The truth, as of European resolution 2024/2988(RSP)

25. Januar 2025

So to inst­ruct social media net­works to remo­ve postings based on EU law - and to con­cep­tua­li­ze its new epis­tems against memes pri­ming cam­pai­gn (col­lo­quial­ly known as “vac­ci­na­ti­on against mis­in­for­ma­ti­on”), the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment has now made the fol­lowing nar­ra­ti­ves truth by EU resolution --

So it can then go to social media “fact che­ckers” and tell them remo­ve posts of that guy (me) for being cri­ti­cal of the offi­cial narrative…


Here is the full text:

Euro­pean Par­lia­ment reso­lu­ti­on of 23 Janu­a­ry 2025 on Russia’s dis­in­for­ma­ti­on and his­to­ri­cal fal­si­fi­ca­ti­on to jus­ti­fy its war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne (2024/2988(RSP))

Here is the spin imple­men­ted by the EU par­lia­ment, I’ve found so far:

1. You have to agree that this war was unpro­vo­ked, or the EU will have you cen­so­red on social media. (Issue: It wasnt unprovoked):

whe­re­as, in fact, sin­ce 24 Febru­a­ry 2022 the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on has been waging an unpro­vo­ked, unju­s­ti­fied and ille­gal war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne, in con­ti­nua­tion of pre­vious aggres­si­ons sin­ce 2014, and con­ti­nues to per­sist­ent­ly vio­la­te the princi­ples of the UN Char­ter through its aggres­si­ve actions against the sov­er­eig­n­ty, inde­pen­dence and ter­ri­to­ri­al inte­gri­ty of Ukrai­ne and to bla­tant­ly and gross­ly vio­la­te inter­na­tio­nal huma­ni­ta­ri­an law, as estab­lis­hed by the Gene­va Con­ven­ti­ons of 1949, in par­ti­cu­lar through the mas­si­ve use of tar­ge­ted attacks against the civi­li­an popu­la­ti­on, resi­den­ti­al are­as and civi­li­an infrastructure;

2. By inter­lin­king “act of aggres­si­on” and the later adop­ted phra­sing “war of aggres­si­on” and focu­sing on the immedia­te qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on as such by the UN, the EU tri­es to down­play the peri­od two weeks after the start of the war, whe­re the EU its­elf didnt want to qua­li­fy it as a war necessa­ri­ly - which makes dis­cus­sions about this peri­od basi­cal­ly impos­si­ble on social media, unless the fact­che­cker knows the rhe­to­ri­cal trick cal­led grou­ping, used in the EU reso­lu­ti­on here. So when you ask - what chan­ged the EUs posi­ti­on ( ) your pos­ting will get dele­ted from social media based on this EU resolution.

C. whe­re­as the UN Gene­ral Assem­bly, in its reso­lu­ti­on of 2 March 2022, immedia­te­ly qua­li­fied Russia’s war against Ukrai­ne as an act of aggres­si­on in vio­la­ti­on of Arti­cle 2(4) of the UN Char­ter, and, in its reso­lu­ti­on of 14 Novem­ber 2022, it reco­gnis­ed the need to hold the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on accoun­ta­ble for its war of aggres­si­on, as well as legal­ly and finan­cial­ly respon­si­ble for its inter­na­tio­nal­ly wrong­ful acts, and that Rus­sia should pay repa­ra­ti­ons for the inju­ries and dama­ge caused;

3. You have to qua­li­fy the mili­ta­ry acts in Chech­nya, Geor­gia and the occup­a­ti­on of Cri­mea as “rus­si­an impe­ria­lism” -- and not as ger­man spea­king media did befo­re the full sca­le war as “Rus­sia proac­tively mana­ging its bor­ders” and the annex­a­ti­on of Cri­mea as a reac­tion to the coup in 2014. If you do that in 2025 the EU will make sure, your posts will get dele­ted from social media.

D. whe­re­as Russia’s aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne is not an iso­la­ted act but a con­ti­nua­tion of its impe­ria­listic poli­cy, which has inclu­ded a war against Chech­nya and mili­ta­ry aggres­si­on against Geor­gia in 2008, and the occup­a­ti­on of Cri­mea and the start of a war in the Don­bas in 2014;

4. You have to agree, that Putins his­to­ri­cal revi­sio­nism in wri­ting was aimed to rec­ti­fy the rus­si­an full sca­le inva­si­on, even though that con­nec­tion was not made by media or his­to­ri­ans at the time of publi­shing, and only was lay­ed onto the text after­wards using the right amount of “offi­cial litera­ry ana­ly­sis”. Mea­ning - Mear­s­hei­mer is now a con­spi­ra­cy theo­rist by EU decree, for sta­ting, that the docu­ments dont sta­te, that Rus­sia put into ques­ti­on the poli­ti­cal inde­pen­dence, or inde­pen­dent state­hood of Ukrai­ne - which tho­se docu­ments dont. Read them for your­sel­ves here: click

E. whe­re­as the start of Russia’s full-scale war of aggres­si­on against neigh­bou­ring Ukrai­ne was pre­ce­ded by several public decla­ra­ti­ons by the pre­si­dent of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on see­king to jus­ti­fy its use of for­ce by means of his­to­ri­cal revi­sio­nism, fal­se claims and ille­gi­ti­ma­te deman­ds for the reco­gni­ti­on of its exclu­si­ve inte­rests in Ukrai­ne and other neigh­bou­ring countries;

So Mear­s­hei­mer will now be can­ce­led from social media.

Also - the right thing to call out for is to pro­mo­te com­ple­te mira­cle cures at this point - as the EU has just made clear by decree:

1. Rei­tera­tes its con­dem­na­ti­on, in the stron­gest pos­si­ble terms, of Russia’s unpro­vo­ked, ille­gal and unju­s­ti­fied war of aggres­si­on against Ukrai­ne; calls on Rus­sia to immedia­te­ly ter­mi­na­te all mili­ta­ry acti­vi­ties in Ukrai­ne and to com­ple­te­ly and uncon­di­tio­nal­ly with­draw all for­ces, pro­xies and mili­ta­ry equip­ment from the ent­i­re inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gnis­ed ter­ri­to­ry of Ukrai­ne, to end its for­ced depor­ta­ti­ons of Ukrai­ni­an civi­li­ans and to release all detai­ned and depor­ted Ukrai­ni­ans, par­ti­cu­lar­ly children;

Also, if you want to still exist on social media, you have to belie­ve and sup­port the con­sti­tu­ti­on of the spe­cial tri­bu­nal in the Hague, which the US is open­ly oppo­sed to crea­ting (was also even during the Biden administration):

7. Fur­ther­mo­re also rei­tera­tes its call for the estab­lish­ment of a spe­cial tri­bu­nal to inves­ti­ga­te and pro­se­cu­te the crime of aggres­si­on com­mit­ted by the lea­ders­hip of the Rus­si­an Fede­ra­ti­on against Ukrai­ne; rei­tera­tes its call on the Com­mis­si­on, the Coun­cil and the Euro­pean Exter­nal Action Ser­vice to pro­vi­de all poli­ti­cal, finan­cial and prac­ti­cal sup­port necessa­ry for the estab­lish­ment of a spe­cial tri­bu­nal; expres­ses its full sup­port for the Inter­na­tio­nal Cent­re for the Pro­se­cu­ti­on of the Crime of Aggres­si­on in Ukrai­ne, based in The Hague and sup­por­ting the ongo­ing efforts of the Joint Inves­ti­ga­ti­on Team, as a first con­cre­te step towards the estab­lish­ment of the spe­cial tribunal;

And if not -- every social media com­pa­ny will have you remo­ved algorithmically.

So this is truth - by decree.

480 votes in favor, 58 against with 48 abstentions.

At least it final­ly is a list of bul­let­points of what the EU cur­r­ent­ly con­si­ders “rus­si­an misinformation”.

I always asked for one - so now its final­ly here.

Also might I add, that I ful­ly under­stand by now, why goog­le, face­book and Twit­ter, in the US said “fuck off” to that - and we will not comply.

In Euro­pe they are still made to adhe­re to the EU ver­si­on of “truth at war­ti­mes”, so your future postings on all tho­se issu­es will be deleted.

Its a social jus­ti­ce war­ri­ors dream come true.

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