
22. März 2022

During jus­ti­ce ques­ti­ons, [UK] jus­ti­ce secreta­ry Domi­nic Raab admit­ted that ‘the­re will not be a peace­ful sett­le­ment’ with Vla­di­mir Putin fol­lowing his inva­si­on of Ukraine.

This fol­lo­wed Labour’s Bar­ry Sheer­man asking the secreta­ry if the UK “are real­ly going to let Rus­sia get away with it”.

Raab made it clear to the House that “the­re can­not be a brushing under the car­pet of atro­ci­ties com­mit­ted now or in the future”.

src: click

Far from this being a state­ment of unwil­ling­ness to nego­tia­te a peace sett­le­ment under any cir­cum­s­tan­ces, of course.

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