Chomsky is going to town..

08. April 2022

Delight­ful. For me at least. 🙂

Watch at 1.25x speed, Chom­sky beco­mes more par­se­ab­le then, in his old age.

Also two additions.

Rea­son for “but why den­azi­fi­ca­ti­on, that always ‘mis­sed’ ” for some rea­son, could be assu­med to be, that you need a pro­pa­gan­da pre­text to have peop­le, all of a sud­den shoot at their ‘bro­ther­ly neigh­bors’ - or at anyo­ne real­ly. Look up dehu­ma­niz­a­ti­on in war­fa­re in any lexi­con, really.

If I hear the “but how can rus­sia be trus­ted at all, after it vio­la­ted the peace gua­ran­tee it gave to Ukrai­ne as a basis for nuclear dis­ar­ma­ment!” stance one more time, I’ll just stand up and lea­ve the room. How could rus­sia be trus­ted tomor­row, or in a signi­fi­cant­ly wea­ke­ned sta­te, or two years from now, or as a chi­ne­se satel­li­te sta­te, or… Now draw up the likely num­bers of lives lost in each sce­n­a­rio, and com­pa­re them to your “I feel can now be trus­ted indi­ca­tor” you just made up based on your per­so­nal fee­lings about a man. But the cra­zy Putin though! Plea­se quan­ti­fy. Once that sunk in, lets agree on figu­ring this one out along the way, befo­re we only have one per­son left stan­ding in a zero sum game con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on - to the end.

I mean I under­stand how hating the new Nazis, no - I mean the new rus­si­an ones, has beco­me all chic and stuff, but come on… Turn on your logi­cal faci­li­ties at right around this point in the argu­ment, wont you?

edit: New pro­blem as of yes­ter­day: Nazis on all sides. Figh­t­ing against Nazis on all other sides. Spea­king in par­lia­ments, get­ting shun­ned for being Nazis. (via fefe) edit3: One more Nazi.

edit2: As a con­trast, you can watch Zei­han again. 🙂

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