Anne Applebaum in front of a Swiss audience

30. November 2024

Let me see if I can get the struc­tu­re of her argu­ment right.

If we all act like good human beings.
If most of us act like good human beings.
If some of us act like good human bein­gs, most of the time.

We can - yeah, I dont know what. Make it har­der for auto­cra­ci­es to laun­der money? Pro­mo­te Demo­cra­cy bet­ter? Act like the bible told us to? Live lives without sin? Make the glo­bal finan­cial sys­tem work as inten­ded (homo oeco­no­mic­us)? Beco­me the defac­to rulers of the world again?

And for that we only need:

- More Demo­cra­cy pro­mo­ti­on - lets talk about this more in our uni­ver­si­ties that mir­ror Face­book most likes gets the job echo chambers.
- More action from Euro­pe and Japan.
- The pro­mo­ti­on of our libe­ral world order, which doesnt exist any­mo­re. (see: Eric Gujer)

For this to make any sen­se struc­tu­ral­ly - Ann App­le­baum only nee­ded to cher­ry­pick that rus­sia is ban­ning ukrai­ni­an songs, but not that ukrai­ne ban­ned rus­si­an songs in june of 2022, so she could string tog­e­ther her con­struct of what dic­ta­tors do.

For that struc­tu­ra­ly to make sen­se she just nee­ded to tell that yes - much of that money laun­de­ring is done in Dela­ware and other US districts, but hey - cur­r­ent­ly we have Trump, so if just the Euro­peans could be a bit more for­ward, and cut their finan­cial ties with Chi­na, not just Rus­sia, that would be so proac­tively acti­vistic, … Thank you!

What are we try­ing to do here?

- Oh “all money tran­sac­tions should be able to be loo­ked at by the US, becau­se the only peop­le that dont want that are peop­le that have some­thing to hide”…

Let me tell you once more, what hap­pen­ed, when that sto­ry got lin­ked to an actu­al path of action on behalf of the Biden admi­nis­tra­ti­on. So - we need to live like good value based demo­cra­ci­es, so we can attain the real bene­fit of dri­ving out tho­se hor­ri­ble chi­ne­se slave hand­lers out of chi­ne­se cobalt mines in Afri­ca, becau­se then we can build demo­cra­cy the­re, and attain key resour­ces and pro­mo­te that good local growth.

Euro­pean stu­dents, ori­gi­na­ting from the glo­bal south, star­ted to laugh. Then star­ted to cur­se. Then left the room.

Das IWM­Vi­en­na gibt noch mal bekannt wo es ideo­lo­gisch steht

Fol­low up:

From the head of the office of sanc­tions coor­di­na­ti­on at the United Sta­tes sta­te depart­ment to the lips of Macron in one and a half months.

This is what hap­pens if you dont have any ratio­nal, never mind cri­ti­cal thin­king at uni­ver­si­ties anymore.

We all be good some, I mean most of the time - and that will chan­ge the world, becau­se if euro­pe and the US and Japan just band tog­e­ther enough for as long as the US doenst want iso­la­tio­nism, and ramp up their own eco­no­my with wha­te­ver deve­lo­p­men­tal gap is left bet­ween us an Mexi­co -- we can sell that as the good world, vs the evil world!”

Wait, whe­re have I seen the “If we only be good most of the time, we can chan­ge the world” con­cept the last time - oh yeah, cli­ma­te chan­ge. Kee­ping the most affec­ted coun­tries away from 3/4ths of the money that should be allo­ca­ted to them accord­ing to the good math we did. Let­ting “green oil” back in at the cli­ma­te sum­mits in Sau­di Ara­bia and Baku.

Fuck it, let Ann App­le­baum can­cel capi­ta­lism while shes at it, becau­se it harnes­ses the dri­ve of peop­le to lie and cheat for their own benefit.

Now all you need is a Book Pri­ce from the Deut­sche Buch­han­del in the Pauls­kir­che, and an audi­ence of 80 year olds scratching at hea­vens door -- and for Trump not to be pre­si­dent, and for the bra­zi­li­an stu­dent not lea­ving the room laug­hing, and for no one to point out that your through­li­ne was cher­ry­pi­cked, and your alle­go­ries fall apart, as soon as someo­ne says, wait a minu­te, US out­lets picked up the rus­si­an pro­pa­gan­da sto­ry as well! So do you know why chi­ne­se media car­ri­ed it at first, or did you just have an idea, that fit with your pre­vious idea? And then you told ever­yo­ne they did that becau­se it allo­wed them to make the Ukrai­ne war less good vs evil, and stay more ambiguous.

We would never do that in a Demo­cra­cy. We pro­noun­ced Putin Hit­ler exact­ly on May the 10th 2022 in the fol­lowing Stan­dard Com­men­ta­ry by Anton Pelinka:

Were we cal­led Paci­fism shit, and igno­red the “Pel­in­ka zieht fal­sche his­to­ri­sche Ver­glei­che” in the Comments to under­line how won­der­ful­ly won­der­ful wes­tern Demo­cra­ci­es are. Befo­re Isra­el went geno­ci­dal in Palestine.

Wie man bei einem sol­chen Dreck klat­schen kann, wis­sen auch nur über 80 Jäh­ri­ge Boo­mer, die bes­ser in die Pau­kls­kir­che gewa­ckelt wären, um noch ein funk­tio­nie­ren­des gesell­schaft­li­ches Sozi­al­ge­fü­ge zu faken.

An Got­tes katho­li­schem Wesen, soll die Welt gene­sen. Dan­ke Ann App­le­baum, für dei­nen Input durch cher­ry­pi­cking. Dei­ne Uni hats dir nach­ge­se­hen. Dei­ne Stu­den­ten haben ihr Maul gehal­ten. Ein paar 80 Jäh­ri­ge Schwei­zer haben geklatscht, was will man mehr im Leben.

Fuck off.

Lass dich noch ein wenig von Polen für dei­nen poli­ti­schen Ein­fluss in den US aus­nut­zen, aber bit­te erspar uns den Rest.

edit: Yes, yes - but when con­fron­ted with the facts, let me, Anne App­le­baum just sta­te that Olaf Schol­zes speech on the Zei­ten­wen­de was a very good speech, in which he unders­tood the pro­found chan­ge and -- if we could just do what I’m pro­mo­ting, the gates of hea­ven will be open to all of us!

Fuck off.

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