Für die dies nicht wissen, Kotkin war das Arschloch dass bei der Hoover Institution knapp zehn Tage nach Kriegsbeginn das komplette mediale Narrativ des Westens konstruiert hat. Da kannst du das komplette intellektuelle Europa in die Tasche stecken, es kam in der öffentlichen Debatte einfach kein weiterer Aspekt mehr dazu.
An dieser Stelle vielleicht auch noch mal ein herzlicher Dank and die Hoover Institution.
Vielleicht auch von Kotkin selbst, der konnte sich im letzten Jahr ja darauffolgend eine Stanford Professur abholen.
Vladimir Putin complaining about the west and trying to match the West’s power without the capabilities - using the strong state devolving into personalist rule and now making their situation far worse than it was before February 2022 - so that’s why I call it russia’s perpetual geopolitics - and it’s important to underline that it’s a choice it’s not an innate cultural trait.
Russia could say you know we can’t match the West, the West is too strong for us let’s instead not try to compete with the west and maybe overtake the West, let’s try to live alongside the west and focus on our own internal development instead that’s an option that’s the strategic option that we’d like to see Russia take those of us who are not russophobes but russophiles.
But we don’t see that option yet it would be great if in the aftermath of this ukrainian tragedy we see a different strategic choice in the Kremlin where they finally give up.
They can be Russia, they can be non-western a European power in a cultural sense but not western institutionally, they can be true to their identity and values but they don’t have to try to do something they can’t do.
You know I’d love to play in the Premier League, soccer, and I practice and I practice and I can’t do it and I can’t do it because my capabilities don’t match my ambitions that sounds very trivial that analogy but this is what we have with Russia.
So one aspect of that account that I think cuts against the way most people have talked about events in Ukraine in the past few months is that it doesn’t focus so much on Putin and what he is thinking and what kind of information he’s getting he is in some ways - conforming to type and the structure is much more important. Do we focus too much on Putin and who he is and what he thinks and most analysis we do that we have to acknowledge the personalities matter, they matter a lot when people were criticizing Khrushchev for not being up to Stalin’s level and […]
Also nur um das kurz festzuhalten, die US streben schon keinen Regimechange, oder eine absolute Unterwerfung Russlands an. Das hat Biden ja verneint.
Nur die Fraktion der Russophilen innerhalb des US außenpolitischen Establishments strebt eine Unterwerfung Russlands und Regimechange an. Begründung - im Gegensatz zu den anderen seien sie ja keine Russophoben, aber die Russen können eben nun mal nicht gut Fußball spielen.
Damit wir das mal festgehalten haben.