Kurze Durchsage von Kotkin bei Foreign Affairs

30. April 2023

Für die dies nicht wis­sen, Kot­kin war das Arsch­loch dass bei der Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on knapp zehn Tage nach Kriegs­be­ginn das kom­plet­te media­le Nar­ra­tiv des Wes­tens kon­stru­iert hat. Da kannst du das kom­plet­te intel­lek­tu­el­le Euro­pa in die Tasche ste­cken, es kam in der öffent­li­chen Debat­te ein­fach kein wei­te­rer Aspekt mehr dazu.

An die­ser Stel­le viel­leicht auch noch mal ein herz­li­cher Dank and die Hoo­ver Institution.

Viel­leicht auch von Kot­kin selbst, der konn­te sich im letz­ten Jahr ja dar­auf­fol­gend eine Stan­ford Pro­fes­sur abholen.

Vla­di­mir Putin com­p­lai­ning about the west and try­ing to match the West’s power without the capa­bi­li­ties - using the strong sta­te devol­ving into per­so­na­list rule and now making their situa­ti­on far worse than it was befo­re Febru­a­ry 2022 - so that’s why I call it russia’s per­pe­tu­al geo­po­li­tics - and it’s important to under­line that it’s a choice it’s not an inna­te cul­tu­ral trait.

Rus­sia could say you know we can’t match the West, the West is too strong for us let’s ins­tead not try to com­pe­te with the west and may­be over­ta­ke the West, let’s try to live along­side the west and focus on our own inter­nal deve­lo­p­ment ins­tead that’s an opti­on that’s the stra­te­gic opti­on that we’d like to see Rus­sia take tho­se of us who are not russo­pho­bes but russophiles.

But we don’t see that opti­on yet it would be gre­at if in the after­math of this ukrai­ni­an tra­ge­dy we see a dif­fe­rent stra­te­gic choice in the Krem­lin whe­re they final­ly give up.

They can be Rus­sia, they can be non-western a Euro­pean power in a cul­tu­ral sen­se but not wes­tern insti­tu­tio­nal­ly, they can be true to their iden­ti­ty and values but they don’t have to try to do some­thing they can’t do.

You know I’d love to play in the Pre­mier League, soc­cer, and I prac­ti­ce and I prac­ti­ce and I can’t do it and I can’t do it becau­se my capa­bi­li­ties don’t match my ambi­ti­ons that sounds very tri­vi­al that ana­lo­gy but this is what we have with Russia.

So one aspect of that account that I think cuts against the way most peop­le have tal­ked about events in Ukrai­ne in the past few mon­ths is that it does­n’t focus so much on Putin and what he is thin­king and what kind of infor­ma­ti­on he’s get­ting he is in some ways - con­forming to type and the struc­tu­re is much more important. Do we focus too much on Putin and who he is and what he thinks and most ana­ly­sis we do that we have to ack­now­ledge the per­so­na­li­ties mat­ter, they mat­ter a lot when peop­le were cri­ti­ci­zing Khrush­chev for not being up to Stalin’s level and […]

Also nur um das kurz fest­zu­hal­ten, die US stre­ben schon kei­nen Regi­me­chan­ge, oder eine abso­lu­te Unter­wer­fung Russ­lands an. Das hat Biden ja verneint.

Nur die Frak­ti­on der Russo­phi­len inner­halb des US außen­po­li­ti­schen Estab­lish­ments strebt eine Unter­wer­fung Russ­lands und Regi­me­chan­ge an. Begrün­dung - im Gegen­satz zu den ande­ren sei­en sie ja kei­ne Russo­pho­ben, aber die Rus­sen kön­nen eben nun mal nicht gut Fuß­ball spielen.

Damit wir das mal fest­ge­hal­ten haben.

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