Brain goes puff

27. Februar 2022

Zuck exp­lains that Social Media is not causing pola­ri­sa­ti­on and the fas­ter dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of nega­tively con­no­ta­ted con­tent, igno­ring the respon­si­bi­li­ty part of the gate­kee­per model (“that would be a fasci­na­ting dis­cus­sion though, to go over with you what we are doing here, so lets not do that”), but he has a sci­en­tist, that doesnt belie­ve thats the case.


Stan­dard: Putin is Hit­ler, other­wi­se her care­er is over. So is that now socie­ty in gene­ral - or… Let’s talk about deplat­forming next. Gre­at or just won­der­ful? Self cen­so­ring, becau­se of sin­gu­lar (vir­tu­al) identities?

But no, Zuck has found a fix, bio­metric secu­ri­ty on head­sets, eye­tracking for adver­ti­sing pur­po­ses, spa­cial audio, becau­se Play­sta­ti­on did it, vir­tu­al mee­ting rooms, becau­se of the pan­de­mic, and a future whe­re peop­le arent sup­po­sed to tra­vel any­mo­re -- but hes not about making money short term, no - hes thin­king hard about com­plex issu­es. NFT vir­tu­al clot­hing would be worth more, when it can move across dif­fe­rent plat­forms (sure, in agree­ment, thats why NFTs are pushed, and will com­ple­te­ly remo­ve unau­the­ri­zed dis­tri­bu­ti­on, if con­nec­ted to bio­metric ID), and if AI could morph it to fit all ava­tars ima­gin­ab­le, the desi­gner job would be so much easier! (And lower cost.) Sor­ry, are we tal­king about socie­ty here, or about the future of the quick fashion industry?

Is the­re any buz­z­wor­dy trend he didnt pick up to exp­lain how socie­ty will look like in the future?

Oh, lets clo­ne Tik­tok, the value add of our ser­vice is just grand­mas pics of their grand­child­ren and ecom­mer­ce pre­sen­ces (I’m sure Tik­tok is the best plat­form ima­gin­ab­le for socie­tal… Sor­ry, cant think of what word comes next.) - and look at the value add, of mili­ta­ry stra­te­gists pos­ting their ana­ly­sis on Lin­kedIn - becau­se thats the only form of mass com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on they are signed up for, so Jour­na­lists are now craw­ling that, and then may­be print our own cur­ren­cy. While tracking your emo­tio­nal expres­si­ons and eye­mo­ve­ment. And then play the ent­i­re - “I think peop­le are making logic jumps”, when they are say­ing social media enab­led fake­news, trumpism, the popu­la­riz­a­ti­on of aut­ho­ria­nism (Hold the Line - Maria Ressa’s Nobel Pri­ce Speech)… - or that you had a team of 7 peop­le to do human rights vio­la­ti­ons miti­ga­ti­on across your ent­i­re platform.

What could go wrong, real­ly - when you now have the metric “smi­les not enough” and sell that against ad-revenue. Oh, oh … and peop­le buy­ing NFT trinkets.

Oh, and I love the com­ment, that you focus on doing the mee­ting expe­ri­ence right, and “bet­ter than Zoom”, you know, with pres­su­re sen­si­ti­ve gloves, to feel the table. To get it to the main­stream fas­ter. Becau­se thats just what Gates ack­now­led­ged. That this is the future growth sec­tor. And you are ful­ly thin­king about social implications.

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