals with, mutual­ly bene­fi­cial deals with, and it appears that Putin was inte­res­ted in some sort of natio­nal revi­val […] and what I try to descri­be in my book, one of the cha­rac­ters that came into play here was Igor Gir­kin, for­mer FSB offi­cer, that play­ed a key role in the take­over of Cri­mea, and in forming the ins­er­gen­cy in the Don­bas, and I descri­be him as - ahm, an ULTRANATIONALIST, someo­ne belie­ving in rus­si­an auto­cra­cy, in rus­si­an empi­re, .. and even at that time, he was a freak, and he was used by the Krem­lin, he was used as a use­full figu­re by the Krem­lin, and even beca­me the defen­se minis­ter of the socal­led Donezk Repu­blic [WOOW! LOOK AT THIS THOUGHT LEADER! (Krem­lin pup­pet)] and when the Krem­lin didnt need him, they dro­ped him, they made clear, that he was doing his own thing, and the sepe­ra­tists in the Don­bas nee­ded their own sepa­ra­tist lea­ders… And at that time Gir­kin was a freak on the frin­ges (2014) […] and at the end of that peo­ri­od he would actual­ly say a lot of things, that Ale­xej Nawal­ny would say, natio­nal revi­val of rus­sia, … I descri­be Putin going across the spec­trum. We are all in this spec­trum of rus­si­an natio­na­lism. But going from Ale­xej Nawal­ny who had a euro­pean visi­on over to Gir­kin, who had the visi­on of empi­re … […] Thats how I would descri­be his [Putins] path.


Let me inter­ject for a moment here, in Octo­ber of 2021 Ukrai­ne was using US deli­ve­r­ed Jave­lins in the Don­bas, and gave US Mili­ta­ry jour­nals inter­views, that they were high­ly effec­ti­ve at figh­t­ing the sepa­ra­tists there.

Which Chom­sky made sur­face as an argu­ment in the inter­na­tio­nal debate.

22. 11. 2021: the-drive.com (some mili­ta­ry news web­site): Ukrai­ni­an Tro­ops Have Been Firing American-Made Jave­lin Mis­si­les At Russian-Backed Forces
Ukrai­ni­an Bri­ga­dier Gene­ral Kyry­lo Buda­nov tal­ked about the ope­ra­tio­nal use of Jave­lins as part of a recent inter­view with Mili­ta­ry Times, which he con­duc­ted through an inter­pre­ter. Buda­nov, who runs the Chief Direc­to­ra­te of Intel­li­gence of the Minis­try of Defence of Ukrai­ne, also known by its Ukrai­ni­an acro­nym GUR MOU, used the oppor­tu­ni­ty to call for more help from the U.S. government as he sound­ed like the alarm about the Kremlin’s unusu­al deploy­ments of lar­ge num­bers of mili­ta­ry units to are­as oppo­si­te Russia’s bor­ders with Ukrai­ne in recent weeks.

src: click

That enough of a rea­son? I mean, losing all soft pres­su­re tools, having the mili­ta­ry pres­su­re of units at the bor­der not work, and fore­see­ab­ly losing the Don­bas to Ukrai­ni­an tro­ops, becau­se they used US made Jave­lins for the first time? In the Don­bas. Whe­re Gir­kin form­er­ly was the rus­si­an instal­led “defen­se minis­ter”? Becau­se of yeah, that thing, that stra­te­gic impor­t­ance of Sevas­to­pol you men­tio­ned ear­lier.… (Cri­mea can not be secu­red, when Ukrai­ne holds the Don­bas -- Sluice Gates, all water nee­ded for irri­ga­ti­on (grain, corn, ..) are in the Don­bas.) And Ukrai­ne didnt want to stop after regai­ning the Don­bas. Kin­da obviously.

Yeah just lets not men­ti­on that the mili­ta­ry power balan­ce was over­tur­ned (rus­si­an backed sepe­ra­tists, not the full rus­si­an Army against the Ukrai­ni­an Army, now with Jave­lins, no big­gy… It was just the for­mer Ukrai­ni­an Defen­se minis­ter who said the fol­lowing on 24.11.2019

The aid, inclu­ding counter-artillery bat­te­ry radar, night-vision gear and patrol boats, has sin­ce [in the later parts of the Trump admi­nis­tra­ti­on] been unf­ro­zen and is making a real dif­fe­rence to Ukrai­ni­an for­ces figh­t­ing Russian-backed sepa­ra­tists in eas­tern districts.

But it is the Jave­lin which appears to be a game-changer, Ukraine’s defence minis­ter told CBC News.

In cer­tain are­as, they can make a cri­ti­cal dif­fe­rence,” said Andriy Zagorodnyuk.

src: click)

-- oh and by the way - they werent allo­wed to use tho­se Jave­lins until the US clea­red them for use insi­de of Ukrai­ne, even when rus­sia hadnt inva­ded (“offi­cial­ly”) in Decem­ber of 2021. Yeah, I have no Idea, why Gur­kin could sud­den­ly con­vin­ce Putin, that the Krem­lin should chan­ge strategy, …

No idea, whatsoever.…

That fac­to­id, just slip­ped my mind.

And Luci­an Kims, for that matter.

During a pho­ne con­ver­sa­ti­on on 2 Janu­a­ry 2022 bet­ween the US and Ukrai­ni­an pre­si­dents, Pre­si­dent Biden decla­red that the US and its allies ‘will respond decisi­ve­ly if Rus­sia fur­ther inva­des Ukrai­ne’. Alrea­dy during his can­di­da­cy, Joe Biden was outs­po­ken about Ukraine’s role in US for­eign poli­cy and ack­now­led­ged the pos­si­bi­li­ty of pro­vi­ding secu­ri­ty assi­s­tance and wea­pons. Pre­si­dent Zelen­skyy visi­ted Washing­ton in Sep­tem­ber 2021 and met Pre­si­dent Biden. The Joint State­ment on the US-Ukraine Stra­te­gic Part­ners­hip reaf­fir­med US sup­port for ‘Ukraine’s right to deci­de its own future for­eign poli­cy cour­se free from out­side inter­fe­rence, inclu­ding with respect to Ukraine’s aspi­ra­ti­ons to join NATO’. Moreo­ver, Pre­si­dent Biden announ­ced a US$60 mil­li­on secu­ri­ty assi­s­tance packa­ge, inclu­ding addi­tio­nal Jave­lin anti-armour sys­tems and forth­co­m­ing joint hard­ware pro­duc­tion through Ukro­boron­prom. Washing­ton reco­gni­s­es Ukrai­ne as ‘cen­tral to the glo­bal strugg­le bet­ween demo­cra­cy and auto­cra­cy’. In late Decem­ber 2021, defen­si­ve mili­ta­ry aid worth US$200 mil­li­on was appro­ved, with deli­ve­ries alrea­dy arri­ving. In Janu­a­ry 2022, the US appro­ved the sen­ding of American-made anti-tank and anti-aircraft mis­si­les to Ukrai­ne by the Bal­tic States.

src: EU Par­lia­ment Brie­fing “EU-Ukraine rela­ti­ons and the security
situa­ti­on in the coun­try” 02.02.2022

edit: On the point, that Putins goal with the mili­ta­ry inva­si­on was to install a pup­pet can­di­da­te in Kiew, I agree. Might likely still be his goal (sabo­ta­ge the inde­pen­dence of Ukrai­ne). But. Ukrai­ne with Odes­sa and the Donau har­bors can pos­si­b­ly retain inde­pen­dence eco­no­mi­c­al­ly. Issue then beco­mes, mili­ta­ry pres­su­re, mili­ta­ry con­trol over black sea tra­de, and soft power influ­ence over a “for­ced neu­tral” Ukrai­ne. All but the last one can be sol­ved by secu­ri­ty gua­ran­ties. Last one could be sol­ved by “par­ti­al Ukrai­ne” beco­m­ing a mem­ber of NATO and the EU, but not if Selen­skyj keeps insis­ting, only the ent­i­re Ukrai­ne can beco­me part of NATO.

edit: Ers­te Publi­kums­fra­ge von Nata­li­ya Gume­nyuk (1|2)! Mei­ne güte Zufäl­le gibts! Ich glau­be das wur­de von Russ­land sicher posi­tiv gelesen!

edit2: Atlan­tic Coun­cil BLEH from June 20 2024, on why Ukrai­ne REALLY needs the Don­bas. If you havent gues­sed it by now, its becau­se of Hilter…

Of cour­se, the­re is an oce­an of sus­pi­ci­on bet­ween Moscow and Kyiv. Ukrai­ne deeply distrusts Rus­sia, as Russia’s 2014 sei­zu­re of Cri­mea, sup­port for the Don­bas insur­gen­cy, and 2022 full-scale inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne vio­la­te the 1994 Buda­pest Memo­ran­dum, in which Rus­sia agreed to respect Ukraine’s bor­ders and sovereignty. 

Worse, some pos­si­ble peace terms, such as gran­ting Rus­sia per­ma­nent con­trol of the eco­no­mi­c­al­ly valu­able and mili­ta­ri­ly important Don­bas regi­on, would shift the balan­ce of power in Russia’s favor. Ukrai­ne would be espe­cial­ly unli­kely to accept this kind of deal, becau­se it would expand a streng­t­he­ned Russia’s incen­ti­ves to break the deal down the line. This was one rea­son why Chur­chill refu­sed to nego­tia­te, as he fea­red that Nazi lea­der Adolf Hit­ler would demand Bri­tish colo­nies and naval dis­ar­ma­ment in any peace deal, lea­ving Bri­tain hel­pless to resist even­tu­al Ger­man deman­ds for total Bri­tish capitulation.

src: click