DW has found much fake news yet [sic!]

27. Februar 2022

A video of an accor­di­on folk dance, and some cap­tures of the video­ga­me Arma 3. A video from an air­show. Oh and an embarr­as­sing mista­ke by bild.de. Oh, and an explo­si­on video. Be care­ful what you share!

No serious­ly, be care­ful what you share.


Wäh­rend in der Ukrai­ne hef­ti­ge Kämp­fe mit unge­wis­sem Aus­gang toben, hat sich das Blatt im vir­tu­el­len Raum bereits gewen­det. Die gefürch­te­ten Cyber­trup­pen Russ­lands spie­len in die­sem Krieg bis jetzt kei­ne Rol­le, in den sozia­len Netz­wer­ken sind die rus­si­schen Troll-Armeen samt ihren rechts­ex­tre­men Alli­ier­ten aus dem Wes­ten rest­los in der Defensive.

src: click (Autor ist Moechel)


Rus­sia has appar­ent­ly ren­de­red Face­book lar­ge­ly unus­able across lea­ding Rus­si­an telecom­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons pro­vi­ders amid rising fric­tion bet­ween Moscow and the social media platform.

The London-based inter­net moni­tor Net­Blocks reports that Facebook’s net­work of content-distribution ser­vers in Rus­sia was so bad­ly restric­ted Sunday that “con­tent no lon­ger loads, or loads extre­me­ly slow­ly making the plat­forms unusable.”

Rus­si­an telecoms regu­la­tor Rosk­om­nadzor on Fri­day announ­ced plans to “par­ti­al­ly restrict” access to Facebook.


The Twit­ter and Face­book restric­tions can be cir­cum­ven­ted insi­de Rus­sia using VPN software

src: click

edit: 28.02.:

Meta has blo­cked an influ­ence ope­ra­ti­on with ties to a rus­si­an net­work in the Don­bas regi­on, that was sprea­ding the ide­as, that the west was betray­ing Ukrai­ne, and Ukrai­ne being a fai­led sta­te. The net­work reached appro­xi­mate­ly 4500 followers.

Addi­tio­nal­ly Meta is warning, that some accounts might be com­pro­mi­sed, with no fur­ther details on num­bers or impact.

We do have a sen­se that Ghost­wri­ters did suc­cess­ful­ly com­pro­mi­se some accounts on the Face­book plat­form,” Glei­cher said”

src: click

edit: Mimi­ka­ma arbei­tet in die­sen Tagen laut dem Stan­dard auf Hoch­tou­ren, hier der direct link auf ihre Fak­ten­check Kategorie.

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