Fake laughs, fake arguments

06. Juni 2022

- Know who to put in any given room. Know, that the audi­ence might not be able to pre­sent an argu­ment ful­ly, play off of that… I lear­ned a bunch today.


Some of us are loo­king at the situa­ti­on - ful­ly, gra­nu­lar­ly. Without the con­cep­tu­al argu­ments of “what would be nee­ded to still respect and fear an inte­rest group after some­thing unpre­ce­den­ted hap­pen­ed in their sphe­re of influ­ence” (“lets teach them a les­son”), becau­se, values…, of cour­se, values - values, human rights, and the rest of the uni­que­ly wes­tern con­cepts (?) you werent pre­pa­red to com­pro­mi­se on in 2014, or ear­lier. But what a mista­ke that was, right? Spea­king of realpolitics…

Here, have the mul­ti­lin­gu­al guy at Davos sum­ma­ri­ze all the values for you. At once!

Values and real­po­li­tics, they go tog­e­ther like but­ter and honey. This has not­hing to do with punis­hing an enti­ty that atta­cked them in your immedia­te sphe­re of influ­ence. Not­hing with making an examp­le out of a situa­ti­on, so that no one ever dares to again… Sor­ry, I was tal­king values a second ago, I think. Like in 2014, but that was a mista­ke. No - no, values of cour­se, I’m cer­tain of it now. It must have been values that geo­po­li­tics is based on. Just lis­ten to the guy in the “The print” video. “He pro­bab­ly didnt defend demo­cra­tic values as stron­gly as he should have in the past but, …”

See, its all about who you put in a given room at a time.

edit: Sum­me­ry for tho­se who dont watch: The US enters wars late, becau­se its still slee­py. It then acts like a Poker play­er (advan­ta­ges in uneven game theo­ry con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons) becau­se it is slee­py. It doesnt want a Hege­mon in sou­the­ast asia, becau­se thats natu­ral. It left afgha­ni­stan and iraq without con­tin­gen­cy plans of who would take over the power vacu­um (it didnt by the way but…) becau­se the new pre­si­dent did’t like it. Infor­mal inter­na­tio­nal rela­ti­ons­hips without con­tracts are the new “gre­at”, becau­se india isnt as com­pli­ca­ted as euro­pe whe­re ever­yo­ne wants to build a Nato or struc­tures like that. (Gor­bat­schow loves infor­mal con­tracts…) In india - geo­po­li­tics would be much more per­so­nal, this is more modern, this is more fle­xi­ble, this is the wave of the future. The Washing­ton Post cor­re­spon­dent tea­ching a class of young geo­po­li­ti­cal stra­te­gists then goes into a com­pa­ri­son on why some­ti­mes arran­ged mar­ria­ges are bet­ter than love mar­ria­ges, becau­se you then only find out later that the per­son is real­ly someo­ne else entirely. 

Know your audi­ence, know the room you are in. Know their level of edu­ca­ti­on. Then pro­noun­ce com­mon values.

A tea­cher at the side that always just nods with his head hel­ps. End with -- the ame­ri­can indian geo­po­li­ti­cal rela­ti­ons­hip will deepen over time, not becau­se we actively want it to, but we have so many mutu­al inte­rests, whe­re it sim­ply is bene­fi­cial. Then remind ever­yo­ne of your long las­ting histo­ry, and the com­mon enemy in the bri­tish with whom you are in the five eyes alli­an­ce, becau­se no one in the world wants them back in a hege­mo­ni­al role anymore. 

Tell them that Kis­sin­ger and Chom­sky often hold the same opi­ni­on (they don’t click), when they ask a dif­fi­cult ques­ti­on, then side­li­ne both of those.

Then tell them that it is very important for mutu­al under­stan­ding to have stu­dent exchan­ge pro­grams, and that they should dock on at ame­ri­can indian friendship insti­tu­tes to catch a few free semes­ters abroad.

And when they ask about non demo­cra­tic ten­den­ci­es, tell them, that for­eign poli­tics isnt like a for­mu­la, its much more free flow, whe­re ever­yo­ne is bound to make mista­kes some­ti­mes, but you have to find your own con­vic­tion on who is right, and then try to do it bet­ter the next time around.

Thats - youth education.

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