CNN is just now pushing a monocausal explaination

06. März 2022

for the war.

This one might be just enough non mono cau­sal, though.

Oh and its what con­ser­va­ti­ve dads usual­ly tell them­sel­ves in terms of child education.

Oh, and what a Femen acti­vist told Aus­tri­ans about a week ago.

Femen-Aktivistin Schewt­schen­ko: “Putin ist nicht plötz­lich ver­rückt geworden”
Die in Paris im Exil leben­de Ukrai­ne­rin Inna Schewt­schen­ko wirft der EU vor, Putins Krieg gegen demo­kra­ti­sche Wer­te lan­ge igno­riert zu haben. Jetzt brau­che es Waf­fen und huma­ni­tä­re Hilfe

src: click

You tell me the path of infor­ma­ti­on dis­se­mi­na­ti­on on that one.

Pro­bab­ly sounds good, and easy to remem­ber and repeat, right? With a ker­nel of truth.

Oh, and CNN is also inter­viewing a rus­si­an news direc­tor, who knows how mil­li­ons of rus­si­ans feel. Mil­li­ons! Thats at least more than a million!

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