Cynicism, idiocy… what else?

18. April 2022

Does­n’t even work as shock and awe -

Krem­lin is not just cal­ling war cri­mes fake but now pro­mo­ting the accu­sed. Putin has now awar­ded the 64th motor rif­le bri­ga­de the tit­le of “Guards.” It was among the units that was repor­ted to be ope­ra­ting in Bucha.

src: click

Text of the decree trans­la­ted using

On awar­ding the hono­ra­ry tit­le of the 64th Inde­pen­dent Moto­ri­zed Rif­le Brigade

For total hero­ism and valor, forti­tu­de and cou­ra­ge, shown by the per­son­nel of the bri­ga­de in com­bat actions to defend the home­land and sta­te inte­rests during the armed con­flicts, I her­eby decree:

1. To award the 64th sepa­ra­te moto­ri­zed rif­le bri­ga­de the hono­ra­ry tit­le “Guards” and hence­forth to call it: 64th sepa­ra­te Guards moto­ri­zed rif­le brigade.

2. This Decree shall enter into for­ce on the date of its signing.

It’s also not the case that tho­se pro­mo­ti­ons would be a regu­lar occur­rence sin­ce the war star­ted, lists four given out in total.

edit: Pre­emp­ti­ve action to sof­ten the blow of the the ICJ exami­na­ti­on results being published?

edit2: Rus­si­an for­ces have star­ted the batt­le for Don­bas, Zelen­sky says

edit3: Here is ano­t­her pos­si­bi­li­ty. Rus­si­an inter­nal pro­pa­gan­da messaging. (Sol­di­ers came to ‘libe­ra­te Butscha’, now so many dead peop­le - what hap­pen­ed? Yes - but (as so often with Pro­pa­gan­da) it was all the enemy (doing it to them­sel­ves). ‘Bra­ve rus­si­an sol­di­ers endu­red it, they’­ve been through hell’.) Other­wi­se old ladies might be con­fu­sed, whe­re the bodys came from. see: click

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