72 days of Kafka

28. Januar 2022

17.11.2021: Sky News UK talks to the ukrai­ni­an ambassa­dor to the United King­dom, Vadym Prystaiko:

At 7:30 in:

Vadym Prys­ta­iko: “What I’m here to say [is], that [the] ukra­ni­an pipe­line could pro­vi­de [the] euro­pean uni­on, all euro­pean nati­ons with the gas easi­ly. We have enough capa­ci­ty. For the rus­si­ans are doing this -- they [are] just rather wea­po­nizing the gas.”

Sky News: “But you think that this is the play by Rus­sia to get this pipe­line appro­ved, and then perhaps they’d back off?”

Vadym Prys­ta­iko: “Obvious­ly they will use this gas, they wont use [the] ukrai­ni­an pipe­line, which will untie their hands in Ukrai­ne, in the ukrai­ni­ni­an cam­pai­gn, which is yet ano­t­her risk [for] a real mili­ta­ry invasion.”

Sky­news: “Are you worried about the ger­man atti­tu­de to this, I mean the pipe­line, in the main will start sup­ply­ing ger­ma­ny. We hear that out­go­ing chan­cellor Ange­la Mer­kel has con­ti­nuing decent rela­ti­ons with the krem­lin and that in actu­al fact has over­rid­den pre­si­dent Biden in his oppo­si­ti­on to North Stream 2?”

Vadym Prys­ta­iko: “I am worry­ing, becau­se the ger­mans were not under­stan­ding, for all the­se years and years. They tried it [?] befo­re. I remem­ber the pre­de­ces­sor of mother Mer­kel who pro­mi­sed to help us with that, but then beca­me a depu­ty chief of gas­prom hims­elf. So when we are tal­king about ger­mans, we have to under­stand how clo­se­ly they are con­nec­ted eco­no­mi­c­al­ly to rus­si­ans, and how much of their own cal­cu­la­ti­ons of whats going on in their neigh­bor­hood actual­ly depends on rus­si­an gas, or some­thing else from the rus­si­an federation.”

src: click

72 days later:

28.01.2022: NPR talks to the spo­kes­man for the United Sta­tes Depart­ment of Sta­te, Ned Price:

I want to be very clear: if Rus­sia inva­des Ukrai­ne one way or ano­t­her, Nord Stream 2 will not move for­ward,” Pri­ce told Natio­nal Public Radio. “I’m not going to get into the spe­ci­fics. We will work with Ger­ma­ny to ensu­re it does not move forward.”

src: click

Someo­ne paint me the through­li­ne here.

1. Did Rus­sia esca­la­te mili­ta­ry ten­si­ons to get North Stream 2 appro­ved? Ans­wer: [Implied: Yes - Then expli­ci­tly:] Well obvious­ly it redu­ces their invol­ve­ment in day to day poli­tics in the Ukrai­ne, which is ano­t­her risk for invasion.

Mea­ning - rus­sia esca­la­ted ten­si­ons, to get North Stream 2 appro­ved (wait what?!), so it can deco­u­p­le from Ukrai­ne eco­no­mi­c­al­ly, which incre­a­ses the risk of inva­si­on? So this isnt about Rus­sia wan­ting to pre­vent Ukrai­ne from beco­m­ing a Nato part­ner, becau­se Ukrai­ne wants Rus­sia invol­ved in their domestic poli­tics, which would pre­vent them from (most likely - ever) beco­m­ing a Nato mem­ber state?

Reflec­ting on the ECFRs posi­ti­on of “Euro­pe needs to deco­u­p­le from Rus­si­as ener­gy mar­kets long­term”, this means, what?

2. It’s bet­ter for lower mili­ta­ry ten­si­ons in the Ukrai­ne, to have Rus­sia invol­ved actively in their day to day poli­tics for as long as possible?

It’s bet­ter for lower poli­ti­cal ten­si­ons in the Ukrai­ne, to have Rus­sia invol­ved in their day to day poli­tics for as long as possible?

If Rus­sia inva­des in the Ukrai­ne, the US will make sure, that North Stream 2 never is ope­ned, so rus­si­an gas com­ing into the EU has to go through the ukrai­ni­an pipe­line, not redu­cing through­put - but incre­a­sing Ukrai­nes poli­ti­cal depen­den­cy on Rus­sia? Rus­si­as poli­ti­cal depen­den­cy on Ukrai­ne? Redu­cing the EUs poli­ti­cal depen­den­cy on Russia?

I thought Rus­sia esca­la­ted the con­flict to get Nord Stream 2 appro­ved? *sar­casm*

3. In actu­al fact, Ger­ma­ny has over­rid­den Bidens con­cerns (Wait, and Ted Cruz sent the memo?) on North Stream 2 to ensu­re, that it beco­mes active.

In actu­al fact, the United Sta­tes Depart­ment of Sta­te has over­rid­den Ger­ma­nys con­cerns on North Stream 2 to ensu­re, that it never beco­mes active.

Nach­trag: Tat­säch­lich. Das alles muss wohl so sein, denn die öster­rei­chi­sche Qua­li­täts­zei­tung der Stan­dard fin­det schon wie­der auf wun­der­sa­me Wei­se Kom­men­ta­to­ren (vom Insti­tu­te for Euro-Atlantic Coope­ra­ti­on) die dafür eine ganz ein­fa­che Erklä­rung haben:

Ent­ge­gen sei­nen Reden ficht Putin nicht die Nato-Erweiterung an, son­dern das Recht der Ukrai­ne, selbst­be­stimmt Ent­schei­dun­gen zu tref­fen und Bünd­nis­se zu schmie­den, die dem Land zu einem Auf­schwung verhelfen.

src: click

Alles klar jetzt?

Nach­trag 2: Es wird noch bes­ser - Nach­dem die US auf NPR ges­tern “ange­kün­digt” hat eine Red Line “North Stream 2 kommt nicht, wenn eine Inva­si­on der Ukrai­ne statt­fin­det” mit den euro­päi­schen Part­nern “zu ver­han­deln”, und zwar so - dass man sich sicher sein kann - dass das in der Form kommt und gilt, egal was die Euro­pä­er sagen - hat jetzt eine ehe­ma­li­ge Spre­che­rin des US Außen­mi­nis­te­ri­ums ange­kün­digt, dass dies eine gemein­sa­me Posi­ti­on der US und der EU sei.
(DW: US and Ger­ma­ny step up pipe­line warnings to Rus­sia”)

Euro­news hat das aktu­ell mit “Washing­ton droht Mos­kau mit dem Ende der Gas-Pipeline” im Ticker. Es gibt bis jetzt noch kein State­ment eines Regie­rungs­ver­ant­wort­li­chen in Deutsch­land, oder auf EU Ebe­ne dazu. DW über­nimmt es, ohne Quel­len im Euro­päi­schen oder Deut­schen Raum zu nen­nen, und schal­tet anstatt des­sen zu einem Kor­re­spon­den­ten in Kiev, und die tat­säch­li­che Ände­rung der Posi­ti­on ent­spricht der Grö­ßen­ord­nung von “vor eini­gen Tagen spricht Biden noch von Unter­schie­den zwi­schen einer klei­nen und einer grö­ße­ren Inva­si­on”, und “Deutsch­lands Posi­ti­on bis dato war, dass es sich bei Nord Stream 2 um ein Wirt­schafts­pro­jekt hand­le, und es nicht von poli­ti­schen Sank­tio­nen betrof­fen sein würde”.

Was hat die­se Posi­ti­on geän­dert? Mora­li­sche Argu­men­te? Dürf­te die die Euro­päi­sche Bevöl­ke­rung auch mal hören, oder…

Nein? Ok - dann halt nicht. Eine ehe­ma­li­ge Spre­che­rin des US Außen­mi­nis­te­ri­ums reicht ja völ­lig… (DW dazu: “A clea­rer pic­tu­re is emer­ging.” Deus Ex machi­na. Nie­mand wars. Plötz­lich wars da. Es gebiert sich sozu­sa­gen aus dem Schau­me der Bran­dung selbst.) Nach­fra­gen wie sie denn dazu kommt das anzu­neh­men von US Repor­ter­kol­le­gen wur­den abge­schmet­tert. Sie­he Link.

Nach­trag 3: BBC to the res­cue:

Ques­ti­ons remain over how the US could stop it (‘it’ being NS2 in Under Secreta­ry of Sta­te for Poli­ti­cal Affairs, Vic­to­ria Nulands state­ment that “If Rus­sia inva­des in Ukrai­ne, one way or ano­t­her, Nord Stream 2 will not move for­ward”, and that being a joint posi­ti­on of the US and the EU) but its the kind of bul­lish talk one nort­hern euro­pean Nato ally thinks is their best bet at stop­ping an attack.”

What a nice SNAFUUS tal­ked to one nort­hern euro­pean nati­on (won­der which one), then went in front of the press and announ­ced, that this would be “the joint euro­pean posi­ti­on”, when it was­n’t. One nati­on, the EU - what does it mat­ter, right?

Nach­trag 4: Die offi­zi­el­le Posi­ti­on Deutsch­lands ver­bleibt aktu­ell beim State­ment von Baer­bock von vor zwei Tagen, dass die Zukunft von Nord Stream 2 ein Teil einer brei­ten Rei­he an Sank­tio­nen auf Rus­si­sche Aggres­sio­nen sein könn­te. Sie­he: click

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