A video of an accordion folk dance, and some captures of the videogame Arma 3. A video from an airshow. Oh and an embarrassing mistake by bild.de. Oh, and an explosion video. Be careful what you share!
No seriously, be careful what you share.
Während in der Ukraine heftige Kämpfe mit ungewissem Ausgang toben, hat sich das Blatt im virtuellen Raum bereits gewendet. Die gefürchteten Cybertruppen Russlands spielen in diesem Krieg bis jetzt keine Rolle, in den sozialen Netzwerken sind die russischen Troll-Armeen samt ihren rechtsextremen Alliierten aus dem Westen restlos in der Defensive.
src: click (Autor ist Moechel)
Russia has apparently rendered Facebook largely unusable across leading Russian telecommunications providers amid rising friction between Moscow and the social media platform.
The London-based internet monitor NetBlocks reports that Facebook’s network of content-distribution servers in Russia was so badly restricted Sunday that “content no longer loads, or loads extremely slowly making the platforms unusable.”
Russian telecoms regulator Roskomnadzor on Friday announced plans to “partially restrict” access to Facebook.
The Twitter and Facebook restrictions can be circumvented inside Russia using VPN software
src: click
edit: 28.02.:
Meta has blocked an influence operation with ties to a russian network in the Donbas region, that was spreading the ideas, that the west was betraying Ukraine, and Ukraine being a failed state. The network reached approximately 4500 followers.
Additionally Meta is warning, that some accounts might be compromised, with no further details on numbers or impact.
“We do have a sense that Ghostwriters did successfully compromise some accounts on the Facebook platform,” Gleicher said”
src: click
edit: Mimikama arbeitet in diesen Tagen laut dem Standard auf Hochtouren, hier der direct link auf ihre Faktencheck Kategorie.