Liars at work

03. Januar 2025

This goes for the ent­i­re panel btw.

Here is my favo­ri­te lie:

Rus­sia worked on being a gre­at power through mili­ta­ry means sin­ce 2008”

[edit: Pro­of, for peop­le that dont fol­low this longterm:

1. Kennan Insti­tu­te Advi­so­ry Coun­cil mem­ber Luci­an Kim: “the decisi­on to attack was made at some point in 2021” src: click

2. Davyd Arak­ha­mi­ia, lea­der of the Ser­vant of the Peop­le fac­tion who led the Ukrai­ni­an dele­ga­ti­on at “peace” talks with the Rus­si­ans in Bela­rus and Tür­ki­ye in Novem­ber 2023: “Well, we couldn’t just sign some­thing - and then they would have retrea­ted and ever­yo­ne would have taken a breath and then they would have come back more pre­pa­red - becau­se they actual­ly ent­e­red unpre­pa­red, yes, to such resis­tance.” src: click ]

ins­tead of the old

Rus­sia secu­red its bor­ders through mili­ta­ry and soft power means, more proac­tively in the recent past becau­se of an inco­m­ing demo­gra­phic chan­ge, which rus­sia and ever­y­bo­dy else saw com­ing (that will hal­ve its mili­ta­ry capa­ci­ty wit­hin 20 years).”

That gets then worked into a meager

Which means that rus­sia wants to impo­se its mili­ta­ry rule in europe”

ins­tead of the old

Rus­sia is afraid that Ukrai­ne would have beco­me wild­ly eco­no­mi­c­al­ly suc­cess­ful, becau­se of free tra­de with the EU”.

Which gets then worked into a com­ple­te­ly fictional 

But I think the full sca­le inva­si­on of Ukrai­ne howe­ver shows, that rus­sia is now frank­ly deter­mi­ned to demo­lish the post cold war euro­pean secu­ri­ty order, by use of force”

ins­tead of the publicly known -- 

Well the US finan­ced, pro­mo­ted, co-organized, and cho­se the poli­ti­cal rulers of inte­rim Ukrai­ne during and after the Maidan”.

So the pre­re­qui­si­te for get­ting on a tal­king panel wit­hin Chat­ham House -- as an expert is, that you have thir­ty years worth of a black hole the size of an ent­i­re barn, in your his­to­ri­cal know­ledge, that is very selec­ti­ve -- and only has one thing that you mourn day after day, after day, after day --- and that is, that Ukrai­ne can not be rob­bed of its true­born right to select the mili­ta­ry orga­niz­a­ti­on it belongs to and the­re­fo­re which coun­try builds mili­ta­ry bases on the black sea, whenever it gets an abso­lu­te idi­ot elec­ted as the next pre­si­dent that to this day see­min­gly doesnt under­stand, to what extent he has been lied to.

Trump will exp­lain it to him very soon, dont you worry. (Nato? Nato? Nato?)

So only if you ful­fill this very selec­ti­ve in its own right cri­te­ria, of being a com­ple­te roman­ti­cist, with a lack of his­to­ri­cal know­ledge thats pur­po­se­ful­ly both immense and selec­ti­ve, and sees rus­si­as full fled­ged attack on Ukrai­ne as ent­i­re­ly unpro­vo­ked - which the non ful­ly fled­ged attack right befo­re of cour­se never was (cri­meas occup­a­ti­on was a reac­tion to the mai­dan revo­lu­ti­on) - but then Putin at just the right time (Covid!) beca­me cra­zy --- after you’­ve crea­ted a FRESH ent­i­re­ly new nar­ra­ti­ve, that Putin at no point beca­me cra­zy, becau­se thats not a nar­ra­ti­ve you can use any­mo­re in poli­te wes­tern socie­ty, or the wes­tern public, so you came up with some­thing new, that just by coin­ci­dence out­lines that he just wan­ted to des­troy the euro­pean secu­ri­ty order - for real­ly no rea­son - sin­ce 2008

(All nuclear pro­li­fe­ra­ti­on con­tracts can­ce­led by the US, … but you have to igno­re that.)

- only then you get your panel spot at Chat­ham House at this very moment.

And if you are a peace acti­vist, that actual­ly went through the archi­ves, and rese­ar­ched the step by step pro­gres­si­on (and public and less public US voices of the for­eign poli­cy estab­lish­ment at the time) of Nato enlar­ge­ment, becau­se the­re were pro­gres­si­ve rounds of Nato enlar­ge­ment -- you get your Hoo­ver Insti­tu­ti­on led deba­te panel on the you­tube chan­nel Zero Hedge, so no jour­na­list will ever dare to quo­te you. Ever.

Das ist die­se Gesellschaft.

Easy as that.

Oh, and dont worry, that all of that con­tra­dicts the initi­al wes­tern war nar­ra­ti­ve. (As shown by the con­tra­dic­tions in the begin­ning of this pos­ting.) Becau­se you are at Chat­ham House of cour­se! So that means you dont have to care about argu­men­ta­ti­ve con­sis­ten­cy in the west any­mo­re - you have the ent­i­re media eco­sys­tem behind you.

And the ent­i­re first wes­tern war nar­ra­ti­ve was not­hing but a lie.

But never mind that (its pro­bab­ly just cir­cum­sta­ti­al) -- the new thing you inven­ted, is the truth and not­hing but the truth - so far as the ever­ch­an­ging mode­ra­tors on NTV and ZDF heu­te are being able to be convinced.

Becau­se they in return, then con­vin­ce the wider public.

Gut, Pro­pa­gan­da hat noch immer nie­mand ent­deckt, was will man machen.…

Bleibt eigent­lich nur noch eine Lücke im Euro­päi­schen Medien-Narrativ: Mit wel­chen Truppen?

Mit denen die Putin erst noch rekru­tie­ren wird, in 20 Jah­ren, und mit denen er die Nato dann angrei­fen wird.

Wäh­rend er sich aktu­ell hütet wie nur was eine gene­rel­le Mobil­ma­chung aus­zu­ru­fen, um nicht gestürzt zu wer­den. Klar, oder?

Bonus: Und dass Russ­land wirt­schaft­lich sta­gniert, zum Juni­or­part­ner von Chi­na wird und seit jeher kei­ne Super­macht mehr war, wird, oder je Ambi­tio­nen jen­seits der einer Regio­nal­macht mit Kolo­nien gezeigt hät­te, war dann wahr­schein­lich kein Feh­ler in der Argu­men­ta­ti­ons­lo­gik der Chat­ham­house Vor­tra­gen­den (Wer erin­nert sich nicht, an die rea­le glo­ba­le Gefahr des Kom­mu­nis­mus! Wegen der die US ein süd­ame­ri­ka­ni­sches Land nach dem ande­ren, …), son­dern ein Pla­nungs­feh­ler Russ­lands. Seit 2008. Der sel­be Planungsfehler.

Ja, sowas kommt vor…

Vor allem, wenn man schon lan­ge kei­ne Super­macht mehr ist, aber mili­tä­risch die­sen Sta­tus immer noch trägt, wie ja das sen­sa­tio­nell erfolg­rei­che Mili­tär Russ­lands bis heu­te unter Beweis stellt…

Moment, was war noch mal der Ein­lei­tungs­satz des Exper­ten? Ach ja, “Ich habe mich seit 30 Jah­ren in das rus­si­sche Den­ken ein­ge­fühlt und Russ­land sieht sich selbst als als “enti­t­led”…”

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