Finally! US got their framing down for “encircling russia in the black sea”

01. September 2024

First ques­ti­on. Is rus­sia real­ly the only dan­ger in the black sea?

Ans­wer given by the panel. Yes.

Explana­ti­on: Becau­se it is an encir­cle­ment stra­te­gy. Aka ever­yo­ne in the regi­on against russia.

Explana­ti­on given by the panel: Yes, becau­se Putin is the new Hit­ler, and when I tal­ked to Mer­kel she said to me Putin thought like Ale­xa­ner the Gre­at, no he thinks like Niko­las the Gre­at, lis­ten to his war speech he men­tio­ned him in the­re, and when I was in rus­sia in 2015, ever­yo­ne told me - we are the per­fect slaves, but when I was in Ukrai­ne, they ale­rea­dy told me, we are figh­t­ing for our freedom!

[Btw, if you have a “are they real­ly all that dumb” moment right about now, no. They are dum­ber. Just watch the video.]

Second ques­ti­on: Is the black sea real­ly that important for rus­sia. Warm water port and all that.

Ans­wer given by Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne on the panel: Yes, eco­no­mi­c­al­ly and for the pro­jec­tion of mili­ta­ry power the black sea ports are extre­me­ly important for rus­sia. 40% of their exports and a serious per­cen­ta­ge of their imports go through the black sea.

CORRECT! THE CANDIDATE GETS 1000 POINTS AND A FREE WASHING MASHINE! IF SOMEONE WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO RELAY THAT TO WERNER FASSLABEND OVER THE LAST YEAR AND A HALF, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO HELPFUL! You know to all the diplo­ma­cy stu­dents in Aus­tria, who lear­ned from Herr Fass­labend, that Sevas­to­pol wasnt at all important to Rus­sia, and that they could just as easi­ly run their eco­no­my through Mur­mansk in the nor­dic cir­cle (ok, clo­se to the nor­dic circle).

Spä­te Erkenntnis

They couldnt - which real­ly was kind of the main point Zbi­gniew Brze­ziń­ski made in the Grand Chess­board, but who nee­ded to read Brze­ziń­ski when they were ser­ving in the aus­tri­an for­eign ser­vice, am I right? Right?

So just as a tale of warning, if ever somo­ne in the vicini­ty of the Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on and Fio­na Hills posi­ti­on the­re should come to read this litt­le blog ent­ry. This is what you do to socie­ty. Flood it with a bunch of “I know how Putin thinks he thinks like 5 tsars I saw in his office in 2015, when Fio­na for the last time was part of a Val­dai Dis­cus­sion Club mee­ting” crap, implant that thought in peop­le who are too dumb even to relay that cor­rect­ly and then have to pull out their “Hit­ler in the black sea” com­pa­ri­sons when they have public panel appearan­ces. In their first ans­wer on a GLOBSEC panel.

Make sure no one regis­ters, that this is all a “get rus­sia out of the black sea” con­flict at heart (see Her­fried Münk­ler: ) - and then have Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne blow that all up by actual­ly spel­ling out loud how important its black sea ports his­to­ri­cal­ly have been, and still are for rus­si­as eco­no­my and power projection.

You know, the ones Ukrai­ne insis­ted Rus­sia had to gift them (!!!!!!!! Veni­ce Com­mi­si­on, see below) with all the mili­ta­ry ships docked the­re, and the ones built the­re for free as part of “com­pen­sa­ti­on negotiations”.

Befo­re this “unpro­vo­ked war” bro­ke out. You know - Ukrai­ne, which wan­ted not­hing more than to join NATO with all its heart, so Vic­to­ria Nuland could final­ly ful­fill ame­ri­cas goals in the black sea. (Which the bri­tish repre­sen­ta­ti­ve in the Panel will descri­be to you word for word, just lis­ten to him.)

But dont you worry, the first com­ment in the GLOBSEC panel about “Bols­te­ring Black Sea Secu­ri­ty” (Is rus­sia real­ly the only thre­at in the black sea. Yes! Says the panel.) will be, that Putin is like Hit­ler, and not like the Tsar Mer­kel com­pa­red him to, but the other Tsar, that had empi­ria­listic ambitions!

While Her­fried Münk­ler alrea­dy sta­ted, that rus­sia pro­bab­ly star­ted the war at least part­ly - to be able to secu­re (pro­jec­ting years into the future, when its demo­gra­phic wouldnt allow for mili­ta­ry actions any­mo­re) its influ­ence in the black sea.

Spä­te Erkenntnis

Now -- are all poli­ti­cal pro­pon­ents that are fea­tured, by the fuck­ing pro­pa­gan­distic dipshits that pro­du­ce your media rea­li­ty -- real­ly that dumb?

No, they are dum­ber, watch this video.

This is GLOBSEC.

This is the US secu­ri­ty industry.

God for­bid I once thought the Alp­bach panels whe­re intel­lec­tual­ly lacking and all about put­ting peop­le on sta­ge to have their egos stroked.

This is liter­al­ly the Broo­kings insti­tu­ti­on wri­ting the memes into the minds of sta­te repre­sen­ta­ti­ves which are idi­ots, and think that adding Hit­ler to the mix, in the first respon­se they ever pro­du­ce on an indus­try panel - would make a bet­ter epis­te­me out of it.

Well, he said Hit­ler, so it must be true…!

This is what the Broo­kings Insti­tu­ti­on does to society.

Never­mind that you still need per­so­nal con­nec­tions to get fuck­ing Wer­ner Fass­labend to lie to his public rela­ti­ons stu­dents for one and a half years, becau­se that old fuck­ing fool, could be made to belie­ve that Sevas­to­pol wasnt important for rus­si­as afri­ca missions.

But for all this year long outra­ge­os bull­shit and pro­pa­gan­da -- the US didnt think about brie­fing Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne on the offi­cial pro­pa­gan­da posi­ti­on, so now she just enters the “encir­cling rus­sia in the black sea” panel, and anwers truth­ful­ly. Becau­se shes amongst friends.

Cant make this stuff up. Its insa­ni­ty in motion.

First spea­ker gives you the full pro­pa­gan­da load­down with Tsars and Hit­ler. Second spea­ker tells you the full truth, becau­se she was never brie­fed, that she should down­play the impor­t­ance of Sevas­to­pol by US for­eign poli­cy “experts” tar­ge­ting wes­tern media outlets.


Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft eigent­lich noch verarschen?

Ach­ja --

Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft noch verarschen?


Gut die Schwarz­meer­hä­fen wären bei einem Nato Bei­tritt der Ukrai­ne für Russ­land weg gewe­sen, aber ich mein was sind schon 40% der rus­si­schen Expor­te und ihre gesam­te Power Pro­jec­tion into the Medi­te­re­ni­an and Afri­ca for russia…

Nein, also dass ihnen die Nuland das weg­neh­men woll­te, war ja nie im Leben eine Pro­vo­ka­ti­on! Ich weiss gar­nicht war­um Putin die Krim neh­men musste!

Gut, jetzt sagt die Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne sie weiß es, es war, weil Sevas­to­pol so wich­tig für Russ­land war, und der Münk­ler sagts auch -

Spä­te Erkenntnis

aber das müs­sen die deutsch­spra­chi­gen Medi­en ja des­we­gen nicht der Öffent­lich­keit erklären.

Nein, bit­te - der Krieg war unpro­vo­ziert, auch wenn die Ukrai­ne zu beginn mit US Jave­lins die rus­si­schen Sepa­ra­tis­ten aus dem Don­bas weg­ge­schos­sen und damit die mili­tä­ri­sche Lage gedreht hat. Die die Ukrai­ne extra dafür ange­fragt hat die Lage im Don­bas zu dre­hen (Game­ch­an­ger gegen die “Sepa­ra­tis­ten”). Auch wenn die Jave­lins zu dem Zeit­punkt nicht frei­ge­ge­ben waren. Genutzt haben sie sie schon. Was die Was­ser­ver­sor­gung (irre­ga­ti­on) zur Krim gefähr­det hät­te, wenn die Ukrai­ner den Don­bas genom­men hät­ten. Was Russ­land aus der gesam­ten Ukrai­ne gedrängt hät­te (2 Mio. Men­schen ohne Was­ser­ver­sor­gung die zor­nig auf Russ­land sind) (was bis heu­te das Kriegs­ziel der Ukrai­ne ist -- sie­he Ver­hand­lungs­ver­lauf in Bür­gen­stock, sie­he Ali­na Frolo­va, For­mer Depu­ty Minis­ter of Defence of Ukrai­ne in die­sem Panel). Was das poli­ti­sche Ziel von Nuland war. (Ukrai­ne zur NATO in sei­ner tat­säch­li­chen Bedeu­tung). Aber eine Pro­vo­ka­ti­on haben wir ja alle immer noch nir­gend­wo entdeckt.

Also wo denn?

Wer denn?

Die Veni­ce Com­mi­si­on der euro­päi­schen Union?

Wie kann man die­se Gesell­schaft noch verarschen?


edit: Sor­ry - the bri­tish represnta­ti­ve on the Panel had to also pro­vi­de the input, that Putin is also emu­la­ting Sta­lin of cour­se. Plea­se note that down as well.

So thats Hit­ler, not Alex­an­der the Gre­at, but Niko­las the Gre­at and Sta­lin. This will be part of the histo­ry test of your child.

Also Tobi­as Ell­wood, Secu­ri­ty and Defence Con­sul­tant, Ell­wood Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons - the bri­tish repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, also knows, that this is not just about the black sea, this is about Putin “pushing fur­ther”, becau­se: “you all play­ed Risk, and the green part is als­ways hard to defend, so you attack”.

Thank you, no fur­ther pro­of nee­ded, I think!

This also will be on the histo­ry test of your child, belie­ve me.

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