G: If I should choose today between hell and Shifa I would choose hell. I got a report yesterday from the minister of health that 20 out of the 23 ICU patients had died, 17 other patients died because of lack of supplies oxygen and water and three if not five of the 38 premature newborns have died because of this slow suffocation that the Israeli occupation Army is exposing all the hospitals to, by cutting electricity, oxygen and medical supplies. And it’s, it’s you know it’s beyond description. I’m, I’m out of words to describe this systematic man-made slaughtering of patients in civilian hospitals and, when I heard the crowd in the United States shout - you know no, no ceasefire, I think that’s the only place on earth where people are supporting Israel and the other streets of the world are supporting a ceasefire, a human solution, a lift of the siege and a support for the people of Gaza - so this is a deeply divided world, and the lies are flying around like never before - in any war - and I think we need to keep our heads and our hearts calm now and understand that what we are seeing is an unprecedented attack on the civilian society occupied by one of the most brutal and ruthless armies in in the world, exercising a systematic attack on civilian healthcare, completely against international law and the standards that we want to apply and being back patted all the time by the US president, I mean - we’re in the darkest time of modern history now so far, if you look at the UN numbers - the UN numbers that are coming out every day in their fact sheets -- 40,000 Palestinians have been killed or are missing under the reubel or have been injured. For four weeks, 40,000. 6,000 of the killed and missing are children. When did that become defense of a country, when did it become decent to drag neonates out of their incubators and kill children you know. [Context: The neonites had to be relocated, because Israel forced the relocation of all people in the intensive care ward. So hospital staff started to evacuate everyone including prematurely born babies.] The only explanation for this is a deep rooted and very frightening racism, because you don’t do these things to people you consider your equal. I’m extremely disturbed, I’m extremely upset and I blame the European leaders and your president for this bloody bloodshed of people who are being completely defenseless. And I talked to a colleague in Mustafa Al-Aqsa in the South yesterday, he told me they were seeing influx of patients coming walking from the north, having followed the Israeli command to leave the North and they were being shot in the legs and they were treating gunshots in the legs from people trying to escape the north…
I: Dr. Gilbert I wanted to ask you what uh the Israeli government continues to insist that Hamas is using the hospitals in Gaza as command centers and as underground headquarters of storing weapons and even hostages, what is your response to these claims?
G: Twofold - why are you in the media conveying these false claims continuously and taking the attention away from what is the real problem, namely the continuous bombing and killing of people in Gaza. There is absolutely no proof so far that I know of neither from US intelligence nor from Israeli intelligence and we’ve heard these accusations for 16 years. Show us the proof show us the evidence and don’t forget that the Geneva Convention, the fourth convention is telling the fighting parties to make both distinction and precaution. If it’s a mixed military and civilian target the civilian precaution takes priority over the military gain and they have been bombing not only Shifa and Al-Quds but lots of hospitals with[out] even bothering to claim that there is any military activity in that hospital. They bombed the Turkish they bombed Al-Rantisi pediatric hospital and we all seen these ridiculous videos where they say oh here are Pampers in a pediatric hospital it’s got to be the terrorists, so I think this is a big sham and I’m a bit worried that you in the media are so uh easily - are conveying these unsubstantiated accusations and regardless, they don’t have the right to bomb hospitals that’s very clear and now it’s not only Shifa now the Al-Quds hospital are - is being evacuated with all the patients and all the staff and it is really a convoy of shame to the Western World and United States to see these hospitals, the last resort in a dramatic assault on the civilian population in Gaza who have done nothing wrong other than being born Palestinians in Gaza. And this convoy of misery is the result of a lenient attitude to the Israeli violations of international law. Through many, many years the Israeli impunity has reached a new level and we are all sinking into that Abyss of disregard for human life and humanity as as we are seeing this going on without anybody trying to stop the Israeli Army.
Diese Gesellschaft ist das absolut grotesk und abartigst Allerletzte.
France24 will have a legal expert on air this evening to talk about the legal ramifications. (edit: Here: click)
Jetzt gibts aber in Österreich wahrlich wichtigeres zu tun, wie uns die Neos hier vorführen:
Meinl-Reisinger: “Wer das Kalifat ausrufen will, hat bei uns nichts verloren”
src: click
War das nicht mal ein FPÖ Wahlslogan?!
Normalisierung durch Hasspropaganda. Heute auf Position Eins im Standard.
Diese Gesellschaft ist das absolut grotesk und abartigst Allerletzte.