Alleine der Aushandlungsprozess zeigt ja die demokratische Reife der Ukraine

08. April 2024

Was war geschehen?

Selen­skyj hat in einer Nacht und Nebel Akti­on die seit zehn Mona­ten kol­por­tier­te und immer wie­der demen­tier­te Sen­kung des Ein­be­ru­fungs­al­ters als “etwas wor­über wir nicht ger­ne reden, aber jetzt auch not­wen­dig war und beschlos­sen wur­de” medi­al “vor­ge­stellt”, aber eher so am Ende der täg­li­chen Pressemitteilungen.

Hier die Inter­fax Meldung:

Zelen­sky signed the law on lowe­ring the mobi­liz­a­ti­on age from 27 to 25

This fol­lows from the card of the draft law on amend­ments to the Law of Ukrai­ne “On Mili­ta­ry Duty and Mili­ta­ry Ser­vice” on the web­site of the Ver­k­hov­na Rada.

As repor­ted, on May 30, 2023, the Ver­k­hov­na Rada of Ukrai­ne adop­ted in the first rea­ding as a basis and in gene­ral the draft law on amend­ments to the Law of Ukrai­ne “On Mili­ta­ry Duty and Mili­ta­ry Ser­vice” (reg. No. 9281). The law was deve­lo­ped with the aim of redu­cing the maxi­mum age of citi­zens on the mili­ta­ry regis­tra­ti­on of con­scripts from 27 to 25 years of age.

As men­tio­ned, in the case of lowe­ring the maxi­mum con­scrip­ti­on age to 25 years, the con­scrip­ti­on com­mis­si­ons will have enough time (one to three years) to rea­li­ze the ful­fill­ment of mili­ta­ry duty by citi­zens of Ukrai­ne and con­script them for term mili­ta­ry ser­vice. At the same time, the pre­sence of citi­zens on the mili­ta­ry regis­ter of con­scripts under the age of 27 and the need for their annu­al arri­val at the ter­ri­to­ri­al recruit­ment and social sup­port cen­ters in order to con­firm the right to post­po­ne­ment of the draft, as well as pas­sing medi­cal exami­na­ti­ons (exami­na­ti­ons), leads to signi­fi­cant finan­cial and mate­ri­al costs.

src: click (

[Inter­fax [UA] was for­med on 24 Novem­ber 1992, the year fol­lowing Ukraine’s 1991 inde­pen­dence, by a team of 10 peop­le in Khar­kiv.[7] In 1993 the agen­cy moved to Kyiv.[7] src: click]

Adop­ted in the first rea­ding! Pre­sen­ted to the public by releasing the signed pro­vi­si­ons! Online!

Hier die Mel­dung in Le Monde:

On Tues­day, April 2, Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­sky signed a seri­es of pro­vi­si­ons desi­gned to expand and impro­ve the Ukrai­ni­an army’s mobi­liz­a­ti­on capa­bi­li­ties at a time when it is struggling on all the front lines. The most important of the­se con­cerns lowe­ring the age at which Ukrai­ni­ans may be cal­led up to fight, from 27 to 25. The president’s signa­tu­re of the bill had been pen­ding for 10 mon­ths, fol­lowing a majo­ri­ty vote in the Ver­k­hov­na Rada, the Ukrai­ni­an par­lia­ment, at the end of May 2023.

Lowe­ring the legal age is one of the key mea­su­res of a broa­der bill aimed at reforming the con­di­ti­ons for mobi­liz­a­ti­on. The bill, which has been the sub­ject of hea­ted deba­te wit­hin Ukrai­ni­an socie­ty, also aims to allow sol­di­ers to app­ly for demo­bi­liz­a­ti­on after 36 mon­ths’ ser­vice, and to intro­du­ce admi­nis­tra­ti­ve sanc­tions against draft dodgers.

src: click

Das ist noch was wofür es sich zu kämp­fen lohnt, die­ser DEMOKRATISCHE Aus­hand­lungs­pro­zess! Vor 10 Mona­ten andeu­ten, dass es kommt. Dann 10 Mona­te so tun als kom­me es nicht. Und es dann als wir haben es jetzt eh beschlos­sen unter fer­ner lie­fen über die Ver­öf­fent­li­chung eines Geset­zes­texts an die Medi­en rausgeben.

Da will ich doch dass das mei­ne Kin­der mor­gen auch noch so erle­ben können!

Nur west­li­che Demo­kra­tien kön­nen die­sen Pro­zess so garantieren!

Gut, jetzt ist die Nach­richt ja schon eini­ge Tage alt - gibts dazu heu­te viel­leicht etwas neues?

Aber natür­lich:

08.04.2024 - 13:56:

The law on mobi­liz­a­ti­on should be voted on by par­lia­ment in the com­ing days, Ukrai­ni­an Pre­si­dent Volo­dym­yr Zelen­skyy believes.

We are tal­king to par­lia­ment so that they vote on the rele­vant law in the com­ing days. This is very important. And it is not at all respon­si­ble what they are doing,” he said in an inter­view shown on Satur­day during the Telemarafon.

Zelen­skyy also added that “MPs should not expect applau­se for their populism.”

In his opi­ni­on, “with this law, the Rus­si­ans mana­ged to rai­se the ques­ti­on that our peop­le are not rea­dy to con­ti­nue defen­ding the sta­te. And today the West asks us: if you don’t want mobi­liz­a­ti­on, the par­lia­ment does­n’t want to vote, then why do you need help?”

src: Zelen­skyy: Law on mobi­liz­a­ti­on should be voted on in com­ing days (

Nur in Demokratien!

Und dass die Bes­ten der Bes­ten ihren Weg zum deut­schen Bun­des­heer neh­men, ver­steht sich natür­lich von selbst.

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